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74 lines (54 loc) · 3.9 KB

Coverage analysis


HiFi and ONT reads were aligned to the assembly using Winnowmap 2.01. From the reads, top 0.02% of the repetitive 15-mers were collected using Meryl and downweighted in the process of minimizer sampling. Platform specific mapping parameters were provided; map-pb for hifi and map-ont for ONT reads, respectively. Reads were sorted and indexed using samtools, and filtered for primary reads with samtools view -F0x100.

Note: We did not perform this analysis on CLR reads as the information added was marginal or noisier compared to HiFi and ONT.

# Collect repetitive 15-mers
meryl count k=15 $ref output merylDB
meryl print greater-than distinct=0.9998 merylDB > repetitive_k15.txt

# Align
winnowmap --MD -W repetitive_k15.txt -ax map-$platform -t$cpus $ref $reads > $output.sam

# Sort and filter
samtools sort -@$cpus -m2G -O bam -o $output.bam $output.sam
samtools view -F0x104 -hb $ > $output.primary.bam

These alignments were converted to pairwise alignment format (paf) using paftools from minimap2 v2.17 and processed to collect low coverage and excessive clipped regions. Spurious alignment blocks shorter than 1kb or lower than 85% identity were removed from the ONT primary alignments.

# Convert to paf
samtools view -h -@$cpus $output.primary.bam | k8 paftools.js sam2paf - | cut -f 1-16 - >  $output.primary.paf

# Filter ONT for alignment blocks < 1kb and identity < 85%
awk '$11>1000 && $10/$11>0.85' ont.primary.paf > ont_pri.len1k_idy85.paf

Low coverage region

Supportive regions were collected for HiFi (>7x) and ONT (>10x) reads with asset commit v102, 0133f268eebf308a1c3eb356b564550526465157.

# Collect supportive regions from hifi
ast_pb -m 7 -M 10000000 -l 0 $paf > $pre.bed

# Collect supportive regions from ONT
ast_pb -m 10 -M 10000000 $paf > $pre.bed

Alignment blocks were trimmed 300bp on both sides to avoid spurious mapping while collecting coverage in ONT. Low coverage regions were obtained with bedtools subtract, and merged when regions were 5kb apart with bedtools merge -d 5000. Regions overlapping collapsed rDNA region (only applied in v1.0 assembly) and 3kb around the end of chromosomes were excluded.

To distinguish the cause of low coverage, we collected % GA/TC, GC, and AT micro satellite repeats in every 128 bp window using seqrequester in the assembly that appears as dimers when compressing homopolymers. Any low coverage region overlapping with >80% of any micro satellite repeat within 10kb distance was marked accordingly.

for p in ga gc at
  seqrequester microsatellite -prefix microsatellite -window 128 -$p $fa

# Filter regions > 80%
for p in GC AT GA TC
  awk -v n=80 '$NF>n' microsatellite.$p.128.bed > microsatellite.$p.128.gt80.bed

In addition, regions overlapping with known consensus issues obtained with Merqury Illumina-HiFi hybrid 21-mers were marked as Low_Qual.

Clipped region

Total number of reads with more than 100 bp soft-clipped or hard-clipped bases were collected in every 1024 bp window for both HiFi and ONT reads. Clipped regions were identified when 1) >10x HiFi or ONT reads were clipped; or 2) >10% of the HiFi or >15% of the ONT total aligned reads were clipped.

Associated file:

  • <ver.>_issues.bed: Low coverage not associated with sequencing biases and other issues

Under issues_raw:

  • <platform>.issues.bed : Low coverage + Flanking clipped regions
  • clipped.bed
  • Absolute num. reads with clipping: hifi_pri.w1k.clip_abs.wig, ont_pri.len1k_idy85.w1k.clip_abs.wig
  • Relative fraction of clipped reads compared to all reads: hifi_pri.w1k.clip_norm.wig, ont_pri.len1k_idy85.w1k.clip_norm.wig

Value of -1 represents windows with no read alignments.