- Initialize data using
instead ofasync_config_entry_first_refresh
to remove warning message
- HACS Support
Adjust non unique device names:
Approach Meter Account Reason Unique (Default) {address} {meter serial number} {first name} {last name} {account number} can't rename meter device to a meaningful name #39 Non unique Water Meter {meter serial number} Account {account number} Bad Entity Names - seems to be translated from Hebrew #71
Improve reconnect process (cool-down between attempts)
Handle timeouts as managed failure instead of general failure
Ignore update request when the connection is not established
Improved log messages of status changes
Add support to control how entity names will look like, under account device:
Approach Meter Account Reason Unique (Default) {address} {meter serial number} {first name} {last name} {account number} can't rename meter device to a meaningful name #39 Non unique Meter {meter serial number} Account {account number} Bad Entity Names - seems to be translated from Hebrew #71
- Remove startup blocking call
- Fix login issue while set up integration
- Fix state class to total
- Fix unload integration process
- Add last reset date for sensors (none, daily, monthly)
- Correct state_class of sensors
- Correct data of total cost per low & rate and sewage consumption
- Fix convert to string function of data models
- Add total cost per low & rate and sewage consumption
Breaking Changes:
- Device & Entity names changed
- Meter device name is now constructed by meter's address and serial number
- Account device name is now constructed by owner's first & last Name and account number
- Alert settings dropdown are now being represented as:
- Alert leak via Email - binary sensor
- Others - switch
What's Changed:
- Refactor integration
- Isolated API logic, data processing and HA functionality
- Add tool to translate component to additional languages automatically using Google Translate
- Fully translated to Hebrew
- Extend diagnostic file to support all data collected from API and internal state data
- Move cost configuration into meter device (per meter) using number entities
- Low Rate Cost - Default 7.955 ILS/m³
- High Rate Cost - Default 14.6 ILS/m³
- Low Rate Cost - Default 7.955 ILS/m³
- Sewage Cost - Default 0 ILS/m³
- Low Rate Consumption Threshold - Default 3.5 m³ (Equivalent to 7m³ per 2 months of 1 person in property)
Default values taken from gov.il and up to date to January 1st 2024
Use https://eu-customerportal-api.harmonyencoremdm.com as the new api url
Known issues: Wrong url for municipality/{municipality_id}/messages
- Fix thread safe issues (HA v2024.5.x) - additional function called as async
- Fix thread safe issues (HA v2024.5.x)
Minimum HA Version: 2024.1.0b0
- Adjust code to HA 2024.1.0
- Remove sensor entity category
- Fix error messages when data is not available
- Upgrade pre-commit-configuration by @tetienne
- Add support for Home Assistant integration and device diagnostics
- Removed debug API
- Change log level of warning to debug level for session closed on HA restart
- Core fix: remove session close request, being handled by HA
- Fix typo
- Update pre-commit and hassfest packages to latest
- Add test file to run locally (requires environment variables)
- Extend Core BaseAPI to handle session initialization and termination
- Cleaner code to resolve URLs
- Remove unused constants
- Core fix: wrongfully reported logs of entities getting updated when no update perform
- Remove last reset parameter for monthly consumption sensor
New feature: Monthly cost per meter for the water energy dashboard
In v2.0.5 running at HA v2022.11.0 and above introduced the support for water energy dashboard, since in Israel has 3 rates (low, high and sewage) that defines the monthly cost based on consumption and thresholds - introducing new set of configurations to provide the costs breakdown in dashboard.
Configuration is per meter to support the multiple meter that can have different rates and thresholds
Entity Name | Type | Description | Additional information |
CityMind {Meter Count} Low Rate Consumption Threshold | Sensor | Represents the configuration parameter of low rate consumption's threshold in m³ | Statistics: Measurement |
CityMind {Meter Count} Low Rate | Sensor | Represents the configuration parameter of low rate in ILS/m³ | Statistics: Measurement |
CityMind {Meter Count} High Rate | Sensor | Represents the configuration parameter of high rate configuration in ILS/m³ | Statistics: Measurement |
CityMind {Meter Count} Sewage Rate | Sensor | Represents the configuration parameter of sewage rate configuration in ILS/m³ | Statistics: Measurement |
CityMind {Meter Count} Low Rate Consumption | Sensor | Represents the consumption below the threshold in m³ | Statistics: Measurement |
CityMind {Meter Count} High Rate Consumption | Sensor | Represents the consumption above the threshold in m³ | Statistics: Measurement |
Last read and daily, monthly, low / high rate consumption's sensors are supporting Water energy Low, High, Sewage rates and threshold sensors category is configuration and will be available only when set by the service
Set cost's parameters for specific meter:
- Low Rate Consumption Threshold - Time to consider a device without activity as AWAY (any value between 10 and 1800 in seconds)
- Low Rate - Low rate per cubic meter (m³) for consumption below the threshold
- High Rate - High rate per cubic meter (m³) for consumption above the threshold
- Sewage Rate - Sewage rate in ILS per cubic meter (m³)
More details available in Developer tools
-> Services
-> citymind_water_meter.set_cost_parameters
service: citymind_water_meter.set_cost_parameters
device_id: { Meter device ID }
low_rate_consumption_threshold: 7
low_rate: 6.5
high_rate: 13.5
sewage_rate: 3.5
Will reload the integration
Remove cost's parameters for specific meter
More details available in Developer tools
-> Services
-> citymind_water_meter.remove_cost_parameters
service: citymind_water_meter.remove_cost_parameters
device_id: { Meter device ID }
Will reload the integration
Version requires HA v2022.11.0 and above
- Add support for HA energy, daily consumption device class changed to water
- Aligned Core Select according to new HA SelectEntityDescription object
- Fix error when consumption value is empty
- Fix multi-meter support #34
- Removed store debug data to files and its configuration
- Add endpoints to expose data from
Read Your Meter Pro
Endpoint Name | Method | Description |
/api/citymind_water_meter/list | GET | List all the endpoints available (supporting multiple integrations), available once for integration |
/api/citymind_water_meter/{ENTRY_ID}/api | GET | JSON of all raw data from the Read Your Meter Pro API, per integration |
Authentication: Requires long-living token from HA
- Add error handling for failed login
- Updated documentation
- Fixed login error message on installation / configuration UI
- Fix data loading
Breaking Changes inside!
- Switched to new API of City Mind
- Add ability to change media for each alert
- Add switch to store debug data from API
- Changed entities:
Entity Name | Type | Description | Additional information |
CityMind {Account ID} Account Store Debug Data | Select | Sets whether to store API latest data for debugging | |
CityMind {Account ID} Account Alert Exceeded threshold | Select | Allows to control which communication channel should receive an alert when daily consumption exceeded threshold | Available options are: None, Email, SMS, All |
CityMind {Account ID} Account Alert Leak | Select | Allows to control which communication channel should receive an alert when leak identified | Available options are: None, Email, SMS, All |
CityMind {Account ID} Account Alert Leak While Away | Select | Allows to control which communication channel should receive an alert when leak identified when vacation is defined | Available options are: None, Email, SMS, All |
CityMind {Account ID} Account Alerts | Sensor | Indicates number of alerts set in the portal | Attributes holds the alerts list |
CityMind {Account ID} Account Messages | Sensor | Indicates number of messages set in the portal | Attributes holds the messages list |
CityMind {Account ID} Account Vacations | Sensor | Indicates number of vacations set in the portal | Attributes holds the vacations list |
Entity Name | Type | Description | Additional information |
CityMind {Meter Count} Meter Last Read | Sensor | Represents the last read in m³ | Statistics: Total Increment |
CityMind {Meter Count} Meter Daily Consumption | Sensor | Represents the daily consumption in m³ | Statistics: Total, reset on daily basis |
CityMind {Meter Count} Meter Monthly Consumption | Sensor | Represents the monthly consumption in m³ | Statistics: Total, reset on monthly basis |
CityMind {Meter Count} Meter Yesterday's Consumption | Sensor | Represents the yesterday's consumption in m³ | Statistics: Total, reset on daily basis |
CityMind {Meter Count} Meter Consumption Forecast | Sensor | Represents the monthly consumption forecast in m³ | Statistics: Total, reset on monthly basis |
- Device and Entity registry -
is deprecated, change toasync_get
- Update pre-commit
- Whitespace cleanup from consumer, provider and serial number