Nav2 custom costmap plugin that subscribes to object detection results, marks forbidden zones, and recalculates the endpoint as needed. This software is provided as an example and is not free of bugs. Therefore, it should not be used without undergoing debugging and testing phases. Additionally, it is not maintained.
- ROS2 Humble
- Clone the package:
git clone
plugins: ["static_layer", "obstacle_layer", "inflation_layer", "cv_layer"]
plugin: nav2_cv_costmap_plugin/CvLayer
enabled: True
# Side length (in meters) of a rectangular forbidden zone
closed_area: 1.0
# The duration of the zone's existence since it was set
time_to_close: 20
# Sets how many times in a row the object must be detected to set the zone
# More reliable object detection -> smaller filter_capacity value
filter_capacity: 5
camera_min_detection_range: 0.3
camera_max_detection_range: 4.0
# Maximum value is 1 equal to the lethal cost
forbidden_zone_cost: 0.75