This is only the backend application to serve the server-side logics and processed APIs to the client applications like website or mobile apps.
Corrections are coming soon.
Just demonstrating the basic workflow of this application
Latest Movies & Select a Show
flowchart TD
A[Request GET: `/movie`] --> B[Array :: of Movies : includes theater that running it];
B -- Select a `Theater` GET: /theater/:id --> C[Object :: Theater : includes screenings, required query movieId];
C -- Choose a show GET: /screen/shows?movieId=X&theaterId=Y --> D[Array :: Shows including movie & theater info];
Book a seat for the selected show
flowchart TD
A[Request GET: /screen/show/:id] --> B[Object :: Show : includes auditoriums with related info];
B -- Select an Auditorium GET: /auditorium/:id --> C[Object :: Auditorium info includes capacity of seats & more];
C -- Selects seats & make booking POST: /booking --> D[Process :: BookingDto into a booking record with validations];
E(Seat Booking process ends);
D -- Accepted --> E;
D -- Declined --> E;
Some necessary hints
// Seat :: BookingDto
* @User by authentication automatically grabs the 'userId' of users/customer
interface BookingDto {
showId: number // selected: screening (i.e. Movie(1): Morning show 6AM to 10AM)
auditoriumId: number // selected: auditorium (i.e. SuperComfortAC-5)
date: string // i.e. '2023-12-24' YYYY-MM-DD
seats: string[] // i.e. ['A12', 'A13', 'A14']
// Example Record: Accepted
* @Unique Set: ['showId', 'seatNumber', 'auditoriumId', 'date']
* @Combination this Set makes sure that there is no duplicate record of booking
const bookingRecords = [
// each row <--> per seat
id: 1,
userId: 777, // user-id @customer
showId: 1, // screening
seatNumber: 'A12', // each seat number
auditoriumId: 2, // auditorium
date: '2023-12-24', // YYYY-MM-DD
status: 'pending', // status @enum ['pending', 'booked', 'available']
// ... more like this
When I was preparing myself and trying to make some good portfolios that can make impression, I thought about many like e-commerce, rental, and some others as quite popular among new developers like me.
Later I decided to make some little & unique things from others to make a small difference. Then I choose this idea. Because, its quite different from any regular new developer's portfolio showcase.
This application serves JSON
API only. I'm using a very good node.js based framework called AdonisJs
and PostgreSQL
database for this.
Runtime: Nodejs (>= 18.x) :: LTS preferred
Framework: AdonisJs (v5)
Databases: [
PostgreSQL, # As primary database
Redis, # As system data helper
DbDriver: Lucid ORM (knex.js)
TypeSafe: YES <TypeScript>
Authentication: @adonisjs/auth
Authorization: @adonisjs/bouncer (policy)
Email: @adonisjs/mailer (smtp) + mjml
Docs: Swagger (OpenApi v3)
Test: @japa # adonisjs uses Japa
Storage: @adonisjs/drive-s3 # MinIO or AWS S3
Movie API usage
To fetch movie details: I am using the
TheMovieDB (TMDB)
Fetch Movie poster image:{link}
Note: This is a portfolio or prototype based backend api based application with NodeJs-stack. For more info, please contact me @mahabubx7 [
[email protected]