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Mimmo Cosenza edited this page Nov 3, 2013 · 6 revisions

How can I run the -SNAPSHOT version of cljs-start?

If you want to run the latest available version of the cljs-start template, you have to clone the repo, remove the -SNAPSHOT postfix from the name of the template and install it locally.

Clone the repo

git clone

Remove the -SNAPSHOT postfix

Edit the project.clj and modify it by removing the -SNAPSHOT postfix from the name of the project.

(defproject cljs-start/lein-template "0.0.2" ...)

Install cljs-start locally

From the home directory of the template just run the lein install task. You can now use the latest version of the template installed locally on your computer by just issuing the usual lein new cljs-start my-newlib task.

Remove the locally installed template

Just issue the rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/cljs-start*. Now the next time you run the lein new cljs-start my-newlib task to create a new project based on this template, it will download the latest version of the template from the clojars release repository.