Releases: m-grant-prg/agmaint
The asset 'agmaint-v1.0.21.tar.gz' is an AutoTools distribution tarball.
The sources are available on this page.
To perform an AutoTools install please refer either to the README file on the first GitHub page of the project or to the installation section on the wiki, (link below).
Downstream native packages are available for Debian, Raspbian and Ubuntu. Installation instructions can be found on the project wiki at:-
The asset 'agmaint-v1.0.20.tar.gz' is an AutoTools distribution tarball.
The sources are available on this page.
To perform an AutoTools install please refer either to the README file on the first GitHub page of the project or to the installation section on the wiki, (link below).
Downstream native packages are available for Debian, Raspbian and Ubuntu. Installation instructions can be found on the project wiki at:-
The asset 'agmaint-v1.0.19.tar.gz' is an AutoTools distribution tarball.
The asset 'agmaint_1.0.19-deb9u1_all.deb' is a Debian package for stretch.
The Debian package can be installed after download with a utility such as GDebi which is available from the standard repositories.
The Debian package can be installed on Raspbian.
For more information about using these files please refer to the README file on the first GitHub page of the project.
The asset 'agmaint-v1.0.18.tar.gz' is an AutoTools distribution tarball.
The asset 'agmaint_1.0.18-deb9u3_all.deb' is a Debian package for stretch.
The Debian package can be installed after download with a utility such as GDebi which is available from the standard repositories.
The Debian package can be installed on Raspbian.
For more information about using these files please refer to the README file on the first GitHub page of the project.
The asset 'agmaint_1.0.17-deb9u1_amd64.deb' is a Debian package for stretch on amd64 architecture.
The asset 'agmaint_1.0.17-deb9u1_armhf.deb' is a Debian package for Raspbian stretch on armhf architecture.
They can be installed after download with a utility such as GDebi which is available from the standard repositories.
The asset 'agmaint_1.0.16-deb9u1_amd64.deb' is a Debian package for stretch on amd64 architecture.
The asset 'agmaint_1.0.16-deb9u1_armhf.deb' is a Debian package for Raspbian stretch on armhf architecture.
They can be installed after download with a utility such as GDebi which is available from the standard repositories.
The asset 'agmaint_1.0.15-deb9u2_amd64.deb' is a Debian package for stretch on amd64 architecture.
The asset 'agmaint_1.0.15-deb9u2_armhf.deb' is a Debian package for Raspbian stretch on armhf architecture.
They can be installed after download with a utility such as GDebi which is available from the standard repositories.
The asset 'agmaint_1.0.14-mgent2_amd64.deb' is a Debian package for stretch on amd64 architecture.
The asset 'agmaint_1.0.14-mgent2_armhf.deb' is a Debian package for Raspbian stretch on armhf architecture.
They can be installed after download with a utility such as GDebi which is available from the standard repositories.