- Feature Enhancement: Consider adding a caching layer to the Trade API to improve response times for frequently accessed data.
- Refactoring: Evaluate the current architecture for the Portfolio Management module to simplify dependencies and improve testability.
Docker Commands:
- Start PostgreSQL:
docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -p 5432:5432 postgres
- Start RabbitMQ:
docker run -d --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management
- Start PostgreSQL:
.NET Commands:
- Run a specific microservice:
dotnet run --project ./TradeService/TradeService.csproj
- Run all unit tests:
dotnet test
- Run a specific microservice:
- Tools > Nuget Package Manager > Package Manager Console > Default Project: Data
- Add-Migration Example
- Update-Database
- Remove-Migration
- Script-Migration
- Drop-Database
- CREATE USER luyenhaidangit IDENTIFIED BY haidang106;
- GRANT DBA TO luyenhaidangit;
Authentication Flow:
- Implement OAuth2 for enhanced security in user authentication.
- Add rate limiting to login endpoints to prevent brute-force attacks.
Potential Tech Debt:
- Remove hard-coded API URLs from the codebase. Instead, move them to the configuration files or environment variables.
- Pending Research:
- Evaluate the use of MassTransit versus NServiceBus for message brokering.
- Investigate best practices for implementing retries in RabbitMQ consumers to handle intermittent failures.
Feel free to add more notes or remove anything that becomes outdated.