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1559 lines (1172 loc) · 46.2 KB


Compiler part 1


Primera parte :

Esta en esta primera parte detectaremos las palabras (tokens) que tenemos en el texto de entrada.


Crear la clase Lexer, esta es la encargada de crear o producir las palabras (tokens).


Crear la clase SyntaxToken, representa un Token en nuestro lenguaje, esta clase conoce el tipo, la posicion del token y su valor.

Crear SyntaxKind enum, que almacena todos los tipos de palabras de nuestro lenguaje.


Clase lexer, agregar un nuevo metodo NextToken, este buscara la siguiente palabra y la retornara, de acuerdo a la posicion actual. Aqui se define los tokens que queremos encontrar, ejem: simbolos, numeros, espacios en blanco, etc.


Clase lexer, crear la propiedad Current: para hacer seguimiento al character actual del texto de entrada


Segunda parte 1:

Basicamente leeremos todo el texto de entrada, y guardaremos todos los tokens reconociendo sentencias.


Crear la clase Parser, es el encargado de crear sentencias con los tokens, como si fueran notas sintacticas.

  • Esta clase tambien agrega a la sentencia un ultimo token, que determina el final del texto.


Clase Parser, creamos el metodo Peek: Nos ayuda a seleccionar un token, o retornar el ultimo si ya no hay tokens en la lista.

Clase Parser, creamos la propiedad Current: Usa el metodo peek, para seleccionar el token actual.

Se necesita la creacion de nodos para continuar...


Tercera parte:

Empezamos con el diseño del arbol que nos ayudara a interpretar o resolver el texto de entrada.

Texto de entrada: 1 + 2 * 3

   / \
  1   *
     / \
    2   3


Crear la clase abstracta SyntaxNode, que es la base de todos nodos en esta aplicacion, la clase ExpresionSyntax deribara de este:

  • Ahora podremos crear los distintos tipos de expresiones en los nodos, ejm: NumberSyntax, BinarySyntax, etc.

Procedimiento para agregar un tipo de expresion (Siguiendo los ejemplos se puede agregar cualquier tipo de ExpresionSyntax en el futuro follow the link). Ejemplos:

  • 3.1 Crear la clase NumberExpresionSyntax, que define los tokens de numeros del texto, cada objeto es un Numbertoken.

  • 3.2 Crear la clase BinaryExpresionSyntax, representa una operacion, cada objeto tiene una expresion a la izquierda, un operador y una expresion a la derecha.

Sentencias en los Nodos

Segunda parte 2:

Continuacion de la segunda parte...

Se define la logica para unir e interpretar los nodos segun el orden de operacion de realizan.


Clase Parser, crear el metodo Match, para comprobar el correcto tipo del token.

Clase Parser, crear los metodos Parse y ParsePrimaryExpression, para analizar la expresion en un nodo, y descomponerla si es necesario.


Cuarta parte::


En la clase Program, crear el metodo estatido PrettyPrint, esta parte es solo para mostrar la estructura de los nodos en forma de arbol que el programa esta siguiendo.


Quinta parte :

Implementa el diagnostico de errores, Identifica los tokens malos.


Crear la clase SyntaxTree, esta sera un tipo que representa todas las entradas una forma de limpiar el codigo.

Con esto se modificando el metodo Parse, en la clase Parser. Ahora el metodo Parse revisa que la expresion se haya terminado de leer.


Sexta parte 1:

Evalua las expresiones en cada nodo del arbol


Create Evaluator class.


Clase Evaluator, crear los metodos Evaluatey EvaluateExpression, que trabajan con los tipos de expresiones de nuestra aplicacion, ejm: BinaryExpressionSyntax, NumberExpressionSyntax, etc.

Triki tip Sexta parte 2:

  • Corrige el error, para evaluar los operadores *, / con mayor prioridad que los operadores +, -


Dividimos ParseExpression method en PaseFactor y ParserTerme.


Septima parte :

Add Parenthesis expresion.


Crear la clase ParenthesizedExpressionSyntax.


Modificar el metodo ParsePrimayExpression, en la clase Parser y Agregar el metodo ParseExpresion.


Modificar el metodo EvaluateExpression

Compiler part 2:

After clean the code:

1.1 Operators precendence

Parser class, add the GetBinaryOperatorPrecendence method, to defice the priority of operatores. This method simplifies the addition of other priority operators.

2.0 Unary Operators

-1 * -3
-(4 + 7)

Term: -(1 + 2)
   / \
  1   2


Create de UnaryExpressionSyntax class * Contains an operator (Plus or Minus) * Contains an operand (Expression to evaluate)


Add a way to evaluate the unary expression on Evaluate class.


SyntaxFacts class, add the unary precedence, with longer priority to avoid bugs.

Term: -1 + 2
Bad precedence:
   / \
  1   2

Correct precedence:
    / \
   -   2


Parser class, parser the unary expression in ParseExpression method.

3.0 Type-Checking

Give the capacity to the compiler to know what type are each token.


Create some class about node representation.


Create the Binder class, this class handler the logic what the type-checker would do.


Add the handler errors in the Binder class, to avoid cascade errors for now.

4.0 Evaluator evolution

Change the Evaluator class, to work with nodes representation.

5.0 Apply changes

Class Program, modify the Main method and separate the code from the binder file into several files.

6.0 Add Booleans

App recognize true and false keywords


Class lexer, modify the Lex method to recognize letters. Class Parser, convert true and false keywords into LiteralExpressionSyntax. Class Evaluator, change the return of Evaluate, EvaluateExpression methods to object type. The app is case sensitive yet. There are a bug:

> false
> true

7.0 Add more operators

Class Lexer, and new operators '!, &&, ||, ==, !='. Class SyntaxFacts, Add precedence to new operators. Class Binder, handler Booleans types. Class Evaluator, can resolve expressions with new operators.

The bug later was fixed.

7.1 Replace switch with opertor lookup

Class Binder, deleted BindBinaryOperatorKind and BindUnaryOperatorKind methods, to add new classes that handler bound operators.

7.2 == and != with int types

Modify BoundBinaryOperator class to add new items of ==, != to work with int types. Fix the Bug in the Bilder class, that returned a bad type.

7.3 Fix more bugs

Class Program, Fix diagnostics error, binder's Diagnostics weren't concatenated. Fix 'BoundBinaryOperator' class. Remove duplicate code. Class Binder, Change <> characters by ''. Add parentheses to the new tree structure in the 'binder' class. Fix the invalid 'BoundNodeKind.UnaryExpression' into a binary expression

Compiler part3

1.0 Extract compiler into a library

Create a new library project, and move the CodeAnalysis folder to here.

2.0 Public way to run

Create a public class to compile de code, and show evaluation results.

2.1 Apply library

Use library in Program class.

3.0 Improve diagnostics

Centralizing it into a single type, and report diagnostic spans.


Create a TextSpan class, to handler length info. Create a new Diagnostics and DiagnosticsBag classes, to create a list of different types of diagnostics to apply into the app.


Fix the error to report positions in operant tokens of 2 characters.


Program class, render the diagnostics and spans in a nice way.


6.0 New Expression Syntax

Create the NameExpressionSyntax class: represents the identifier of variable Create the AssignmentExpressionSyntax class: it is a way to represent a expression of assignment, contain:

  • IdentifierToken: will be the identifier
  • `EqualsToken
  • Expression: will be the expression to assignment

7.0 Consisted in Binder

Update BindExpression method, add new method for parenthesized expression.

8.0 Add single = operator

Lexer class, add the assignment operator '='.

9.0 Parser assignment

Parser class, add new method to parse assignment expressions.

10.0 Variable into Dictionary

Compilation class, use dictionary concept to place variables, and request their values.

11.0 Add variables to semantic Tree

Create new bound classes for assignment and variable.

  • BoundAssignmentExpression handler name, and expression to be assignment
  • BoundVariableExpression handler name and types

12.0 Binder

Implement the new logic for variables.

Select the bound expression to variables, and add diagnostic. when doesn't exist a variable In this fase the assignment is worked only to int type.


App can run and, use a new way to work with int and bool types

14.0 VariableSymbol

Use a class to place and request variables. To look similar to and API


Replace binding logic with proper symbols, of variables.

Compiler part 4 - Tests

1.0 Test Lexer


Add new Test project, and Create LexerTest file.


Expose method. SyntaxTree class, add the ParseTokens method, to accesses the Lexer methods, since the most part of them are private.


First approach, need to convert entry into correct tokens.


LexerTest class, add the GetToken method. this method tests a single token.

  • Define all simple text that you hope that will be a token plus their syntax kind.
  • Add Theories and memberData decorators, to loop the GetToken method with another method.


LexerTest class, add the GetTokenPairs method, that tests a pair of tokens

  • Use the GetTokens method to obtains tokens
  • To work need a condition, and define the RequiresSeparator method.


We test white spaces, add the GetSeparators methods

  • Concatenate this enumerable result with GetTokens result, to tests them like singles tokens


Add test to pipe-line

2.0 Test SyntaxFacts

Convert to public the SyntaxFacts class.


Add a new method to map from keyword, in SyntaxFacts class, the GetText method, to return the text value of a operand token's syntax kind.

  • This is because we have many operators with a fixed text.


Create SyntaxFactsTest, to test the GetText method.

3.0 Test Parser

To test the correct structure of the tree


Create the Parser class. Add other methods to SyntaxFacts class, to get a list of operator kinds.


Test binary expression, analyzing the operators precedence that there are in an expression:


SyntaxFacts class, add methods GetUnaryOperatorKinds and GetBinaryOperatorKinds These methods take the precedence to return kinds.


to make that, add a new class AssertingEnumerator. This tests the way to build the tree and test the different Node and tokens that it has. handler assert each node and token


ParserTests class, add the test to be honor at binary precedence ParserBinaryExpressionHonornsPrecedences method. Test the building of a binary expression tree

Example, if have :
  - op1 = precedence operator 1
  - op2 = precedence operator 2

if (op1 >= op2)

        /    \
      op1     c
    /    \
  a       b


    /    \
  a      op2
       /    \
      c       b


ParserTests class, Add tests to ensure we honor unary and binary precedences, add ParserUnaryExpressionHonornsPrecedences method. Test the building of a unary expression tree

Example, if have :
  - unary = precedence operator 1
  - binary = precedence operator 2

if (unary >= binary)

      /      \
  unary       b


       /     \
      a       b

4.0 Test Evaluator


Test unary and binary evaluations, with numbers and booleans. and variables assignation.

#Compiler part 5


1.0 Clean-up Lexer class


Optimize the Lex method, to match faster to dispatch, jumping to the corresponding case label.


Add white space more common like cases, but maintain a method to match other types of white spaces Order the default case by the most common occurrences first.

2.0 Clean-up LexerTests


Refactor the GetTokens method, divide the large list into fixedTokens, these are defined in the SyntaxFacts class, and dynamicTokens that could have any value.


Create LexerTestsAllTokens method, to test we text all token kinds

3.0 Clean-up Evaluator class

Separate the 'Evaluate expression' method to read more easily and substantially

  • Chance if - else conditions by switch cases

4.0 Clean-up Parser class

Separate the ParsePrimaryExpression method, cleaning the switch case.

5.0 Immutable Collections

To improve the API


Install System.Collections.Immutable package, in the library project.


Change the IReadOnlyList to ImmutableArray for diagnostic parameters, because nobody wanted to cast all time this parameter and modify the data parameter.


Use ImmutableArray in Parser class.

6.0 SyntaxNode more efficient

Get SyntaxNode.GetChildren non-virtual.

Make more efficient way to get elements. and avoid some of the downfalls when you do a evaluation of things and end up in recursion in parts that you're not supposed to be into.


Refactor the GetChildren method, using Reflection to obtain all class's properties that call this method

  • Delete the other methods that overwrite this, in the child classes.
  • The order of reflection return the elements is defined by the order of properties are declared into the class.

7.0 Span in Nodes

Construct the span over the first and last children.


Create TextSpan.FromBounds() helper method, to return a new TextSpan class.


(Not super efficient but it will work) SyntaxNode class, add virtual Span property, implement TextSpan.FromBounds() method, using the span of children.


Change Span property of SyntaxToken to override.

Line Numbers

Change the app that is based in positions, that to reports error shows a bunch numbers of length of error, instead we want to show the line and column where is happened the error.

We will remember effectively how long the lines are. And given a position we can compute the line number.

8.0 Text namespace

An new concept to API


Create 'Text' namespace and move 'TextSpan' into.

8.2 Exposes line number information

Create SourceText class, that handles information. Create TextLine class, that is the definition of a line.


SourceText class

  • Create ParseLines method. that parse each line form the text.
  • Create GetLineBreakWidth method, that controls when a line is on the end.
  • Create AddLine method. Add each parse line to source result.

9.0 Traditional Binary Search

Apply this concept to look line index


SourceText class, create GetLineIndex method, that look for an line index into Lines immutable Array.

10.0 Show Text

Override ToString method.


SourceText class

  • return string of text
  • return string of text passing the star position and the length
  • return string of text passing span parameters


TextLine class

  • return text passing span parameters


Implement SourceText into the API

  • Fix a bug in SourceText.GetLineIndex method.

11.0 Diagnostics with more details

Program class, show line and character when an error occurs.

  • Fix a bug of null reference for cases where the token was inserted, SyntaxToken class.

12.0 Support for multiple Lines

Program class, add textBuilder parameter to handles multiple lines on console.

  • Make sure that the last line is added to SourceText

Compiler part 6


1.0 Test Text

Create new name space to test Text


Add Test: To check that the correct number of lines is added to the 'SourceText' class.

2.0 Color in console

Add Colorization to REPL

3.0 Represents entirety of the input

Add compilation unit:

  • The problem is when we need to pass multiples declarations or statements we don't have the singular root object
  • There isn't an array of expression
  • To pass a expression we have to pass the whole SyntaxTree first, and SyntaxTree isn't a node.


(in C++ each source file is effectively compiled to its own obj file) Create root node:

  • Create CompilationUnitSyntax class: Represent the entire file.


  • Modify SyntaxTree constructor.
  • Add ParseCompilationUnit method to Parser class
  • Use the correct expression in Compilation class and tests.


Things to change:

  • The currency way to map variables is with dictionary in the binder.
  • Binder should not even care about the values it just cares about the variables themselves
  • Reassignment variables with different types.

4.0 Handler variable symbols

  • Support nesting scopes
  • Support shadowing scopes


Create BoundScope class

  • With a private dictionary, to look up variables names fast.
  • Add parent parameter to handler scopes nested.
  • Add TryDeclare method to report error when a variable already exist in the same scope or.
  • and TryLookup method look for the variable on all scopes.


Create BoundGlobalScope class, catches the root of the program.

  • This has access to diagnostics, variables, expression in the program.


Binder class, now return BoundGlobalScope with all data. Handles variables into the scope.


Compilation class is modify to work with BoundGlobalScope.

  • There isn't a scope yet.

5.0 Add scope


Compilation class, convert the global scope local variable to parameter

  • It's not a good idea for thread safely


Global scope will give the same result

  • Make thread safely
  • Use a pattern in GlobalScope property

6.0 Chain scopes

Chain previous submissions

submissions 3 -> submissions 2 -> submissions 1


Binder class, create CreateParentScopes method to map all scopes previous.

  • It's a nested scope

7.0 Chain the Compilation


Compilation is saved in previous variable to use it next time


  • Chain the diagnostics.
  • Add #reset command to reset scopes.


  • Improve the behavior when declare variables.
  • Add diagnostic to raise the error "cannot convert the types"


  • Doesn't have to declare a variable with different types in the same scope.
  • Extract 'ParseExpression' method into tests.

8.0 Add statements to the context

Can chain one into the other. A single statement can be a block in which you nesting


Create the StatementSyntax class, and BlockStatementSyntax class, that represent a statements


Create the 'ExpressionStatementSyntax' class, in which can define the roles to valid statements. or what expression will be considered valid.

Is valid:
  a++ ,  a = 10 , a = a ,  M()
Is not valid:
  a + 1


Add to Lexer class and SyntaxFact class the brace symbols '{}' to match them.


CompilationUnitSyntax class, apply the StatementSyntax concept instead of ExpressionSyntax.


ParserTest, in ParseExpression method add a new assert before return the expression.


Update Parser class, to parse statement expression.


Add BoundStatement, BoundBlockStatement and BoundExpressionStatement concept into semantic logic.


Binder class, Add BindStatement method, to match with statements concepts.

  • Update BoundGlobalScope to receive statements instead expressions.


Evaluator class

  • Add EvaluateStatement method, to match with statements concepts to evaluate internal expressions.
  • Create lastValue property map for the statements.

Can not reassignment a variable with another type of data.

9.0 Add variable declaration statement

people not implicitly creating them on first assignment.


Create VariableDeclarationSyntax class, where define how will be the variables

var x = 10
let x = 10


Add 'let' and 'var' keywords to SyntaxFact class.


Parser class, add ParseVariableDeclaration method that handles declaration variables concept.

  • convert if conditional into switch, ParseStatement method.


Add VariableDeclarationSyntax class


binder class, add BindVariableDeclaration methos to analyze if is keyword of variable is let or var.

  • Add isReadOnly parameter to VariableSymbol class.


Create BoundVariableDeclaration class


Add new reports to diagnostic class.


Evaluator class, add EvaluateVariableDeclaration method to handler variables.

Compiler part 7

Improve test

1.0 Helper type

case: [] show the location of expected errors.

    let = [100]
    x [=] 10    <- a variable `let` is read-only


Create AnnotatedText class into Texts project.


AnnotatedText class, add Parse method, to analyze the input text without worry for whitespaces.


Create the Unindent method to take care of unindenting.

Delete extra whitespaces:
      var textToTest = @"
~~~~~~~~~~    var x = 10
~~~~~~~~~~    let x = 2
  • Provide ToString method to TextSpan class
  • Mark error messages consistent, DiagnosticBag class


EvaluationTests class, add test cases to report error for span in the text, Extract 'AssertValue' method.

  • Fix 'IdentifierToken' to 'EqualsToken' to report error in read-only variables, Binder class.

Conditional operators

2.0 Add Conditional operators

< > <= >=


Lexer class, add operators symbols.


SyntaxFacts class, add precedence and text to conditional operators.


Add them to operator table, BoundBinaryOperator class.

  • Compare between int


Add operators to 'Evaluator' class


Add tests cases to conditional operators

3.0 Conditionals if and else


  • Create IfStatementSyntax class like IfStatementSyntax
  • Create ElseClauseSyntax class like a node, because not need an expression or values.


SyntaxFacts class, add keywords


Parser class, add ParseIfStatement method to create new if statement, this calls ParseElseClause method


Binder class, add BindIfStatement method and override the BindExpression method to check the type of condition.

  • Create BoundIfStatement class.


Evaluator class, add EvaluateIfStatement that evaluates ThenStatement or ElseStatement.


EvaluationTests class, Add if-else cases to test.

4.0 While Statement

  • Add while keyword to SyntaxFacts class.
  • Add ParseWhileStatement method to Parser class.
  • Create WhileStatementSyntax class.
  • Create BoundWhileStatementclass.
  • Add BindWhileStatement method to Binder class.
  • Add EvaluateWhileStatement method to Evaluator class.
  • Add test cases.

5.0 For statement

for i = 0 to 10
  • Add for keyword to SyntaxFacts class.
  • Create ForStatementSyntax class.
  • Add ParseForStatement method to Parser class.
  • Add BindForStatement method to Binder class.
  • Create BoundForStatement class
  • Add EvaluateForStatement method to Evaluator class.
  • Add tests.

6.0 Consume Tokens

Ensure binder doesn't crash when binding fabricated identifiers * Modify ParseBlockStatement method in Parser class, to skip to next position when parse statement parse void. * Add test to control this.

7.0 Fix infinite loop


Modify ParseBlockStatement method in Parser class:

  • If ParseStatement() did not consume any tokens, need to skip the current token and continue in order to avoid an infinite loop.
  • Do not need to report an error, because already tried to parse an expression statement and reported one.


Modify BindNameExpression method in Binder class:

  • This means the token was inserted by the parser.
  • We already reported error so we can just return an error expression.

Compiler part 8

Add new behaviors

1.0 Bitwise operators

Support for bitwise operators

  • Create test cases
  • Add ~, &, | and ^ Bitwise operators to Lexer class.
  • Add precedence of bitwise operators and get text cases in SyntaxFacts class.
  • Add operators to unary operators table in BoundUnaryOperator class.
  • Add operators to binary operators table in BoundBinaryOperator class.
  • Add evaluate cases in Evaluator class.

2.0 Rewrite Bound Tree

A way to get the children in BoundNode, 'Copy all of SyntaxNode'.

  • Add WriteNode method.


Add a new command #showProgram to Enabled bound trees to show.

  • Create EmitTree to write trees.


Change color by each type of bound node.

  • Add GetColor method in BoundNode class.


Handle binary and unary expressions

  • Add GetText method in BoundNode class.


BoundNode class. Add more properties to show.

  • Add GetProperties method that return an IEnumerable
  • Delete WriteNode method, to implement it into PrettyPrint method.
  • Loop for properties and write them with colors.


3.0 Bound tree rewriter

Add methods to rewrite Statements and Expressions.

4.0 Lowerer class

Create Lower method to rewrite a statement.

5.0 Invoke Lowering

Compilation class

  • Create GetStatement method that will Lower the global scope statement.
  • Change all GlobalScope.Statement for GetStatement().

Lowering For - While

6.0 Lower for statement into while statement

want to convert this:

for <var> = <lower> to <upper>


    var <var> = <lower>
    let <upperBound> = <upper>
    while (<var> <= <upperBound>)
        <var> = <var + 1>

  • Lowerer class, override RewriteForStatement method.
  • Evaluator class, delete EvaluateForStatement method because we don't use it anymore.


"We don't add them to Syntax, because we just want to have it in internal representation."

7.0 Add Label Symbol

Create LabelSymbol class in Nova.CodeAnalysis namespace.


  • LabelStatement declare the target.
  • GotoStatement jumps to the target.


Create BoundGotoStatement class, BoundConditionalGotoStatement class and BoundLabelStatement class.


Add LabelStatement, GotoStatement and ConditionalGotoStatement cases to rewriter concepts.

9.0 Create Labels

Lowerer class, create GenerateLabel method, to return numerated labels.

Lower if statement

with Gotos

We want to convert this:

- simple case:

  if <condition>


  gotoFalse <condition> end

- complex case:

  if <condition>


  gotoFalse <condition> else
  goto end

10.0 Rewrite If Statement

Lowerer class, override RewriteIfStatement method.

lower while statement

We want to convert this:

  while  <condition>


goto check
gotoTrue <condition> continue

11.0 Rewrite while statement

Lowerer class, override RewriteWhileStatement method.

12.0 Apply evaluate


Evaluator class, modify Evaluate method to add a way to select evaluate the things.

  • Delete EvaluateStatement method because we don't use evaluate if, while, or block statement anymore.

Compiler part 9

Better REPL

Read-Eval-Print-Loop Keeping track to variables or language

  • Support multi-line editing, syntax coloration and history.

1.0 Create REPL

Create Repl class that contains all code to run the program.

2.0 Create specific REPL

Create NovaRepl class that handles with the language specific stuff.

3.0 Editing a document

Change the control flow current in program, to return at a variable and you can update it in the input.

  • Return to a particular line
  • Typing or deleting redraw


Repl class, convert the document input to local.

4.0 Model Editing behavior.


Create SubmissionView class that handler the input like a document.

  • Render method help to display document and set the cursor into right position.
  • EditingSubmission class was modify to handler the inserted keys
    • the enter or controlEnter key return all document.


Fix unexpected behavior that continue running with empty text.


Handle commands.

  • Fix the length covered by the right key
  • Deleted unusable method


Handle key modifiers, covered:

  • Backspace key
  • Delete key
  • Home key
  • End key
  • Tab key
  • Escape Key
  • Fix the new line error
  • Fix the adding whites space in a new line

5.0 History

Handle page up - page down.


Create a list of string that carry all input data


Crate ClearHistory method that clean history.


Handle pageUp and pageDown key to go through the history.

  • Create UpdateDocumentFromHistory method.

Fix errors:

  • Solved exception when 'pageDown' key is clicked
  • Fix cursor position and extra data is cleaned

6.0 Dynamic color

  • Create RenderLine method in Repl class.
  • Override RenderLine method in NovaRepl class, add color to specific tokens;

7.0 Fix evaluation result that overwrite code from history

  • Fix output, correcting evaluation result that overwrite code from history
  • When use 'pageUp' or 'pageDown'

8.0 Inserting a blank line between code

  • Use 'controlEnter' key to insert a new blank line below

9.0 Improve delete

Add 'delete between lines' behavior with 'Backspace' key

10.0 Fix errors

  • Avoid exception when accessing empty history
    • When use pageUp or pageDown keys without history.
  • Check whether the last token is missing
    • Fix infinite loops when a bad typing occur

11.0 Improve delete

Add 'delete between lines' behavior with 'Delete' key

Compiler part 10

1.0 Right place

  • Move GetLastToken() to 'SyntaxNode' class.
  • Prettify the output
    • add coloration to Identifier
    • add coloration to numbers

2.0 Allow REPL to force evaluation

Sometimes our heuristic for detecting whether the submission is complete doesn't work, in which case we want the user to have the ability to force the completion. We do this by adding two blank lines.

  • NovaRepl class, modify IsCompleteSubmission method to end the program when detect two blank lines.

3.0 Add ability to get lexer diagnostics

When parsing tokens only, we currently have no way to get access to the lexer's diagnostics. This adds an optional out parameter.

The real fix, of course, would be to mirror what Roslyn is doing, which is exposing the diagnostics on the actual tokens, which makes the output neatly self-contained.

  • SyntaxTree class, overload the ParseTokens method and change the return type.

4.0 Add support for string literals

To catch the quote symbol into a string, use helpers:

the input:
  Test " asdsd

the output:
one way:
  "Test \" asdsd"

second way:
  "Test "" asdsd"  <--


Lexer class, match " quote symbol, and add ReadString method.

  • Return report when a string is incomplete


DiagnosticBag class, add a report to ReportUnterminatedString


Parser class, add ParserStringLiteral method.


LexerTests class, add LexerLexesUnterminatedString method to test a specific case:

  • "\"Test"

5.0 Rename LabelSymbol to BoundLabel

That is because LabelSymbol was used only for binder to represent all loops.

  • Also, this class is an internal helper. Move BoundLabel class to Binding namespace.

6.0 Create Symbols namespace

  • Move 'VariableSymbol' to a separate namespace
  • Enables to add more Symbols.


  • Create Symbol abstract class.
  • Create SymbolKind enum, that has all type of symbols

7.0 Type Symbols

Create TypeSymbol class to replace 'System.Type'

8.0 Cascading errors

Add concept of error, Add 'TypeSymbol.Error' to represent unbindable expressions This avoids cascading errors when part of an expression cannot be bound. Higher nodes, such as binary expressions, can detect this case and bail early.


Add Error type in TypeSymbol class.


Create BoundErrorExpression class, to return it into:

  • BindUnaryExpression method, when the type is incorrect
  • BindBinaryExpression method, when the one side's type is incorrect or operator is missing
  • BindNameExpression method, if we don't know what name it is or when we can't lookup the name

Not return it in:

  • BindAssignmentExpression method, is not useful, because assignments are right associative and need more information.
  • BindLiteralExpression are always define.


BoundTreeRewriter, add 'ErrorExpression' to 'RewriteExpression' method.

9.0 Fix exception when evaluating token sequences

  • Or incomplete Assignation statements

Compiler part 11

String and Function calls

1.0 Add string concatenation

  • BoundBinaryOperator class, add new operator to the table, to handler string.
  • Evaluator class, evaluate 'adding' string.
  • Evaluator class, Fix bugs of conditions, remove excess brackets.

2.0 Highlighting String

  • Repl class, Change coloration of '>>, ·' symbols.
  • NovaRepl class, Add highlighting color for string tokens.

3.0 Add support for calling built-in functions

  • Create ParameterSymbol class, used in functions, It inherit from VariableSymbol
  • Create FunctionSymbol class, that contains an Arrays of parameters.
  • Add Void type to TypeSymbol class, that it's need to some functions.
  • Create BuiltinFunctions class, In which define all functions to be use.


Call expression, some examples:

Some calls:
  * print("Hello")
  * add(1, 2)
  • Create CallExpressionSyntax class, has the syntax of a call of function, but need arguments.
  • Create SeparatedSyntaxList<T> class, where T = SyntaxNode this return:
    • the quantity of arguments that has
    • Arguments
    • Separators
    • Arguments (Nodes) and separators


Interpret the input: add(1, 2):

  • Lexer class, match ',' symbol
  • 'SyntaxFacts' class, handler CommaToken.
  • 'Parser' class, modify the case to IdentifierToken:
    • Add ParseNameOrCallExpression method, who identify if parse NameExpression or parse 'CallExpression'.
    • Add ParseCallExpression method, that collects its parameters and arguments.
    • Add ParseArguments method, add all tokens inside of Parenthesis.
  • Binder class, create BindCallExpression, not implemented yet. Return an Error.


Show CommaToken when printing parser trees

  • Create SeparatedSyntaxList like abstract class, to generalice the return of Arguments (Nodes) and separators.
  • SyntaxNode class, modify GetChildren method to handler properties from type of SeparatedSyntaxList


Verify the input function

  • BuiltinFunctions class, add GetAll method that return all available functions.
  • Binder class, modify BindCallExpression method:
    • Check if the input function is right.
    • Add some conditions to check if the right parameters was passed.
    • Change name of BindExpression to BindExpressionInternal to internal calls
    • BindExpression method is rewrite, to control functions that can't be void.
    • modify BindExpressionStatement method, to call the new BindExpression.
  • Add more diagnostics to DiagnosticBag class.


Apply to repl concept to rewrite and evaluate the right function.

  • Create BoundCallExpression class, to define call functions.
  • BoundTreeRewriter class, add new method RewriteCallExpression, rewrite all arguments too.
  • Evaluator class add EvaluateCallExpression method to eject the correct function.
  • NovaRepl class, doesn't care null result.

4.0 Add support for looking up functions

  • Add functions to the scope
  • Declare functions


BoundScope class, Add the function concept.

  • functions dictionary,
  • change TryDeclare for TryDeclareVariable and TryDeclareFunction
  • change TryLookup for TryLookupVariable and TryLookupFunction
  • Add GetDeclaredFunctions method.

Each new submissions should be in nested scope.


Binder class:

  • Refactor 'BindCallExpression' with scope to access to the function
  • Create CreateRootScope method to look up functions

5.0 Add support for random function

  • Create Rnd function in BuiltinFunctions class, that create a random function.
  • Evaluator class, evaluate random function.

6.0 Add conversions

Create Conversion class to work with types:

  • Identity, that means conversion between the same type.
  • Implicit, conversion to an type that we don't have in our language int To float. Don't loose data
    • Explicit, float To int. Loose data

Create Classify method, that is where define which conversion are available.


Conversion class has next properties:

  • None
  • Identity
  • Implicit
  • Explicit


Binder class:

  • Create LookupType method, to match type ("int", "bool", ...) and return the TypeSymbol of each one.
  • Modify BindCallExpression method to add a condition to match conversion functions
  • Add BindConverision method, to return a BoundConversionExpression, that is the conversion itself.


BoundTreeRewriter class, add RewriteConversionExpression to rewrite the expression.


Evaluator class create EvaluateConversionExpression method to match with the correct evaluate conversion.

7.0 Bug in for Loop

Bug: Print the last evaluation of the incrementor.

  • We will fix it soon ;)

Compiler part 12

Refactor and Function declaration

1.0 Centralize Conversion errors

Binder class:

  • Modify BindConversion and create a overcharge of this.

    • add more condition to avoid cascade errors
    • return the same expression if is Identity
  • Modify BindExpression method

  • Modify BindAssignmentExpression method.

2.0 Type clause

You can define the type of the variable that you are declaring.


  • Add : symbol to Lexer class
  • Add ColonToken concep to SyntaxFacts class.
  • Create TypeClauseSyntax class.
  • Parser class:
    • Modify ParseVariableDeclaration to add the type clause.
    • Add ParseOptionalTypeClause and ParseTypeClause methods.
  • Add TypeClause property to VariableDeclarationSyntax class.
  • Binder class:
    • Modify BindVariableDeclaration method, to handle type symbols.
    • Add BindTypeClause method that return the type of optional clause.
    • BindConversion method add allowExplicit property

3.0 Procedures

Are functions that not return values Add functions to global scope concept Add local concept


Create functions

  • Create MemberSyntax abstract class, that represent whatever you put in the file.
  • Create GlobalStatementSyntax class
  • Create ParameterSyntax class to represent parameters
  • Create FunctionDeclarationSyntax class that contains the definition of complete function.


Apply the function concept:

  • CompilationUnitSyntax class, now accept members instead a only statement.
  • NovaRelp use the last member to complete the submission.
  • SyntaxFacts class, add FunctionKeyword
  • Update Parser class to handle functions, parameters and the body.
  • Update Binder class.
    • BindGlobalScope check for functions into members and try to declare them, after convert the Global statement members into statements.
    • Add BindFunctionDeclaration to check function before declare them.

With this the program already accept functions, but not execute them yet.


Implement execute behavior at functions.

  • Add Global and Locals variables.
  • Centralize diagnostics
  • Fix tests, etc.

Compiler part 13

Annoying bugs

1.0 Improve interactive experience

To group all code, move the solution to src folder


Change nova project for novai because this represent the interpreter.

2.0 ESC delete everything

Update Repl class to ESC keyword clean the all document instead of the current line.

3.0 Add string equality operations

Update BoundBinaryOperator table to add == and != behaviors

  • Add basic string test.

Prettify nodes

4.0 TextWriterExtensions

Create IO namespace, and create TextWriterExtensions handler the output console

  • Set up the color to each token.

5.0 Separate behaviors

BoundNode class now only contain kind and handles string returns.

Create BoundNodePrinter class, that handles a fashion way to print each sentences, and centralize the config of output to write trees or labels.

  • Output for bound nodes

Add break and continue keywords

6.0 Add keywords

SyntaxFacts class add break and continue keywords Parser class handles break and continue tokens Create break and continue statements.

  • BreakStatementSyntax
  • ContinueStatementSyntax

7.0 Interpret break and continue

To interpret them we need to track of the current loops, use a stack to ensure that binding loops contain can use break and continue. that effective generate the corresponding labels. Create a stack of Stack<(BoundLabel BreakLabel, BoundLabel ContinueLabel)>


Need report errors during the binding to know if we are able to loop or not. Binder class, modify loops:

  • BindWhileStatement, BindDoWhileStatement and BindForStatement methods, the body generates the breakLabel and continueLabel
  • Add BindLoopBody method, to create break and continue labels and the Stack control what number of label is used.
  • Add BindBreakStatement and BindContinueStatement to return goto statements to able to jump inside of the code block.
  • Add BindErrorStatement method to handler errors.

Create BoundLoopStatement to abstract keyword labels.

  • Modify BindWhileStatement, BindDoWhileStatement and BindForStatement methods to have breakLabel and continueLabel
    • This methods inheritance of BoundLoopStatement now.

BoundTreeRewriter class, add breakLabel and continueLabel to loops.

Lowerer class, uses breakLabel and continueLabel labels created to build block of loops.

  • while loops block:
  while <condition>


  goto continue
  gotoTrue <condition> body

  • Do-while loops block:
  while <condition>


  gotoTrue <condition> body

  • For loops block:
  for <var> = <lower> to <upper>


       var <var> = <lower>
       let upperBound = <upper>
       while (<var> <= upperBound)
           <var> = <var> + 1

Prettify symbols

8.0 Use TextWriterExtensions

Create SymbolPrinter that builds the block symbols to show:

  • Output for symbols
  • Use TextWriterExtensions to write the output

Modify Symbol class

  • Add WriteTo method that use SymbolPrinter.
  • Modify ToString that WriteTo the string.

Modify Compilation class in EmitTree method:

  • Check if there are functions to write them.
  • Write header functions and body functions.

Fix bugs

9.0 Fix while and do-while statements

The loop condition be re-evaluated after continue. In the following sample:

    var i = 0
    while i < 5
        i = i + 1
        if i == 5

was printing 6 as a result, while the equivalent C# would print 5.

  • Lowerer class, modify RewriteWhileStatement and RewriteDoWhileStatement to add bodyLabel.

  • While loops block:

        goto continue
        gotoTrue <condition> body

  • Do-while loops block:
        gotoTrue <condition> body

10.0 SyntaxFacts to print text

Use SyntaxFacts to get the text to print, it makes use of the SyntaxFacts class to get the text to print, for the sake of the DRY principle.

  • TextWriterExtensions overload methods to use SyntaxFacts and add a method to write space.
  • Update BoundNodePrinter and SymbolPrinter to use SyntaxKind to specific tokens.

11.0 Minor fixes to binding of call arguments

  • Added tests for exceeding/missing arguments
  • Improved error span to something more sensible
    • When there are missing or exceeding arguments, highlihgt the missing location (closing parenthesis) or the exceeding tokens, instead of the whole syntax node.
  • Report errors for every mismatching argument type in a function call
  • Ignore type errors for BoundErrorExpression
    • e.g. when the call syntax is print(x) and x is undefined, or print(,)

Compiler Part 14

Return Statement

Functions are able to return type.

1.0 Add Return Keyword

  • SyntaxFacts class add return like a Keyword
  • Create ReturnStatementSyntax class
  • Parser class, handler return concept and match tokens.

2.0 Interpret return concept

  • Create BoundReturnStatement class.
  • Binder class
    • Delete unsupported report for functions with return type.
    • Add BindReturnStatement method what controls that there is a function, return statements have an expression and types are matching.
    • DiagnosticBag have more report for return statements.
  • BoundTreeRewriter class add RewriteReturnStatement method.
  • Evaluator class handles return types.

3.0 Controlflow

Set up class to generate a file