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Prompt Templates

If you are unfamiliar with how go templates work, you can read more about them here and play with them here.


Here is an example of a template that generates a function in a given language:

{{ $lang := index .Params "language" }}
Return a function{{if $lang }}, written in {{ $lang }},{{end}} based on the following requirements:

Running this template would look like:

go run main.go -t function -p language=go "Read values from a map"

The formatted prompt will look like:

Return a function, written in go, based on the following requirements:
Read values from a map

Notice that language in the template is replaced with go in the prompt.

We can edit this example so that it is more generic:

{{ $lang := index .Params "language" }}
{{ $type := index .Params "type" }}
Return a {{ if $type}}{{$type}}{{end}}{{if $lang }}, written in {{ $lang }},{{end}} based on the following requirements:

You can pass multiple parameters to the template like so:

go run main.go -t code -p language=python -p type=class "Read values from a map"
class MapReader:
    def __init__(self, map): = map
    def get_value(self, key):
        Returns the value associated with the given key.
        If the key is not present in the map, returns None.

Making your own

By creating a new template in the prompts directory, you can create your own prompt templates. The name of the file will be the name of the template. For example, if you create a file called mytemplate.tmpl, you can use it like so:

go run main.go -t mytemplate "Read values from a map"