Validates the roles and permissions of the user, and creates asynchronous jobs to terminate the user's sessions. Returns the status for the POST request.
This operation is performed by calling function TerminateUsersSessions
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
await client.SessionTermination.TerminateUsersSessionsAsync(requestBody: new TerminateUsersSessionsRequestBody(userIds: Array.AsReadOnly(new [] {Utils.GetEnvVar("USER_ID")}), userLogins: Array.AsReadOnly(new [] {NullableUtils.Unwrap(user.Login)})));
- requestBody
- Request body of terminateUsersSessions method
- headers
- Headers of terminateUsersSessions method
- cancellationToken
- Token used for request cancellation.
This function returns a value of type SessionTerminationMessage
Returns a message about the request status.
Validates the roles and permissions of the group, and creates asynchronous jobs to terminate the group's sessions. Returns the status for the POST request.
This operation is performed by calling function TerminateGroupsSessions
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
await client.SessionTermination.TerminateGroupsSessionsAsync(requestBody: new TerminateGroupsSessionsRequestBody(groupIds: Array.AsReadOnly(new [] {group.Id})));
- requestBody
- Request body of terminateGroupsSessions method
- headers
- Headers of terminateGroupsSessions method
- cancellationToken
- Token used for request cancellation.
This function returns a value of type SessionTerminationMessage
Returns a message about the request status.