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Transcriptomic Analysis of Pi-S treatment libraries

Here is the documentation of my methods for processing the Pi-S treatment libraries, my scripts and locations of the data

Read locations

# Raw reads
cd /home/lucy/R/Eutrema/PS/PS/reads

# Trimmed reads
cd /home/lucy/R/Eutrema/PS/PS/trimmed

# Read counts
cd /home/lucy/R/Eutrema/PS/QoRTs

Attempt to find novel transcripts

cd /home/lucy/R/Eutrema/PS/StringTIe

There were many novel transcripts almost all of which overlap with already annotated transcripts and differ by a could of base-pairs. In fact, some of the annotated DROUGHT transcripts also overlap with the Thhalvs, eventually one should look through the annotation file and remove the overlapping DROUGHT transcripts.

How does results() work in DESeq2

Why don't I get the same DEGs as A vs. B when I switch the reference level to B vs. A?

results() command extracts the log2FoldChange comparison values from the DESeqDataSet object generated from DESeq().

Match between two patterns (Perl)

perl -pe 

Custom crema instructions

Before running crema, you have to filter out ribosomal reads!.

(Or don't filter, Elizabeth says that some ribosomal reads can also be lncRNA depending on how they were processed)

(In the spirit of keeping everything, might not even filter FPKMs less than 1 because lncRNA that are related to stress seems to have very low expression in general)


Output generated from /home/lucy/R/Eutrema/PS/scripts/PS_pairwise.R

ls -1 */*/*/names > names

Activate Conda environment that has everything already downloaded. Check crema GitHub for software requirements.

conda activate renv

Use batch processing to generate multi fasta

#go on the cluster
#ssh lucy@114
while read line; do
    xargs samtools faidx /2/scratch/lucy/misc/2transcripts.fa < $line > $line.fa
done < names

#exit the cluster

Run CPAT, make sure it's in an environment with Python 2 installed

conda deactivate

conda activate cpat

parallel -j $PROC -g {}.fa -o {}.cpat \
    -x $CREMA/cpat_models/ath_hexamer.txt \
    -d $CREMA/cpat_models/ath_logit.RData :::: names

conda deactivate

Run Diamond BLASTX

parallel -j $PROC diamond blastx -d swissprot.dmnd -q {}.fa -o {}.diamond \
    -e 0.001 -k 5 --matrix BLOSUM62 --gapopen 11 --gapextend 1 --more-sensitive \
    -f 6 qseqid pident length qframe qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore :::: names

Run the lncRNA prediction tool

conda activate renv
parallel -j $PROC python3 $CREMA/bin/ -f {}.fa -c {}.cpat -d {}.diamond :::: names

Weighted gene co-expression network analysis

With R package WGCNA (no longer supported), however still a good diagnostic analysis to explore data.

See: K-means clustering paper

The above package is also deprecated and their recommended alternative seems to be optimized for animal tissue types.


Looking for QTLs

See: Arabidopsis QTL mapping paper

See if these QTLs (in supp file 4 of the paper), particularly the PHO and PUE group are found in Eutrema Yukon and if their expression levels remark anything interesting.

  • Use Phytozome/Phytomine Python API to get homolog genes and sequences (really powerful tool)
  • R script calls the Python script which queries Phytozome through the Phytomine API
  • For genes with no match in Arabidopsis, extract the transcript sequence and run BLAST in Eutrema transcriptome
  • Try to annotate those transcripts
  • Then we determine the expression levels of these transcripts in the RNA-Seq libraries

Three common genes mapped in these two QTL groups

intersect(PHO, PUE)

  [1] "AT1G24020" "AT1G47970" "AT1G47980"

QTL groupings

The number of matches may exceed mismatches because one Arabidopsis gene may match to multiple Eutrema genes.

QTL Group Arabidopsis Eutrema matched Eutrema BLAST No match
PHO 25 18 3 5
PUE 44 15 5 4
SUL 26 22 3 3
IP6 18 17 1 1

PUE - Phosphate use efficiency; PHO - Leaf phosphate content; SUL - Leaf sulfate content; IP6 - Leaf phytate content;