Extract Artefacts Linux for forensic and create timeline.
This tool written in bash for extract artefacts, and python(v3) for create timeline in format json. You can import timeline in timesketch to explore!
- General info
- uptime
- user list
- /etc/passwd date last write
- /etc/hosts
- home
- history file
- known_hosts
- hidden file
- ssh keys date
- browser
- cache
- docker
- json & og
- virsh
- list vm
- log
- /var/log/
- /run/log/
- all files with end .log.
- Mysql
- Logs files: .frm, ibdata
- etc (all)
- network
- lsof
- netstat
- route
- rpcinfo
- identify promiscous mode
- make relation with files (1)
- ip network
- iptables rules
- arp
- check dns access
- internet access
- ping (google)
- check ip public output
- process
- ps
- /proc/*/fd|exe
- ldd
- handle (lsof)
- make relation with files (1)
- kernel
- modules list
- sysctl
- /proc/sys artefacts
- files (1)
- stat or ls
- type (cmd file)
- md5sum (slow)
- deleted files (slow)
- Packages
- integrity
- list
- make relation with files (1)
- autorun
- systemd
- init.d
- rc.local
- make relation with files (1)
- trap
- list
- env
- list
- clipboard
- display
- mouted
- list
- memory space
- crontab
- list & extract
- sudoers
- list
- user log
- last command display
- who command display
- CVE check: use https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/debsecan/release/1/GENERIC, you can copy on local network (change URL_GENERIC env)
Build a custom script to extract artefacts from linux. Use Dockerfile (require docker: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/debian/).
You can cutom to:
- edit EAL.config file to configure extracted data
- use pub key to encrypt result extracted
- use dump memory (avml: https://github.com/microsoft/avml), if dump not work you can extract process memory
- use yara scan process and/or file with custom and/or community rules (use spyre: https://github.com/spyre-project/spyre)
$git clone https://github.com/lprat/EAL/
$cd EAL
$vi EAL.config
$cd build
$docker build -t package_eal .
#to get options:
$docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/output:/tmp/output -v $(pwd)/../EAL.config:/conf/EAL.config -ti package_eal -h
Script custom out in output directory, you can copy to the scan linux.
(Run with root privileges)
$bash -x extract-artefacts.sh > extract.log 2>&1
$URL_GENERIC=http://localnet.local/GENERIC bash -x extract-artefacts.sh 2> extract.log
Take file: /tmp/artefacts-$(hostname).tgz & extract.log
- Use script create_timeline.py for make timeline on relation between file - process - package - network - module kernel loaded - crontab - autorun
- Use plaso on files: apache, systemd, syslog, dpkg, apt history, popularity contest on debian, wtmp, docker conf & log, selinux, vsftpd, webhist.
- bash_history not parsed by plaso if you haven't defined HISTTIMEFORMAT
- apache error log not parsed by plaso
#if you use crypt archive: uncrypt.py key.pem artefacts-*.tgz.enc artefacts.tgz && tar -zxf artefacts.tgz
$python3 create_timeline.py dir_artefac_extract/
cd dir_artefac_extract/;for i in $(ls *.t*gz);do tar -zxf $i;done;find . -name "*.gz" | xargs gunzip;cd ..
docker pull log2timeline/plaso
docker run --rm -v /data/:/data/ log2timeline/plaso log2timeline.py /data/artefacts_tl.plaso /data/artefacts/
docker run --rm -v /data/:/data/ log2timeline/plaso psort.py -o null --analysis tagging --tagging-file /data/tag_linux.txt /data/artefacts_tl.plaso
#import in timesketch (docker exec -ti docker_timesketch_1 bash)
tsctl import --file /data/artefacts_tl.plaso --username your_user --timeline_name artefac_extract_events
tsctl import --file timeline.jsonl --username your_user --timeline_name artefac_extract_files
(Lucene query: https://lucene.apache.org/core/2_9_4/queryparsersyntax.html)
- select just file
file_entry_type: file
- Use date (if you known the date of the incident)
- Use file type (if you search specialy file type: cmd file)
file_type: *static*
- Use file stat type (find rare types)
file_stattype: [1 TO 5]
- Use file extension (if you search specialy file extension: *.php)
file_ext: php
- Use file stat extension (find rare extension)
file_statext: [1 TO 5]
- Use file name (if you search specialy file name: backdoor)
file_name: x.*
file_name_withoutext: x
- Use file stat filename (find rare filename)
file_statname: [1 TO 5]
- Use file name suspect
tag: suspect_filename
- Use file path (if you search specialy file path: )
file_path: *upload*
- Use file stat path (find rare path use)
file_statpath: [1 TO 5]
- Use file path suspect name
tag: suspect_pathname
- Use file size (in bytes)
file_sizeint: [1024 TO 2048]
- Use owner (if you known user compromised)
file_owner: user
- Use md5sum (the value cannot extracted by default)
md5sum: md5sum
- use package relation
file_pkgrpm: *ssh*
file_pkgdeb: *ssh*
file_pkgaix: *ssh*
- Use tags
# Event with tag
#Event with tag "static_exe" - can indicate backdoor compiled static
tag: static_exe
#Event with tag "filelink" (use with time)
tag: filelink
#Event with tag "file_etc" (use with time)
tag: file_etc
#Event with tag "docker_conf" (use with time)
tag: docker_conf
#Event with tag "file_cfg" (use with time)
tag: file_cfg
#Event with tag "file_history" (ex: bash_history, mysql_history, ...)
tag: file_history
#Event with tag "file_browser" (ex: cache browser)
tag: file_browser
#Event with tag "file_hidden" (depending on the path may be suspect or use with time)
tag: file_hidden
#Event with tag "file_service" (use with time)
tag: file_service
#Event with tag "file_executable" (use with time or path)
tag: file_executable
#Event with tag "executable_nocommun_path" (suspect path for executable)
tag: executable_nocommun_path
#Event with tag "file_suid_guid" (use with time or right ...)
tag: file_suid_guid
#Event with tag "file_writable" (file writable by everybody -> wanring if used in cron/conf/suid/log/....)
tag: file_writable
#Event with tag "file_unknown_owner" (may be suspect)
tag: file_unknown_owner
#Event with tag "file_space_end" (may be used for exploit user: https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1036/006/)
tag: file_space_end
#Event with tag "file_from_package" (file from package)
tag: file_from_package
#Event with tag "file_cve" (file from package content CVE vuln)
tag: file_cve
#Event with tag "file_pb_pkg_integrity" (file package integrity error)
tag: file_pb_pkg_integrity
#Event with tag "file_kernelmodule" (file kernel module loaded)
tag: file_kernelmodule
#Event with tag "file_crontab" (file used in crontab
tag: file_crontab
#Event with tag "file_env" (file used in env)
tag: file_env
#Event with tag "file_tmpfs" (file in tmpfs +x => suspect)
tag: file_tmpfs
#Event with tag "file_network" (file used in process create network connexion)
tag: file_network
#Event with tag "file_pid" (file used in process)
tag: file_pid
#Event with tag "file_ldd" (file library used in process
tag: file_ldd
#Event with tag "file_fd" (file used by process)
tag: file_fd
#Event with tag "file_lsof" (file used by process)
tag: file_lsof
#Event with tag "file_ps" (file runned)
tag: file_ps
- python3: json
- https://github.com/spyre-project/spyre
- https://github.com/Hestat/lw-yara
- https://github.com/Yara-Rules/rules
- https://github.com/gabrielbouzard/yara-linux-malware
- https://github.com/airbnb/binaryalert
- https://github.com/tenable/yara-rules
- https://github.com/reversinglabs/reversinglabs-yara-rules/tree/develop/yara
- https://github.com/ForensicArtifacts/artifacts/tree/master/data
- https://github.com/InQuest/awesome-yara
- https://github.com/microsoft/avml
- https://github.com/InQuest/awesome-yara
- https://github.com/plyara/plyara
Thank to the community.
- Swap extract option
lionel.prat9 (at) gmail.com