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Tipsrundan 48 |
Hi and welcome to the first Tipsrundan of 2022! I hope you all had a great vacation and are back fighting work! |
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👋 Welcome to Tipsrundan! A biweekly newsletter by AFRY IT South with ❤️
Hi and welcome to the first Tipsrundan of 2022! I hope you all had a great vacation and are back fighting work!
Scala Love is back 2022 (18th February)!
Last year I personally thought it was really fun to tune in, and this year I'm sure I'll do it again.
It's already known that people from Disney Streaming, Netflix and Comcast are attending as speakers,
which I know will be interesting to hear stories by.
Through live QA, Spatial Chats and interesting topics you'll get to know the cutting-edge of Scala better. make sure to tune in!
Read about speakers here.
Free Tickets can be found here!
Fly.io now includes up to 3GB total storage on top of the free CPU/RAM that was previously included.
This is great for your private projects!
So what is fly.io?
Fly.io is a way to deploy your servers (and databases!) close to your users, all over the world. No ops required.
How is this possible? Simply write your code, package into Docker and deploy it to Fly's platform. Fly will make sure it's snappy by
having your code close to your users by scaling it to cities where your app is the busiest. Automagically.
I think that the introduction greatly handles the why and how's, but to keep it simple they're optimizing the old way of duplicating data all over the world to instead simply exist where it's most needed. The drawback would be that users that are rare in their geographical location has a poorer experience, but that might be worth the total cost.
Blowing up on Hacker News is cool, and so is this post that did.
Did you know about console.group
? console.log({width})
? console.table
? If not you're missing out.
On top of incredible tips in the Developer Tools it's shown how you can debug directly from VS.Code, which is really cool.
I for one have had the issue of downloading public weights for Machine Learning models from Google Drive from time to time.
is hands down an amazing tool to download from Google Drive. Make sure to add it to your toolkit if you ever see yourself in this situation!
Julia Evans goes through common patterns in confusing explanation. Julia breaks down components like missing context, assumption about knowledge and bad examples.
Thank you for this time see you in two weeks
- Hampus Londögård @ AFRY IT South