This fully working example implements an HTTP server chaining openid Authentication middlewares with various other middlewares using Alice.
Alice allows easily chaining middlewares in the form:
func (http.Handler) http.Handler
However the Authentication middlewares exported by the package openid2go/openid have slightly different constructors:
func Authenticate(conf *Configuration, h http.Handler) http.Handler
func AuthenticateUser(conf *Configuration, h UserHandler) http.Handler
This example demonstrates that those middlewares can still be easily chained using Alice with little additional code.
Download and build:
go get
go build
Once running you can send requests like the ones below:
GET http://localhost:5103
GET http://localhost:5103/me
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJS...
GET http://localhost:5103/authn
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJS...
The abbreviated token above must be replaced with the IDToken acquired from the Google OAuth PlayGround entering "openid" (without quotes) within the scope field.