diff --git a/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/.gitignore b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50c40a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +*.err +*.out diff --git a/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/README.md b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94bad91 --- /dev/null +++ b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# Megatron installation script for mdx/LLM-jp v3 models + +LLM-jp v3モデルを作成するためのMegatron環境をllm-jpクラスタにインストールするためのスクリプトです。 +System Pythonやpyenvに依存しない閉じた環境を指定したディレクトリ上に構築します。 + +## Usage + +### Build + +インストール処理のためにCPUリソースを使用します。 +時間がかかるので気長に待って下さい。 + +```shell +git clone https://github.com/llm-jp/scripts +cd scripts/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-mdx + +# ~/myspace に環境をインストールします。 +bash install.sh ~/myspace +``` + +### Check + +インストール終了後、下記のようなディレクトリ構造が構築されています。 + +``` +~/myspace/ + example/ サンプルスクリプト + installer_envvar.log インストール開始後に記録した環境変数の一覧 + install.sh 使用したインストールスクリプト + python/ Python実行環境 + requirements.txt venvに事前インストールされたライブラリ一覧 + scripts/ 各種の環境設定用スクリプト + src/ 個別ダウンロードされたライブラリ + venv/ Python仮想環境 +``` + +インストールした環境で正常に事前学習ジョブを起動できるかどうかを確認します。 + +```shell +cd ~/myspace +bash example/mpi_wrapper.sh +``` +W&Bにtrain lossが記録されるのを確認したらジョブを止めてください。 diff --git a/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/example/mpi_wrapper.sh b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/example/mpi_wrapper.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b73730f --- /dev/null +++ b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/example/mpi_wrapper.sh @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# +# Example launcher script of pretraining tasks. +# +# This script only constructs cluster-related environment variables, and immediately +# calls mpirun with train.sh, which implements an actual invocation of the Megatron-LM +# trainer script. +# +# This script is installed together with other tools so that you can check if the +# installed environment works as expected by launching the job using this script. +# +# Usage: +# 1. cd {root directory that you installed training scripts} +# 2. bash example/mpi_wrapper.sh + +set -eu -o pipefail + +source scripts/environment.sh +source venv/bin/activate + +export MASTER_ADDR="$(ip -br addr | sed -n 2p | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d'/' -f1)" +export MASTER_PORT=12800 + +echo "MASTER_ADDR=${MASTER_ADDR}" + +NUM_NODES=1 +NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE=$(nvidia-smi -L | wc -l) +NUM_GPUS=$((${NUM_NODES} * ${NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE})) + +echo NUM_NODES=$NUM_NODES +echo NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE=$NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE +echo NUM_GPUS=$NUM_GPUS + +mpirun \ + -np $NUM_GPUS \ + --npernode $NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE \ + -bind-to none \ + -map-by slot \ + -x MASTER_ADDR=$MASTER_ADDR \ + -x MASTER_PORT=$MASTER_PORT \ + -x NUM_NODES=$NUM_NODES \ + -x NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE=$NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE \ + bash example/train.sh + diff --git a/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/example/train.sh b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/example/train.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67d32aa --- /dev/null +++ b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/example/train.sh @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# Node-level Megatron-LM launcher +# +# Environment variables that the script expects to be passed from mpirun: +# * MASTER_ADDR: Address of the master node +# * MASTER_PORT: Port number of the master node +# * NUM_NODES: Number of nodes assigned for this task +# * NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE: Number of GPUs in the node assined for this task + +set -eu -o pipefail + +source scripts/environment.sh +source scripts/mpi_variables.sh +source venv/bin/activate + +export LOGLEVEL=INFO +export NCCL_DEBUG=WARN +export NCCL_DEBUG_SUBSYS=WARN +export PYTHONFAULTHANDLER=1 +export CUDA_DEVICE_MAX_CONNECTIONS=1 +export CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=0 +export CUDNN_LOGDEST_DBG=stderr +export CUDNN_LOGERR_DBG=1 + +NUM_GPUS=$((${NUM_NODES} * ${NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE})) + +# model config +HIDDEN_SIZE=1024 +FFN_HIDDEN_SIZE=4096 +NUM_LAYERS=12 +NUM_HEADS=8 +SEQ_LENGTH=2048 + +# distributed settings +TENSOR_PARALLEL_SIZE=1 +PIPELINE_PARALLEL_SIZE=1 +CONTEXT_PARALLEL_SIZE=1 +DATA_PARALLEL_SIZE=$((${NUM_GPUS} / (${TENSOR_PARALLEL_SIZE} * ${PIPELINE_PARALLEL_SIZE}))) + +# training config +MICRO_BATCH_SIZE=8 +GLOBAL_BATCH_SIZE=1024 + +LR=1e-4 +MIN_LR=1e-5 +WEIGHT_DECAY=0.1 +GRAD_CLIP=1 + +LR_WARMUP_STEPS=1000 +LR_DECAY_ITERS=5000 +TRAIN_STEPS=$((${LR_WARMUP_STEPS} + ${LR_DECAY_ITERS})) + +# model config +TOKENIZER_MODEL=src/llm-jp-tokenizer/models/ver3.0/tokenize/v3.0b1 +CHECKPOINT_SAVE_DIR=checkpoints + +mkdir -p ${CHECKPOINT_SAVE_DIR} + +# data config +DATASET_DIR=/model/llm-jp-corpus/v3.1.0/training_resharded_tokenize_ver3.0 +DATA_PATH="" +DATA_PATH="${DATA_PATH} 15074855804 ${DATASET_DIR}/train2/ja/warp-pdf-e00_0000.jsonl_text_document" + +# job name +JOB_NAME="test-$(whoami)" + +# checkpoint load +# first training +CHECKPOINT_ARGS="" #"--load ${CHECKPOINT_SAVE_DIR} --no-load-rng --no-load-optim" + +python src/Megatron-LM/pretrain_gpt.py \ + --tensor-model-parallel-size ${TENSOR_PARALLEL_SIZE} \ + --pipeline-model-parallel-size ${PIPELINE_PARALLEL_SIZE} \ + --context-parallel-size ${CONTEXT_PARALLEL_SIZE} \ + --sequence-parallel \ + --use-distributed-optimizer \ + --num-layers ${NUM_LAYERS} \ + --hidden-size ${HIDDEN_SIZE} \ + --ffn-hidden-size ${FFN_HIDDEN_SIZE} \ + --num-attention-heads ${NUM_HEADS} \ + --seq-length ${SEQ_LENGTH} \ + --max-position-embeddings ${SEQ_LENGTH} \ + --micro-batch-size ${MICRO_BATCH_SIZE} \ + --global-batch-size ${GLOBAL_BATCH_SIZE} \ + --train-iters ${TRAIN_STEPS} \ + --tokenizer-type Llama2Tokenizer \ + --tokenizer-model ${TOKENIZER_MODEL} \ + ${CHECKPOINT_ARGS} \ + --save ${CHECKPOINT_SAVE_DIR} \ + --data-path ${DATA_PATH} \ + --split 1,0,0 \ + --distributed-backend nccl \ + --init-method-std 0.02 \ + --lr ${LR} \ + --min-lr ${MIN_LR} \ + --lr-decay-style cosine \ + --lr-decay-iters ${LR_DECAY_ITERS} \ + --weight-decay ${WEIGHT_DECAY} \ + --clip-grad ${GRAD_CLIP} \ + --lr-warmup-iters ${LR_WARMUP_STEPS} \ + --optimizer adam \ + --adam-beta1 0.9 \ + --adam-beta2 0.95 \ + --adam-eps 1e-8 \ + --log-interval 1 \ + --eval-interval 1000000000 \ + --eval-iters 1 \ + --bf16 \ + --untie-embeddings-and-output-weights \ + --no-position-embedding \ + --position-embedding-type rope \ + --disable-bias-linear \ + --use-mcore-models \ + --normalization RMSNorm \ + --norm-epsilon 1e-5 \ + --no-masked-softmax-fusion \ + --attention-dropout 0.0 \ + --hidden-dropout 0.0 \ + --swiglu \ + --use-flash-attn \ + --recompute-activations \ + --recompute-granularity "selective" \ + --attention-softmax-in-fp32 \ + --transformer-impl "transformer_engine" \ + --use-mpi \ + --use-z-loss \ + --wandb-name ${JOB_NAME} \ + --wandb-project "mdx-test" \ + --wandb-entity "llm-jp" diff --git a/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/install.sh b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/install.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af8d191 --- /dev/null +++ b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/install.sh @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# +# Megatron installation script for pretrain jobs on the llm-jp cluster +# +# Usage: +# 1. Set the working directory to the directory this file is located. +# 2. Run `bash install.sh TARGET_DIR` with setting TARGET_DIR to the actual path. +# +# CAUTION: +# DO NOT change the content of this file and any other materials in the installer +# directory while the installation is being processed. + +set -eux -o pipefail + +if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then + >&2 echo Usage: bash install.sh TARGET_DIR + exit 1 +fi + +INSTALLER_DIR=$(pwd) +TARGET_DIR=$1; shift + +>&2 echo INSTALLER_DIR=$INSTALLER_DIR +>&2 echo TARGET_DIR=$TARGET_DIR + +mkdir ${TARGET_DIR} +pushd ${TARGET_DIR} + +# copy basic scripts +cp -a ${INSTALLER_DIR}/{install.sh,requirements.txt,scripts,example} . + +source scripts/environment.sh + +# record current environment variables +set > installer_envvar.log + +# src is used to store all resources for from-scratch builds +mkdir src +pushd src + +# install Python +git clone https://github.com/python/cpython -b v${PRETRAIN_PYTHON_VERSION} +pushd cpython +./configure --prefix="${TARGET_DIR}/python" --enable-optimizations +make -j 64 +make install +popd + +popd # src + +# prepare venv +python/bin/python3 -m venv venv +source venv/bin/activate +python -m pip install --no-cache-dir -U pip + +# install PyTorch +python -m pip install \ + --no-cache-dir \ + --find-links https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html \ + torch==${PRETRAIN_TORCH_VERSION}+cu${PRETRAIN_CUDA_VERSION_SHORT} \ + torchvision==${PRETRAIN_TORCHVISION_VERSION}+cu${PRETRAIN_CUDA_VERSION_SHORT} + +# install other requirements +python -m pip install --no-cache-dir -U -r requirements.txt + +pushd src + +# install apex +git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex -b ${PRETRAIN_APEX_VERSION} +pushd apex +python -m pip install \ + -v \ + --no-cache-dir \ + --no-build-isolation \ + --config-settings "--build-option=--cpp_ext" \ + --config-settings "--build-option=--cuda_ext" \ + ./ +popd + +# install transformer engine +# NOTE(odashi): +# This implicitly installs flash-attn with their recommended version. +# If the auto-installed flash-attn causes some problems, we need to re-install it. +python -m pip install \ + -v \ + --no-cache-dir \ + --no-build-isolation \ + git+https://github.com/NVIDIA/TransformerEngine.git@v${PRETRAIN_TRANSFORMER_ENGINE_VERSION} + +# download our Megatron and build helper library +git clone https://github.com/llm-jp/Megatron-LM -b ${PRETRAIN_MEGATRON_TAG} +pushd Megatron-LM/megatron/core/datasets/ +# NOTE(odashi): +# Original makefile in the above directory uses the system's (or pyenv's) python3-config. +# But we need to invoke python3-config installed on our target directory. +MEGATRON_HELPER_CPPFLAGS=( + -O3 -Wall -shared -std=c++11 -fPIC -fdiagnostics-color + $(python -m pybind11 --includes) +) +MEGATRON_HELPER_EXT=$(${TARGET_DIR}/python/bin/python3-config --extension-suffix) +g++ ${MEGATRON_HELPER_CPPFLAGS[@]} helpers.cpp -o helpers${MEGATRON_HELPER_EXT} +popd + +# download our tokeniser +# Tokenizer +git clone https://github.com/llm-jp/llm-jp-tokenizer -b ${PRETRAIN_TOKENIZER_TAG} + +popd # src +popd # ${TARGET_DIR} diff --git a/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/requirements.txt b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/requirements.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..638e305 --- /dev/null +++ b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +accelerate==0.33.0 +cmake==3.30.1 +deepspeed==0.14.4 +einops==0.8.0 +mpi4py==4.0.0 +ninja== +nltk==3.8.1 +numpy==1.26.4 +packaging==24.1 +pybind11==2.13.1 +regex==2024.7.24 +safetensors==0.4.3 +sentencepiece==0.2.0 +six==1.16.0 +tensorboard==2.17.0 +tensorstore==0.1.63 +transformers==4.43.3 +wandb==0.18.5 +wheel==0.43.0 +zarr==2.18.2 diff --git a/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/scripts/environment.sh b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/scripts/environment.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e293930 --- /dev/null +++ b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/scripts/environment.sh @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# List of environment variables and module loads for pretrain tasks + +export PRETRAIN_CUDA_VERSION_MAJOR=11 +export PRETRAIN_CUDA_VERSION_MINOR=8 +export PRETRAIN_CUDA_VERSION=${PRETRAIN_CUDA_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PRETRAIN_CUDA_VERSION_MINOR} +export PRETRAIN_CUDA_VERSION_SHORT=${PRETRAIN_CUDA_VERSION_MAJOR}${PRETRAIN_CUDA_VERSION_MINOR} + +export PRETRAIN_PYTHON_VERSION=3.10.14 +export PRETRAIN_TORCH_VERSION=2.3.1 +export PRETRAIN_TORCHVISION_VERSION=0.18.1 +export PRETRAIN_APEX_VERSION=24.04.01 +export PRETRAIN_TRANSFORMER_ENGINE_VERSION=1.4 +export PRETRAIN_MEGATRON_TAG=nii-geniac +# Ensure the appropriate Huggingface tokenizer is included +# https://github.com/llm-jp/scripts/pull/12#discussion_r1708415209 +export PRETRAIN_TOKENIZER_TAG=v3.0b2 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/scripts/mpi_variables.sh b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/scripts/mpi_variables.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..650c600 --- /dev/null +++ b/pretrain/installers/v3-megatron-llm-jp/scripts/mpi_variables.sh @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +# NCCL settings +export NCCL_IB_GID_INDEX=3 +export NCCL_IB_TC=106 \ No newline at end of file