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This branch is 2 commits ahead of, 210 commits behind apache/paimon:master.


Documentation generators

This module contains generators that create HTML files directly from Paimon's source code.

Configuration documentation

The ConfigOptionsDocGenerator can be used to generate a reference of ConfigOptions. By default, a separate file is generated for each *Options class found in org.apache.paimon, org.apache.paimon.flink and org.apache.paimon.flink.kafka. The @ConfigGroups annotation can be used to generate multiple files from a single class.

To integrate an *Options class from another package, add another module-package argument pair to ConfigOptionsDocGenerator#LOCATIONS.

The files can be generated by running mvn package -Pgenerate-docs -pl paimon-docs -nsu -DskipTests -am, and can be integrated into the documentation using {{ include generated/<file-name> >}}.

NOTE: You need to make sure that the changed jar has been installed in the local maven repository.

The documentation must be regenerated whenever

  • an *Options class was added or removed
  • a ConfigOption was added to or removed from an *Options class
  • a ConfigOption was modified in any way.