Dask provides a way to parallelize Python code either on a single node or across the cluster. It is similar to the functionality provided by Apache Spark, with easier setup. It provides a similar API to other common Python packages such as NumPY, Pandas, and others.
Dask can be used locally on your laptop or an individual node. Additionally, it provides wrappers for multiprocessing and threadpools. The advantage of using LocalCluster
though is you can easily drop in another cluster configuration to further parallelize.
import socket
from distributed import Client, LocalCluster
import dask
from collections import Counter
def test():
return socket.gethostname()
def main():
cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=2)
client = Client(cluster)
result = []
for i in range (0,20):
print (Counter(result))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Dask-MPI can be used to parallelize calculations across a number of nodes as part of a batch job submitted to slurm. Dask will automatically create a scheduler on rank 0 and workers will be created on all other ranks.
Note: The version of dask-mpi installed via Conda may be incompatible with the MPI libaries on Eagle. Use the pip install instead.
conda create -n daskmpi python=3.7
conda activate daskmpi
pip install dask-mpi
Python script: This script holds the calculation to be performed in the test function. The script relies on the Dask cluster setup on MPI which is created in the
from dask_mpi import initialize
from dask.distributed import Client, wait
import socket
import time
from collections import Counter
def test():
return socket.gethostname()
def main():
client = Client()
result = []
for i in range (0,100):
out = str(Counter(result))
print (f'nodes: {out}')
sbatch script: This runs the above python script using MPI.
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --account=<hpc account>
#SBATCH --partition=<Eagle partition>
module purge
ml intel-mpi/2018.0.3
mpiexec -np 4 \
python mpi_dask.py \
--scheduler-file scheduler.json \
--interface ib0 \
--no-nanny \
--nthreads 5
Dask can also run using the Slurm scheduler already installed on Eagle. The Jobqueue library can handle submission of a computation to the cluster. This is particularly useful when running an interactive notebook or similar and you need to scale workers.
from dask_jobqueue import SLURMCluster
import socket
from distributed import Client
from collections import Counter
cluster = SLURMCluster(
project='<hpc account>',
client = Client(cluster)
def test():
return socket.gethostname()
result = []
for i in range (0,2000):
print (Counter(result))
print (cluster.job_script())