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How to use singularity on eagle

Singularity is installed on CentOS 7 compute nodes as a module named singularity-container. Images can be copied to eagle and run or can be generated from a recipe. Input commands are preceded by a $

Run hello-world ubuntu image

  1. Log into compute node, checking it is running CentOS 7
$ ssh
[$USER@el1 ~]$ salloc -A MYALLOCATION -t 60 -N 1
[$USER@r1i3n18 ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)

  1. Load the singularity-container module
[$USER@r1i3n18 ~]$ module purge
[$USER@r1i3n18 ~]$ module load singularity-container
  1. Retrieve hello-world image. Be sure to use /scratch as images are typically large
[$USER@r1i3n18 ~]$ cd /scratch/$USER
[$USER@r1i3n18 $USER]$ mkdir -p singularity-images
[$USER@r1i3n18 $USER]$ cd singularity-images
[$USER@r1i3n18 singularity-images]$ singularity pull --name hello-world.simg shub://vsoch/hello-world
Progress |===================================| 100.0%
Done. Container is at: /lustre/eaglefs/scratch/$USER/singularity-images/hello-world.simg
  1. Explore image details
[$USER@r1i3n18 singularity-images]$ singularity inspect hello-world.simg # Shows labels
    "org.label-schema.usage.singularity.deffile.bootstrap": "docker",
    "MAINTAINER": "vanessasaur",
    "org.label-schema.usage.singularity.deffile": "Singularity",
    "org.label-schema.schema-version": "1.0",
    "WHATAMI": "dinosaur",
    "org.label-schema.usage.singularity.deffile.from": "ubuntu:14.04",
    "": "2017-10-15T12:52:56+00:00",
    "org.label-schema.usage.singularity.version": "2.4-feature-squashbuild-secbuild.g780c84d",
    "": "333MB"
[$USER@r1i3n18 singularity-images]$ singularity inspect -r hello-world.simg # Shows the script run

exec /bin/bash /
  1. Run image default script
[$USER@r1i3n18 singularity-images]$ singularity run hello-world.simg
  1. Run in singularity bash shell
[$USER@r1i3n18 singularity-images]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
[$USER@r1i3n18 singularity-images]$ cat /etc/lsb-release
cat: /etc/lsb-release: No such file or directory
[$USER@r1i3n18 singularity-images]$ singularity shell hello-world.simg
Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container...

Singularity hello-world.simg:~> cat /etc/lsb-release
Singularity hello-world.simg:~> cat /etc/redhat-release
cat: /etc/redhat-release: No such file or directory

How to use singularity on Eagle

Singularity is installed on CentOS 7 compute nodes as a module named singularity-container. Images can be copied to Eagle to run or can be generated from a recipe. In the examples below, output is only shown for test and run blocks. Input commands are preceded by a $

Run hello-world ubuntu image

  1. Log into compute node, checking it is running CentOS 7
qsub -I -A MYALLOCATION -q debug -l nodes=1,walltime=01:00:00
cat /etc/redhat-release
  1. Load the singularity-container module
module purge
module load singularity-container
  1. Retrieve hello-world image. Be sure to use /scratch as images are typically large
cd /scratch/$USER
mkdir -p singularity-images
cd singularity-images
singularity pull --name hello-world.simg shub://vsoch/hello-world
  1. Explore image details
# Shows labels
$ singularity inspect hello-world.simg
    "org.label-schema.usage.singularity.deffile.bootstrap": "docker",
    "MAINTAINER": "vanessasaur",
    "org.label-schema.usage.singularity.deffile": "Singularity",
    "org.label-schema.schema-version": "1.0",
    "WHATAMI": "dinosaur",
    "org.label-schema.usage.singularity.deffile.from": "ubuntu:14.04",
    "": "2017-10-15T12:52:56+00:00",
    "org.label-schema.usage.singularity.version": "2.4-feature-squashbuild-secbuild.g780c84d",
    "": "333MB"
# Shows the script run
$ singularity inspect -r hello-world.simg

exec /bin/bash /
  1. Run image default script
$ singularity run hello-world.simg
  1. Run in singularity bash shell
# On compute node
$ cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)
$ cat /etc/lsb-release
cat: /etc/lsb-release: No such file or directory
# In singularity shell
$ singularity shell hello-world.simg
Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container...

Singularity hello-world.simg:~> cat /etc/lsb-release
Singularity hello-world.simg:~> cat /etc/redhat-release
cat: /etc/redhat-release: No such file or directory

Create a CentOS 7 EPEL image with MPI support

This example shows how to create a CentOS 7 singularity image with openmpi installed. It requires root/admin privileges to create the image so must be run on a user's computer with singularity installed. After creation, the image can be copied to Eagle and run.

  1. Create a new recipe based on singularityhub/centos:latest
echo "Bootstrap: shub
From: singularityhub/centos:latest
" > centos-mpi.recipe
  1. Install development tools and enable epel repository after bootstrap is created
echo "%post
  yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
  yum -y install
" >> centos-mpi.recipe
  1. Download, compile and install openmpi 2.1
echo "
curl -O
tar jxf openmpi-2.1.2.tar.bz2
cd openmpi-2.1.2
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make install
" >> centos-mpi.recipe
  1. Compile and install example mpi application
echo "
mpicc examples/ring_c.c -o ring
cp ring /usr/bin/
" >> centos-mpi.recipe

  1. Install a package found in EPEL, in this example R
echo "  yum -y install R
" >> centos-mpi.recipe
  1. Set default script to run ring
echo "%runscript
" >> centos-mpi.recipe
  1. Build image
sudo $(type -p singularity) build centos-mpi.simg centos-mpi.recipe
  1. Test image
$ mpirun -np 20 singularity exec centos-mpi.simg /usr/bin/ring
$ singularity run centos-epel-r.simg --version
R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15) -- "Someone to Lean On"
Copyright (C) 2018 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License versions 2 or 3.
For more information about these matters see

$ singularity exec centos-mpi.simg Rscript -e "a <- 42; A <- a*2; print(A)"
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