diff --git a/src/optimize.cls.php b/src/optimize.cls.php
index c633e8616..0ef038714 100644
--- a/src/optimize.cls.php
+++ b/src/optimize.cls.php
@@ -554,6 +554,120 @@ private function _maybe_js_delay()
$this->html_foot .= '';
+ private function round_to_hundred($number, $min = true){
+ return round($number, -2, ( $min ? PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN : PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP ) );
+ }
+ private function convert_to_api_v1($qs){
+ // Replace css2? withs css?.
+ $args = str_replace('css2?', 'css?', $qs);
+ // Save if has display and remove it.
+ $has_display = strpos($args, '&display=swap');
+ $args = str_replace('&display=swap', '', $args);
+ // Get families.
+ $args = explode('?', $args);
+ // Prepare new QS.
+ $new_qs = $args[0].'?family=';
+ // Work with families list.
+ $args = $args[1];
+ // Replace family= with ''.
+ $args = str_replace('family=', '', $args);
+ // Families to array.
+ $args = explode('&', $args);
+ // New families.
+ $families = array();
+ // Work on each family.
+ foreach($args as $arg){
+ // Family does not have options.
+ if(!strpos($arg, ':')){
+ $families[] = $arg;
+ }
+ // Family have options.
+ else{
+ $add_data = '';
+ $options = explode(':', $arg);
+ // Convert font name.
+ $add_data .= $options[0];
+ // Convert font options.
+ if(isset($options[1])){
+ $add_values_array = [];
+ $add_data .= ':';
+ // Has italic only.
+ if($options[1] == 'ital'){
+ foreach( [100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900] as $weight ){
+ $add_values_array[] = $weight;
+ $add_values_array[] = $weight.'italic';
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ // Font_modifier and Font_modifier_values.
+ $options = explode('@', $options[1]);
+ // Font modifiers and values
+ $font_modifier = explode(',', $options[0]);
+ $font_modifier_values = explode(';', $options[1]);
+ // Go through each values.
+ foreach($font_modifier_values as $k => &$modifier_value){
+ // Get array of values for each combination.
+ $modifier_value_array = explode(',', $modifier_value);
+ // Italic key.
+ $italic_key = array_search('ital', $font_modifier);
+ foreach($font_modifier as $k_mod => $value_modifier){
+ if($value_modifier === 'wght'){
+ // Weight setting.
+ $value = $modifier_value_array[$k_mod];
+ // If height has "..".
+ if( strpos($value, '..' )){
+ $limits = explode('..', $value);
+ $limits[0] = $this->round_to_hundred($limits[0]);
+ $limits[1] = $this->round_to_hundred($limits[1], false);
+ $value = [];
+ for($i = $limits[0]; $i <= $limits[1]; $i = $i + 100 ){
+ $value[] = $i;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ // If single value.
+ $value = array($value);
+ }
+ foreach($value as $weight){
+ // Test if italic is set to 1.
+ $italic = ( $italic_key && $modifier_value_array[$italic_key] ? 'italic' : '' );
+ // Add value to family parameters.
+ $add_values_array[] = $weight.$italic;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $add_data .= implode(',', $add_values_array);
+ }
+ $families[] = $add_data;
+ }
+ }
+ $new_qs .= implode('|', $families);
+ if($has_display){
+ $new_qs .= '&display=swap';
+ }
+ return $new_qs;
+ }
* Google font async
@@ -575,10 +689,16 @@ private function _async_ggfonts()
* Could be multiple fonts
+ * CSS API V1
* -> family: PT Sans:400,700|PT Sans Narrow:400|Montserrat:600
+ *
+ * CSS API V2
+ *
+ *
+ *
$script = 'WebFontConfig={google:{families:[';
@@ -586,6 +706,12 @@ private function _async_ggfonts()
foreach ($this->_ggfonts_urls as $v) {
$qs = wp_specialchars_decode($v);
$qs = urldecode($qs);
+ // Try to convert API V2 to V1.
+ if( strpos($qs, '/css2?') ){
+ $qs = $this->convert_to_api_v1($qs);
+ }
$qs = parse_url($qs, PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($qs, $qs);