Releases: linuxserver-archive/docker-baseimage-rdesktop-web
LinuxServer Changes:
I am the release message for this internal repo.
OS Changes:
Updating base packages to b1133a8e
LinuxServer Changes:
I am the release message for this internal repo.
OS Changes:
Updating base packages to 1ec169ad
LinuxServer Changes:
I am the release message for this internal repo.
gclient Changes:
Feature Release:
- Remove fit to screen concept and automatically resize content when window is modified
LinuxServer Changes:
I am the release message for this internal repo.
Remote Changes:
Updating to 2023-03-24
LinuxServer Changes:
I am the release message for this internal repo.
gclient Changes:
Feature Release:
- Remove fit to screen concept and automatically resize content when window is modified
LinuxServer Changes:
I am the release message for this internal repo.
gclient Changes:
Feature Release:
- Remove fit to screen concept and automatically resize content when window is modified
LinuxServer Changes:
I am the release message for this internal repo.
gclient Changes:
Feature Release:
- Remove fit to screen concept and automatically resize content when window is modified
LinuxServer Changes:
I am the release message for this internal repo.
gclient Changes:
Feature Release:
- Remove fit to screen concept and automatically resize content when window is modified
LinuxServer Changes:
I am the release message for this internal repo.
OS Changes:
Updating base packages to 05dd423a
LinuxServer Changes:
I am the release message for this internal repo.
OS Changes:
Updating base packages to 7d5cace5