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Daily 5
Moty (motyros): check ts tool.
Nir (Oldwisenir): fix read me document.
Dolev (dolev): install full environment on the pc, and raise exceptions.
Aviad (CodeJjang): fix read me document.
Liran (liran100): organize the tasks in zenhub.
Aviad: finished README docs and release, look for the rabbit.
Nir: finished README and streamlistener fixing. pm2 deployment for consumers.
D0l3v: hafifat sails.
M01ty: cleaning repos code... works with devops people.
Mosh3: adfs.
Aviad (CodeJjang): Yesterday clean code & API services reorder + Start removing Elasticsearch, today finish all of that.
Nir (oldwisenir): Yesterday PM2 deployment, today finishing PM2 and also write Docs about that in the Wiki. + Start removing Kaltura. (And maby cycles something...)
Dolev (Dolevco): Learning Sails & Git + Start build some UI for authorization.
Moty (motyros): Cleaning repos and packages dependencies + helping Eliran & Refael.
Moshe (moshesharon): Checking S3 object storage & ADFS.
Eliran (eliranbarnoy): Keep working on server setup + Docker... (Devops)
Aviad (CodeJjang): in test.
Nir (oldwisenir): yesterday was in Refael and return with very important conclusion. today drop Kaltura.
Dolev (Dolevco): yesterday build some UI for authorization,created page with the parameters and more features.
**Moty (motyros):**help to Refael.
Moshe (moshesharon): worked on the ADFS, and S3, and today continue.
Eliran (eliranbarnoy): ???
Refael: yesterday rearrange the api and ui docker, today continue.
Din (dinzone): yesterday worked on the transport-stream consumer,almost finish,today continue and help klinger on droping kaltura.
Aviad (CodeJjang):
Nir (oldwisenir): last time worked on new video schema, drop Kaltura and creating Smil file, today work about last time things + streaming bitrate + circles.
Dolev (Dolevco): last time finish with the compartment page, added api for day filters, worked about the logic of circles.
Moty (motyros): ???
Moshe (moshesharon): last time set with Itzik, and worked on the ADFS authentication, today sit with Aviad about it.
Eliran (eliranbarnoy): ???
Refael (faelb): last time was sick, today about dockers.
Din (dinzone): finally split the video recorder to two services, today work on resolution + help Klinger about Kaltura and smil file issues.
Liran (liran100): last time learn sails, today the same and prepare Moty about the missions with Aviad
Aviad (CodeJjang): Yesterday finish some Kaltura removing, today ADFS.
Nir (oldwisenir): Yesterday teaching + cycles + smil, today keep working on the smil.
Din (dinzone): Yesterday finish resolution - need more research on CRF, today helping Klinger on smil + integation with Aviad on the new video schema.
Dolev (Dolevco): Yesterday started the authorization service, and continue working on that today.
Moty (motyros): Yesterday a little work with Refael & started to look the PM2, today continue working on the captions.
Liran (liran100):
Moshe (moshesharon):
Eliran (eliranbarnoy):
Refael (faelb):
Aviad : ADFS.
Nir : Tests for media-url, video-bounding, and smil generator.
Moty : Captions and dockers with lior.
Dolev : Compratment
Moty (motyros): Yesterday PM2 + a little work with Kisos.
Today continue working with Kisos + also work on the logger (will check maybe logs for elastic).
Din (dinzone): Yesterday test on transport-stream-processing-service consumer.
Today continue working on the test + check Alex review/tutorial.
Nir (oldwisenir): Yesterday finish the feature of playing authorized video (by the times of the authorization).
Today work with Dolev on the authorization API.
Dolev (Dolevco): Yesterday worked on API to get authorization by times. Today refer on Nir...
Liran (liran100): Today checking on tools for efficiency & load testing on the Wowza server + will talk with Moish about the process of insertion to our local company web.
Aviad : Fix swagger to work with our api microservices.
Din : Read about the frontend.
Liran : Load testings for Wowza.
Moty : Working on the logger.
Dolev : Tests for set authorization service.
Aviad : Swagger is in!. Authorization service done. test produce with correct params. Moty : finished logger component begadol. beikaron will add logstash in logger component. Dolev : tests for Authorization cron job. where to put. Din : guardians of the galaxy. UI research. Liran : look at alex job. learn angular. search mpeg-dash load tests tools. Nir : Media-url-provider requests by compartment.