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CryptoCerts Contracts

This repository contains the smart contracts of a proof of concept version of CryptoCerts, a decentralized academic certificate registry built on Ethereum.

This project is written in Solidity utilizing Ganache CLI, Truffle and IPFS, along with a React web client application with Redux and web3.js.

For the client repository see cryptocerts-client.

Setup Instructions using Docker


To use the packaged environment you will need Docker Desktop for your operating system. Please ensure Docker Compose is also available.


  • Clone the contracts repository into a directory:
    $ git clone [email protected]:lephleg/cryptocerts-contracts.git .
  • Clone the client repository in a subdirectory named client:
    $ git clone [email protected]:lephleg/cryptocerts-client.git client
  • While remaining at the root directory, execute the following command to spin up the ganache-cli and truffle containers:
    $ docker-compose up -d
  • Install contract dependencies using npm in the truffle container:
    $ docker exec -it truffle npm install --silent
  • In order to compile and deploy the contracts in Ganache use:
    $ docker exec -it truffle truffle migrate
  • Write down the address of the newly deployed CryptoCerts contract found in the output of the previous command.
  • Navigate to the client directory.
  • Make a copy of the .env.example configuration file named .env.local:
    $ cp .env.example .env.local
  • Paste the address of the CryptoCerts contract as the value of the REACT_APP_CRYPTOCERTS_CONTRACT_ADDRESS key in .env.local.
  • While remaining in the client subdirectory spin up the cryptocerts-client application container along with the ipfs local node:
    $ docker-compose up -d
  • Configure IPFS CORS policy to allow connections from localhost and restart container to apply the new configuration:
    $ docker exec -it ipfs ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["*"]'
    $ docker exec -it ipfs ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods '["GET", "POST"]'
    $ docker restart ipfs
  • Point your browser to http://localhost:3000 in order to access the web client application.

Available Accounts

Ganache CLI is configured to generate the following 10 Ethereum accounts credited with 100 ETH each on every run:

(0) 0xAC5a931d4b086923E6f73b8d90105Fc9b3E3acd3 (100 ETH)
(1) 0x9988244263D83901692fC61efe529357ED35c102 (100 ETH)
(2) 0x201eeCf56D7fAEEEB6dDec06ed576a4AC4288b5b (100 ETH)
(3) 0x917FFBe82B10F074745A40310d2d8316a8Ca0227 (100 ETH)
(4) 0x4Ef46738B67e684e893F2b0c7EF65a2cD44b7067 (100 ETH)
(5) 0x42F54b017c0FaD0789B0eCa4453EE76645e96DdA (100 ETH)
(6) 0xE811D3b95B5bb1Acf0f94768EA3014A9E7a0ebF4 (100 ETH)
(7) 0x0AdCF30784bFEd2E5cD5B11aE9673C25a3841f70 (100 ETH)
(8) 0x43FdF54294cDE9763288c610aCb815234A221A33 (100 ETH)
(9) 0x3c61695638E51fF5D89cA189A7E2017811224d73 (100 ETH)

Each account corresponds to a unique private key listed below:

(0) 0x93a3f09276dd607f7361f113434b6a3daf4f6af2f46600c6b6cb9205e4fc526e
(1) 0x045c5d8885d6a7d4753ce347a1743a3e5cf34c06821ffef037b11759e7e9c376
(2) 0x0c4115f6368b9192ef35c9b689893e61092ad8d445656828734cd63e3e035969
(3) 0x6e1ce3b2d9339ce0c2f736f6336a519ee1919c8d4d3db754db4c48d4cfee3b88
(4) 0x98e2b3148709edc5e0fbbe4dbd79fdf7f295592c32373fd21e6fb1dd96efb9b6
(5) 0x729fe8b46fab009d70eaf62fbcc6a274645d4129e0ac9e62e87a14b7797d8134
(6) 0x69233d052e1e717bc607c34f897cf8d5d734065bbdcc5c5ff4f3cd7bf2eede17
(7) 0x70184ae5af86ef3262f1c2184e23f60eb620b50fb81af56cc15b49f78db4ef5e
(8) 0xd8c11aeb25e7d7b61a1b71ee270aecb1b1f21820e85d7da9c98acacdba968c34
(9) 0xf27b697db66f4cf5c5b560e1cf4f7841b73fc5db2d763b2c0e932f969c50e0d7

All the above accounts can be imported to MetaMask or a BIP32-compatible wallet with the following seed:

bless job switch twice tattoo execute peace bounce erase trip innocent shed

Please note the above are only used for development and test purposes. A real case scenario would require each user to generate his own pair of keys and receive a sufficient balance from a faucet in order to transact with the contracts.

Reset the blockchain records

In order to reset the blockchain records in Genache CLI and start from scratch use the following:

  • Remove the ganache-cli container:
    $ docker rm -f ganache-cli
  • Remove the <parent_dir>_ganache_db volume:
    $ docker volume rm <parent_dir>_ganache_db
  • While being in project root, recreate the container:
    $ docker-compose up -d