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File metadata and controls

145 lines (133 loc) · 7.69 KB

What Legacyzpts Creates

Four FITS data tables with the same columns and units for all three cameras.

(1) -zpt.fits

Name Type Units Description
airmass float32 ---- from CP header
avsky float32 ---- from CP header
camera str ---- decam, mosaic, or 90prime
ccdname str ---- ccd[1-4] (mosaic,90prime) or [NS][0-9]{2} (decam)
ccdnum int16 ---- ccdname with alphabetic characters removed
cd1_1 float32 ---- Astrometric solution
cd1_2 float32 ---- Astrometric solution
cd2_1 float32 ---- Astrometric solution
cd2_2 float32 ---- Astrometric solution
crpix1 float32 ---- Astrometric solution
crpix2 float32 ---- Astrometric solution
crval1 float64 ---- Astrometric solution
crval2 float64 ---- Astrometric solution
date_obs str ---- yyyy-mm-dd
dec float64 deg WCS solution center of the CCD
dec_bore float64 deg bore sight of telescope
decoff float32 deg Median of 3 sigma-clipped ("Gaia Dec" - dec)
decrms float32 deg RMS of 3 sigma-clipped ("Gaia Dec" - dec)
decstddev float32 deg Std Dev of 3 sigma-clipped ("Gaia Dec" - dec)
err_message str ---- empty string if no processing problems, otherwise usually describes a reason why this CCD should be excluded from science analysis
expid str ---- expnum + ccdname
expnum int32 ---- primary key
exptime float32 sec exposure time
filter str ---- g, r, or z
fwhm float32 pixel measured by legacyzpts
fwhm_cp float32 pixel from CP header
gain float32 e-/ADU (Decam) average of GAINA, GAINB, (Mosaic) GAIN, (90prime) 1.4
goodps1 int16 ---- number of good PS1 sources in CCD
goodps1_wbadpix5 int16 ---- number of good PS1 sources in the CCD that are within 5 pixels of at least bad pixel map == 5 pixel
ha str N/A
height int16 pixel height of CCD
image_filename str ---- path to image on NERSC machines, relative to /project/projectdirs/cosmo/staging
image_hdu int16 ---- hdu number for the ccd in the image FITS file
mjd_obs float64 ---- Modified Julian Date
nmatch_astrom int16 ---- number of good detected sources that have good Gaia matches within 1''
nmatch_photom int16 ---- number of good detected sources that have good PS1 matches within 1''
object str ---- type of exposure (object vs. flat)
phoff float32 AB mag Per CCD Median of 2.5 sigma-clipped (PS1 mag - Our mag)
phrms float32 AB mag Per CCD Std Dev of 2.5 sigma-clipped (PS1 mag - Our mag)
pixscale float32 as/pixel fixed at 0.262 (DECam, Mosaic) and 0.470 (90Prime)
propid str ---- proposal id for the survey
ra float64 deg WCS solution center of the CCD
ra_bore float64 deg bore sight of telescope
raoff float32 deg Median of 3 sigma-clipped ("Gaia Ra" - ra) * cos(dec)
rarms float32 deg RMS of 3 sigma-clipped ("Gaia Ra" - ra) * cos(dec)
rastddev float32 deg Std Dev of 3 sigma-clipped("Gaia Ra" - ra) * cos(dec)
skycounts float32 e-/pixel/sec Median of 3 sigma-clipped 1000x1000 central pixels of CCD
skymag float32 AB mag/as^2 skycounts converted to AB mag/as^2
skyrms float32 e-/pixel/sec Std Dev of 3 sigma-clipped 1000x1000 central pixels of CCD
transp float32 ---- Relative atmospheric transparency
ut str ----
width int16 pixel width of CCD
zpt float32 e-/sec phoff + nominal zeropoint for camera, filter
zptavg float32 e-/sec average zpt over all CCDs
zpt_wbadpix5 float32 e-/sec phoff + nominal zeropoint for camera, filter including sources that have at least one bad pixel map == 5 pixel in their 7'' aperture

(2) -legacyzpt.fits

All of these are duplicates of #1 and are the minimal set required by our legacypipe/Tractor pipeline. Note, the names and units are different from above.

Name Type Decam Mosaic/90Prime Description
camera str ---- ---- same as above
ccddecoff float64 deg deg decoff
ccdname str ---- ---- same as above
ccdnmatch int16 ---- ---- nmatch_photom
ccdraoff float64 deg deg raoff
ccdzpt float32 ADU/sec e-/sec zpt
cd1_1 float32 ---- ---- same as above
cd1_2 float32 ---- ---- same as above
cd2_1 float32 ---- ---- same as above
cd2_2 float32 ---- ---- same as above
crpix1 float32 ---- ---- same as above
crpix2 float32 ---- ---- same as above
crval1 float64 ---- ---- same as above
crval2 float64 ---- ---- same as above
dec float64 deg deg same as above
dec_bore float64 deg deg same as above
expnum int32 ---- ---- same as above
exptime float32 sec sec same as above
filter str ---- ---- same as above
fwhm float32 pixel pixel same as above
height int16 pixel pixel same as above
image_filename str ---- ---- same as above
image_hdu int16 ---- ---- same as above
mjd_obs float64 ---- ---- same as above
object str ---- ---- same as above
propid str ---- ---- same as above
ra float64 deg deg same as above
ra_bore float64 deg deg same as above
skyrms float32 e-/pixel/sec e-/pixel/sec same as above
width int16 pixel pixel same as above
zpt float32 ADU/sec e-/sec zptavg

(3) Two stars tables

There are two stars tables: -star-photom.fits and -star-astrom.fits. Both have this base set of columns

Name Type Units Description
ccdname str ---- same as above
dec float64 deg declination of detected source
expnum int32 ---- same as above
expid str ---- same as above
exptime float32 sec same as above
filter str ---- same as above
gain float32 ---- same as above
image_filename str ---- same as above
image_hdu int16 ---- same as above
nmatch int16 ---- number of good detected sources with good PS1 (stars-photom.fits) or Gaia (stars-astrom.fits) 1'' matches
ra float64 deg right ascension of detected source
x float64 pixel x-position of detected source, [0,width]
y float64 pixel y-position of detected source, [0,height]
(3a) -star-photom.fits

The photom table has additional photometry information for 1 as matched PS1 sources

Name Type Units Description
apflux float64 e- number e- in 7'' aperture minus apskyflux
apmag float64 AB mag apflux converted to AB Mag
apskyflux float64 e- number e- from local sky in 7'' aperture
apskyflux_perpix float64 e-/pixel number e- from local sky per pixel
dmagall float64 AB mag PS1 mag minus apmag
gaia_g float64 AB mag gaia g-band mag
ps1_mag float32 AB mag PS1 mag converted to either decam,mosaic,90prime system
ps1_g float64 AB mag PS1 g-mag
ps1_r float64 AB mag PS1 r-mag
ps1_i float64 AB mag PS1 i-mag
ps1_z float64 AB mag PS1 z-mag
(3b) -star-astrom.fits

The astrom table has additional astrometry information for 1 as matched Gaia sources (or PS1 sources if < 20 Gaia sources).

Name Type Units Description
decdiff float64 deg "Gaia Dec" - dec
radiff float64 deg ("Gaia Ra" - ra) * cos(dec)