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169 lines (122 loc) · 4.88 KB

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169 lines (122 loc) · 4.88 KB


tests License: MIT

Yet another implementation for rinha.

                /\ \__                       __    
 _____      __  \ \ ,_\  _ __   ___   _____ /\_\   
/\ '__`\  /'__`\ \ \ \/ /\`'__\/ __`\/\ '__`\/\ \  
\ \ \L\ \/\ \L\.\_\ \ \_\ \ \//\ \L\ \ \ \L\ \ \ \ 
 \ \ ,__/\ \__/.\_\\ \__\\ \_\\ \____/\ \ ,__/\ \_\
  \ \ \/  \/__/\/_/ \/__/ \/_/ \/___/  \ \ \/  \/_/
   \ \_\                                \ \_\      
    \/_/                                 \/_/      

As of 2023' September, Patropi is a tree-walking interpreter written entirely in Ruby 3.2 +YJIT.

Somente para a rinha

Em caso se for necessário o build local:

$ docker build -t patropi .

$ docker run \
  -v ./examples/showcase.json:/var/rinha/source.rinha.json \
  --memory=2gb \
  --cpus=2 \

Ou, caso prefira buscar a imagem do Docker Hub:

$ docker run \
  -v ./examples/showcase.json:/var/rinha/source.rinha.json \
  --memory=2gb \
  --cpus=2 \



$ docker build -t patropi .
$ rinha examples/hello.rinha | docker run --rm -i patropi

Hello, world

There are a bunch of other examples in the ./examples folder.

Usage with Make (optional)

This project leverages on the use of Makefile to organize commands. However if you don't want to use Make, feel free to check out the commands located in the ./bin/ folder.

$ make help

Usage: make <target>
  help                       Prints available commands              Build Patropi
  patropi.hello              Run hello world
  patropi.showcase           Run showcase examples
  patropi.test               Run tests
  patropi.bench              Run benchmarks

Optionally you can run directly with bin/patropi:

$ bin/patropi examples/showcase.rinha


As mentioned before, Patropi is currently a tree-walking interpreter written in Ruby, implemented for rinha.

The evaluation phase is made using the Trampoline technique along with Continuation-passing style(CPS), which aims to avoid deep recursion thus mitigating risks of stack buffer overflow.

patropi architecture

Note: the implementation is very simple and naive, mainly used for learning more about compilers.


Fibonacci with no tail call

cat > temp.rinha <<EOF
let fib = fn (n) => {
  if (n < 2) {
  } else {
    fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
print("fib: " + fib(10))

rinha temp.rinha | docker run --rm -i patropi

Fibonacci with tail call

cat > temp.rinha <<EOF
let fib = fn (n, a, b) => {
  if (n == 0) {
  } else {
    fib(n - 1, b, a + b)
print("fib: " + fib(10, 0, 1))

rinha temp.rinha | docker run --rm -i patropi

O QA pediu pra rodar

cat > temp.rinha <<EOF
let sum = fn (a, b) => { a + b };
let other_sum = fn (n) => { sum(n, 2) };
let tuple = (
	(fn (a, b) => { a - b })(10, 2)

rinha temp.rinha | docker run --rm -i patropi

Parser (experimental)

Ideally, Patropi should be a complete intrepreter implementing a built-in parser for the rinha specification.

At this moment, it comes with a simple lexer and parser that are still in experimental phase. Checkout the ./lib for further details.

The parser is composed by the following components:


The lexer scans the input looking for regular expressions and produces grammar tokens. It is implemented using the StringScanner built-in Ruby class.


The parser looks at the next token according to the grammar in a recursive top-down manner, which makes it a recursive descent parser. It is implemented in pure Ruby with no additional gems.

All the unit tests in this project are already using the built-in Patropi parser. We're yet to implement the remaining language specs, such as Tuples and Location.

Future development

  • LALR parsing
  • Advanced optimizations

ASCII art generator