Small release supporting Always Automatically Reboot at Scheduled Time setting.
- Ensure wuaserv service is idempotent - MODULES-2420
- Support AlwaysAutoRebootAtScheduledTimeMinutes - MODULES-3475
- Support AlwaysAutoRebootAtScheduledTime - MODULES-3016
Small release with monior bugfixes
- Fix links and dependencies in metadata.json
- Fix acceptance tests
Small release for support of newer PE versions.
First supported release
- Add metadata for Puppet 4 and PE 2015.2.0
- Update documentation
Fix the max value of RebootRelaunchTimeout
- Increase RebootRelaunchTimeout to 1440 instead of 440
Readme fix, metadata addition of puppet versions, and add of CHANGELOG
Update metadata for project and source urls
Initial release to provide user the ability to manage registry keys pertaining to windows update service