Statistical Learning Library implements the Statistical Learning Analyzers and Machine Learning Schemes.
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- Learning => Agnostic Learning Bounds under Empirical Loss Minimization Schemes.
- Sequence => Bounds Metrics for Random, Custom, and Functional Sequences.
- Spaces => R1 and Rd Vector/Tensor Spaces (Validated and/or Normed), and Function Classes off of them.
- Probabilistic Bounds
- Motivation
- Tail Probability Bounds Estimation - Survey
- Basic Probability Inequalities
- Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality
- Association Inequalities
- Moment, Gaussian, and Exponential Bounds
- Bounding Sum of Independent Random Variables
- Non-Moment Based Bounding - Hoeffding Bound
- Moment Based Bounds
- Binomial Tails
- Custom Bounds for Special i.i.d. Sequences
- References
- Efron-Stein Bounds
- Introduction
- Martingale Differences Sum Inequality
- Efron-Stein Inequality
- Bounded Differences Inequality
- Bounded Differences Inequality - Applications
- Self-Bounding Functions
- Configuration Functions
- References
- Entropy Methods
- Introduction
- Information Theory - Basics
- Tensorization of the Entropy
- Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities
- Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities - Applications
- Exponential Inequalities for Self-Bounding Functions
- Combinatorial Entropy
- Variations on the Theme of Self-Bounding Functions
- References
- Concentration of Measure
- Introduction
- Equivalent Bounded Differences Inequality
- Convex Distance Inequality
- Convex Distance Inequality - Proof
- Application of the Convex Distance Inequality – Bin Packing
- References
- Standard SLT Framework
- Statistical Learning Theory Monographs
- Computational Learning Theory
- Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) Learning
- PAC Definitions and Terminology
- SLT Introduction
- The Setup
- Algorithms for Reducing Over-fitting
- Bayesian Normalized Regularizer Setup
- References
- Generalization and Consistency
- Concept Motivation
- Types of Consistency
- Bias-Variance or Estimation-Approximation Trade-off
- Bias Variance Decomposition
- Bias Variance Optimization
- Generalization and Consistency for kNN
- References
- Empirical Risk Minimization
- ERM Literature and Introduction
- Overview
- The Loss Function and the Empirical Risk Minimization Principles
- Application of the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) and Law of Large Numbers (LLN)
- Inconsistency of Empirical Risk Minimizers
- Uniform Convergence
- ERM Complexity
- References
- Symmetrization
- Introduction
- Proof of the Symmetrization Lemma
- References
- Generalization Bounds
- Union Bound
- Shattering Coefficient
- Empirical Risk Generalization Bound
- Large Margin Bounds
- References
- Rademacher Complexity
- Setup and Definition
- Rademacher-based Uniform Convergence
- VC Entropy
- Chaining Technique
- Literature
- References
- Local Rademacher Averages
- Introduction
- Star-Hull and Sub-root Functions
- Local Rademacher Averages and Fixed Point
- Local Rademacher Average – Consequences
- Normalized ERM
- Background
- Computing the Normalized Empirical Risk Bounds
- Denormalized Bounds
- References
- Noise Conditions
- SLT Analysis Metrics
- Types of Noise Conditions
- Relative Loss Class
- VC Theory and VC Dimension
- Introduction
- Empirical Process
- Bounding the Empirical Loss Function
- VC Dimension - Formal Definition
- VC Dimension - Introduction
- VC Dimension Examples
- VC Dimension vs. Popper Dimension
- References
- Sauer Lemma and VC Classifier Framework
- Motivation
- Derivation of Sauer Lemma Bounds
- Sauer Lemma ERM Bounds
- VC Classifier Framework
- References
- Covering and Entropy Numbers
- Motivation
- Nomenclature - Normed Spaces
- Covering, Entropy, and Dyadic Numbers
- Background and Overview of Basic Results
- References
- Covering Numbers for Real-Valued Function Classes
- Introduction
- Functions of Bounded Variation
- Functions of Bounded Variation – Upper Bound Proof
- Functions of Bounded Variation – Lower Bound Proof
- General Function Classes
- General Function Class Bounds – Proof Sketch
- General Function Class Bounds – Lemmas
- General Function Class - Upper Bounds
- General Function Class - Lower Bounds
- References
- Operator Theory Methods for Entropy Numbers
- Introduction and Setup
- Literature, Approaches, and Result
- References
- Generalization Bounds via Uniform Convergence
- Basic Uniform Convergence Bounds
- Loss Function Induced Classes
- Standard Form of Uniform Convergence
- References
- Kernel Machines
- Introduction
- SVM – Capacity Control
- Non-linear Kernels
- Generalization Performance of Regularization Networks
- Covering Number Determination Steps
- Challenges Presenting Master Generalization Error
- References
- Entropy Numbers for Kernel Machines
- Mercer Kernels
- Equivalent Kernels
- Mapping
${/phi}$ Into l2 - Corrigenda to the Mercer Conditions
- l2 Unit Ball → /epsilon Mapping Scaling Operator A/hat
- Unit Bounding Operator Entropy Numbers
- The SVM Operator
- Maurey’s Theorem
- Bounds for SV Classes
- Asymptotic Rates of Decay for the Entropy Numbers
- References
- Discrete Spectra of Convolution Operators
- Kernels with Compact/Non-compact Support
- Eigenvalues of the Operator
- Choosing /nu
- Extension to d-dimension
- References
- Covering Numbers for Given Decay Rates
- Asymptotic/Non-asymptotic Decay of Covering Numbers
- Polynomial Eigenvalue Decay
- Summation and Integration of Non-decreasing Functions
- Exponential Polynomial Decay
- References
- Kernels for High Dimensional Data
- Introduction
- Kernel Fourier Transforms
- Degenerate Kernel Bounds
- Covering Numbers for Degenerate Systems
- Bounds for Kernels in R d
- Impact of the Fourier Transform Decay on the Entropy Numbers
- References
- Regularization Networks Entropy Numbers Determination - Practice
- Introduction
- Custom Application of the Kernel Machines Entropy Numbers
- Extensions to the Operator-Theoretic Viewpoint for Covering Numbers
- References
- Minimum Description Length Approach
- Motivation
- Coding Approaches
- MDL Analyses
- References
- Bayesian Methods
- Bayesian and Frequentist Approaches
- Bayesian Approaches
- References
- Knowledge Based Bounds
- Places to incorporate Bounds
- Prior Knowledge into the Function Space
- References
- Approximation Error and Bayes’ Consistency
- Motivation
- Nested Function Spaces
- Regularization
- Achieving Zero Approximation Error
- Rate of Convergence
- References
- No Free Lunch Theorem
- Introduction
- Algorithmic Consistency
- NFT Formal Statements
- References
- Generative and Discriminative Models
- Generative Models
- Discriminant Models
- Examples of Discriminant Approaches
- Differences Between Generative and Discriminant Models
- References
- Supervised Learning
- Introduction
- Supervised Learning Practice Steps
- Challenges with the Supervised Learning Practice
- References
- Unsupervised Learning
- References
- Machine Learning
- Calibration vs. Training
- Pattern Recognition
- Introduction
- Supervised vs. Unsupervised Pattern Recognition
- Probabilistic Pattern Recognition
- Formulation of Pattern Recognition
- Pattern Recognition Practice SKU
- Pattern Recognition Applications
- References
- Statistical Classification
- References
- Linear Discriminant Analysis
- Introduction
- Setup and Formulation
- Fisher’s Linear Discriminant
- Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
- References
- Logistic Regression
- Introduction
- Formulation
- Goodness of Fit
- Mathematical Setup
- Bayesian Logistic Regression
- Logistic Regression Extensions
- Model Suitability Tests with Cross Validation
- References
- Multinomial Logistic Regression
- Introduction
- Setup and Formulation
- References
- Decision Trees and Decision Lists
- References
- Variable Bandwidth Kernel Density Estimation
- References
- k-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm
- References
- Perceptron
- References
- Support Vector Machines (SVM)
- References
- Gene Expression Programming (GEP)
- References
- Cluster Analysis
- Introduction
- Cluster Models
- Connectivity Based Clustering
- Centroid Based Clustering
- Distribution Based Clustering
- Density Based Clustering
- Recent Clustering Enhancements
- Internal Cluster Evaluation
- External Cluster Evaluation
- Clustering Axiom
- References
- Mixture Model
- Introduction
- Generic Mixture Model Details
- Specific Mixture Models
- Mixture Model Samples
- Identifiability
- Expectation Maximization
- Alternatives to EM
- Mixture Model Extensions
- References
- Deep Learning
- Introduction
- Unsupervised Representation Learner
- Deep Learning Using ANN
- Deep Learning Architectures
- Challenges with the DNN Approach
- Deep Belief Networks (DBN)
- Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
- Deep Learning Evaluation Data Sets
- Neurological Basis of Deep Learning
- Criticism of Deep Learning
- References
- Hierarchical Clustering
- References
- k-Means Clustering
- Introduction
- Mathematical Formulation
- The Standard Algorithm
- k-Means Initialization Schemes
- k-Means Complexity
- k-Means Variations
- k-Means Applications
- Alternate k-Means Formulations
- Alternate k-Means Formulations
- Correlation Clustering
- References
- Kernel Principal Component Analysis (Kernel PCA)
- References
- Ensemble Learning
- Introduction
- Overview
- Theoretical Underpinnings
- Ensemble Aggregator Types
- Bayes’ Optimal Classifier
- Bagging and Boosting
- Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA)
- Bayesian Model Combination (BMC)
- Bucket of Models (BOM)
- Stacking
- Ensemble Averaging vs. Basis Spline Representation
- References
- ANN Ensemble Averaging
- Overview
- Techniques and Results
- References
- Boosting
- Overview
- Philosophy behind Boosting Algorithms
- Popular Boosting Algorithms and Drawbacks
- References
- Bootstrap Aggregating
- Overview and Sample Generation
- Bagging with 1NN – Theoretical Treatment
- References
- Tensors and Multi-linear Subspace Learning
- Tensors
- Multi-linear Subspace Learning
- Multi-linear PCA
- References
- Kalman Filtering
- Continuous Time Kalman Filtering
- Non-linear Kalman Filtering
- Kalman Smoothing
- References
- Particle Filtering
- References
- Regression Analysis
- Linear Regression
- Assumptions underlying Basic Linear Regression
- Multivariate Regression Analysis
- Multivariate Predictor/Response Regression
- OLS on Basis Spline Representation
- Extensions to Linear Regression Methodology
- Linear Regression Estimator Extensions
- Bayesian Approach to Regression Analysis
- Component Analysis
- Independent Component Analysis (ICA) - Specification
- Independent Component Analysis (ICA) - Formulation
- Principal Component Analysis
- Principal Component Analysis – Constrained Formulation
- 2D Principal Component Analysis – Constrained Formulation
- 2D Principal Component Analysis – Lagrange Multiplier Based Constrained Optimization
- nD Principal Component Analysis – Lagrange Multiplier Based Constrained Optimization
- Information Theoretic Analysis of PCA
- Empirical PCA Estimation from the Data Set
- Kriging
- Hidden Markov Models
- HMM State Transition/Emission Parameter Estimation
- HMM Based Inference - Applications
- Non-Bayesian HMM Model Setup
- Bayesian Extension to the HMM Model Setup
- HMM in Practical World
- References
- Markov Chain Models
- Markov Property
- Markov Chains
- Classification of the Markov Models
- Monte Carlo Markov Chains (MCMC)
- MCMC for Multi-dimensional Integrals
- References
- Markov Random and Condition Random Fields
- Introduction and Background
- MRF/CRF Axiomatic Definition/Properties
- Clique Factorization
- Inference in MRF/CRF
- References
- Maximum Entropy Markov Models (MEMM)
- References
- Probabilistic Grammar and Parsing
- Parsing
- Parser
- Context-Free Grammar (CFG)
- References
- Bayesian Analysis: Concepts, Formulation, Usage, and Application
- Framework Symbology
- Applicability
- Analysis of Bayesian Systems
- Advantage of Bayesian over other systems
- Bayesian Networks
- Hypothesis Testing
- Bayesian Updating
- Maximum Entropy Techniques
- Priors
- Predictive Posteriors and Priors
- Approximate Bayesian Computation
- Measurement and Parametric Calibration
- Regression Analysis
- Bayesian Regression Analysis
- Extensions to Regression Analysis
- Spline Analysis of Bayesian Systems
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