{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":102028039,"defaultBranch":"master","name":"DROP","ownerLogin":"lakshmiDRIP","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":false,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2017-08-31T17:43:53.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":false},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1725073085.0","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"f07b0b64862b1ad609685e6092fdaceb034e24bb","after":"b69e3274231c722c5834ff43e1c3552c7cd10861","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-09-08T22:38:20.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Fixed Income Portfolio Construction #1","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Fixed Income Portfolio Construction #1"}},{"before":"e9dd99dc2f7e4f96a1aaf4e41ce3765b742f9edd","after":"f07b0b64862b1ad609685e6092fdaceb034e24bb","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-09-07T21:47:27.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- Frobenius Norm of the Eigenvalues (1, 2, 3)\n\t- R1 Square SVD Based Frobenius Norm (4, 5, 6)\n\t- Frobenius Evaluator SVD Based Norm (7, 8, 9)\n\t- Infinity, Infinity Max Matrix Norm Shell (10, 11, 12)\n\t- Infinity, Infinity Max Matrix Norm Constructor (13, 14, 15)\n\t- Infinity, Infinity Max Matrix Norm Evaluate (16, 17, 18)\n\t- Eigen-value and Eigen-component Extraction Schemes (19, 20, 21)\n\t- Jordan Normal, UV, and QR Decompositions #1 (22, 23, 24)\n\t- Jordan Normal, UV, and QR Decompositions #2 (25, 26, 27)\n\t- Jordan Normal, UV, and QR Decompositions #3 (28, 29, 30)\n\t- Jordan Normal, UV, and QR Decompositions #4 (31, 32, 33)\n\t- Numerical Eigenization QR Decomposition Matrices (34, 35, 36)\n\t- SVD Decomposition Numerical UV Shell (37, 38, 39)\n\t- SVD Decomposition Decomposed U (40, 41)\n\t- SVD Decomposition Decomposed V (42, 43)\n\t- SVD Decomposition Numerical UV Constructor (44, 45, 46)\n\t- Singular Value Decomposer Decomposition Shell (47, 48)\n\t- Singular Value Decomposer Decomposition Decompose (49, 50, 51)\n\t- Gamma2 Evaluator Matrix Norm Shell (52, 53, 54)\n\t- Gamma2 Evaluator Matrix Norm Constructor (55, 56, 57)\n\t- Gamma2 Evaluator Matrix Norm Decomposer (58, 59)\n\t- Gamma2 Evaluator 2 Infinity Norm (60, 61)\n\t- Gamma2 Evaluator Matrix Norm Evaluator (62, 63, 64)\n\t- Portfolio Construction Request/Response Constructs (65, 66)\n\t- Portfolio Construction Component Framework Manager (67, 68, 69)\n\t- Portfolio Construction Manager Universe Container (70, 71, 72)\n\t- Portfolio Universe Container Holdings Map (73, 74, 75)\n\t- Portfolio Universe Container Holdings Addition (79, 80, 81)\n\t- Portfolio Universe Container Holdings Containment (82, 83, 84)\n\t- Portfolio Universe Container Holdings Retrieval (85, 86, 87)\n\t- Portfolio Universe Container Holdings Constructor (88, 89, 90)\n\t- Portfolio Construction Block Category #1 (91, 92, 93)\n\t- Portfolio Construction Block Category #2 (94, 95, 96)\n\t- Optimizer Formulation Term Objective Category (97, 98, 99)\n\t- Portfolio Construction Block Category #3 (100, 101, 102)\n\t- Portfolio Construction Block Category #4 (103, 104, 105)\n\t- Portfolio Construction Block Category ACCOUNT (106, 107, 108)\n\t- Portfolio Construction Block Category ASSET (109, 110, 111)\n\t- Portfolio Construction Block Category ATTRIBUTE JOINT DENSE (112, 113, 114)\n\t- Portfolio Construction Block Category ATTRIBUTE JOINT FACTOR (115, 116, 117)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"eeb18c541498ddb990eb2827be9723e6740242b2","after":"e9dd99dc2f7e4f96a1aaf4e41ce3765b742f9edd","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-09-01T16:22:07.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- Single Vector Norm Evaluator Annotation (1)\n\t- Single Vector Norm 1 Evaluator (2, 3, 4)\n\t- Single Vector Norm 2 Evaluator (5, 6)\n\t- Single Vector Norm Infinity Evaluator (7, 8, 9)\n\t- Double Vector Norm Evaluator #1 (10, 11, 12)\n\t- Double Vector Norm Evaluator #2 (13, 14, 15)\n\t- Single Vector Norm Evaluator Constructor (16, 17, 18)\n\t- Double Vector Two Infinity Evaluator Shell (19, 20, 21)\n\t- Double Vector Two Infinity Evaluator Constructor (22, 23, 24)\n\t- Double Vector Two Infinity Evaluator Norm (25, 26, 27)\n\t- Double Vector One Two Evaluator Shell (28, 29)\n\t- Double Vector One Two Evaluator Constructor (30, 31)\n\t- Double Vector One Two Evaluator Norm (32, 33)\n\t- Matrix-Matrix Sub-multiplicative Consistency Validation (37, 38, 39)\n\t- Matrix-Matrix Sub-additive Consistency Validation (40, 41, 42)\n\t- Matrix Vector Sub-multiplicative Consistency #1 (43, 44, 45)\n\t- Matrix Vector Sub-multiplicative Consistency #2 (46, 47, 48)\n\t- Matrix Vector Sub-multiplicative Consistency #3 (49, 50, 51)\n\t- Util Unsafe Matrix Vector Product #1 (52, 53, 54)\n\t- Util Safe Matrix Vector Product #1 (55, 56, 57)\n\t- Util Unsafe Matrix Vector Product #2 (58, 59, 60)\n\t- Util Safe Matrix Vector Product #2 (61, 62, 63)\n\t- Util Safe Matrix Vector Product #3 (64, 65, 66)\n\t- Square Evaluator Consistency Validator #1 (67, 68, 69)\n\t- Square Evaluator Consistency Validator #2 (70, 71, 72)\n\t- Single Compatible Vector Evaluator p-Norm (73, 74, 75)\n\t- Entry-wise Norm Evaluator Shell #1 (76, 77, 78)\n\t- Entry-wise Evaluator p Norm (79, 80, 81)\n\t- Entry-wise Evaluator q Norm (82, 83, 84)\n\t- Entry-wise Evaluator pq Norm #1 (85, 86, 87)\n\t- Entry-wise Evaluator pq Norm #2 (88, 89)\n\t- Entry-wise Evaluator pq Norm Constructor (90, 91, 92)\n\t- Entry-wise Evaluator pq Norm 2_1 (93, 94, 95)\n\t- Entry-wise Evaluator pq Norm p_p (96, 97, 98)\n\t- Matrix Util Unsafe Trace #1 (99, 100)\n\t- Matrix Util Unsafe Trace #2 (101, 102)\n\t- R1 Matrix Util Trace Evaluator (103, 104, 105)\n\t- R1 Square Matrix Trace Evaluator (106, 107, 108)\n\t- Entry-wise Frobenius Evaluator Shell (109, 110, 111)\n\t- Entry-wise Frobenius Evaluator Constructor (112, 113, 114)\n\t- Entry-wise Frobenius Evaluator Norm (115, 116, 117)\n\t- Entry-wise Frobenius Evaluator Trace Norm (118, 119, 120)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\n\t- R1 Square Consistency Validator Criteria (34, 35, 36)\n\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"0ff4683999e4cc535a41cf12fb58dfe5760222d6","after":"eeb18c541498ddb990eb2827be9723e6740242b2","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-09-01T02:09:41.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- R1 Square Validator Definite Norm (1, 2)\n\t- R1 Square Validator Sub-additive Norm (3, 4)\n\t- R1 Square Validator Sub-multiplicative Norm (5, 6)\n\t- R1 Square Validator Absolutely Homogeneous Norm (7, 8)\n\t- R1 Square Evaluator Validator Constructor (9, 10, 11)\n\t- R1 Square Evaluator Validator Standard #1 (12, 13, 14)\n\t- R1 Square Evaluator Validator Standard #2 (15, 16)\n\t- R1 Square Evaluator Positive Valued (17, 18, 19)\n\t- R1 Square Evaluator Definite #1 (20, 21)\n\t- R1 Square Evaluator Definite #2 (22, 23, 24)\n\t- R1 Square Evaluator Absolutely Homogeneous (25, 26, 27)\n\t- R1 Square Evaluator Sub-Additive (28, 29, 30)\n\t- R1 Square Evaluator Sub-Multiplicative (31, 32, 33)\n\t- R1 Square Evaluator Validator Validate (36, 37, 38)\n\t- R1 Matrix Util Add #1 (39, 40, 41)\n\t- R1 Matrix Util Add #2 (42, 43, 44)\n\t- R1 Matrix Util Subtract #1 (45, 46, 47)\n\t- R1 Matrix Util Subtract #2 (48, 49, 50)\n\t- R1 Matrix Util Add #3 (51, 52, 53)\n\t- R1 Matrix Util Subtract #3 (54, 55, 56)\n\t- R1 Matrix Util Multiply #1 (57, 58)\n\t- R1 Matrix Util Multiply #2 (59, 60)\n\t- R1 Matrix Util Scale (61, 62, 63)\n\t- R1 Square Evaluator Validator #1 (64, 65, 66)\n\t- R1 Square Evaluator Validator #2 (67, 68, 69)\n\t- R1 Square Evaluator Validator #3 (70)\n\t- Matrix Norm PInfinity Evaluator Shell (71, 72)\n\t- Matrix Norm PInfinity Evaluator Norm #1 (73, 74, 75)\n\t- Matrix Norm PInfinity Evaluator Norm #2 (76, 77, 78)\n\t- Matrix Norm P1 Evaluator Shell (79, 80)\n\t- Matrix Norm P1 Evaluator Norm (81, 82, 83)\n\t- Matrix P Norm Evaluator Shell (84, 85, 86)\n\t- Matrix P Norm Evaluator Index (87, 88, 89)\n\t- Matrix P Norm Evaluator Constructor (90, 91)\n\t- Matrix PInfinity Norm Evaluator Constructor (92, 93, 94)\n\t- Matrix P2 Norm Evaluator Constructor (95, 96)\n\t- Matrix P2 Norm Evaluator Constructor (97, 98, 99)\n\t- Matrix P2 Norm Evaluator #1 (100, 101, 102)\n\t- Matrix P2 Norm Evaluator #2 (103)\n\t- Eigen Output Maximum Absolute Eigenvalue (104, 105)\n\t- Eigen Output Spectral Radius (106)\n\t- Eigen Output Spectral Norm (107, 108)\n\t- Alpha Beta Norm Evaluator Shell (109, 110, 111)\n\t- Matrix Alpha Vector Norm (112, 113)\n\t- Matrix Beta Vector Norm (114, 115)\n\t- Alpha Beta Norm Evaluator Constructor (116, 117, 118)\n\t- Single Vector Matrix Norm Evaluator (119, 120)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\n\t- R1 Square Validator Abstract Class (34, 35)\n\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"f9a16a28ed8de29062fabac9c3a7fb714bd1b75e","after":"0ff4683999e4cc535a41cf12fb58dfe5760222d6","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-31T19:17:04.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- R1 Matrix Util Unsafe Power (1, 2, 3)\n\t- R1 Matrix Util Product Power (4, 5, 6)\n\t- R1 Square Matrix k Power (37, 38, 39)\n\t- Numerical Estimation R^k To R^1 Series (40, 41, 42)\n\t- Implementation of Jordan Normal Form #1 (43, 44, 45)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form JSubM Shell (46, 47, 48)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form JSubM mSubI (49, 50)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form JSubM Lambda (51, 52)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form JSubM R1 Grid (53, 54)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form JSubM Constructor #1 (55, 56, 57)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form JSubM Constructor #2 (58, 59, 60)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form JSubM Power #1 (61, 62, 63)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form JSubM Power #2 (64, 65, 66)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form J Shell (67, 68, 69)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form J jSubMArray (70, 71, 72)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form J R1 Grid (73, 74, 75)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form J Constructor #1 (76, 77, 78)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form J Constructor #2 (79, 80, 81)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form J Power #1 (82, 83, 84)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form J Power #2 (85, 86, 87)\n\t- Jordan Form VJ Decomposition J (91, 92)\n\t- Jordan Form VJ Decomposition V (93, 94)\n\t- Jordan Form VJ Decomposition Constructor (95, 96, 97)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form J Diagonal (98, 99)\n\t- Numerical Jordan Form VJ Decomposition Recover Original (100, 101, 102)\n\t- Implementation of Matrix Norm Variants (104, 105)\n\t- R1 Square Matrix Norm #1 (106, 107, 108)\n\t- R1 Square Matrix Norm #2 (109, 110, 111)\n\t- R1 Square Matrix Norm #3 (112, 113, 114)\n\t- R1 Square Evaluator Validator Shell (115, 116, 117)\n\t- R1 Square Positive Valued Norm (118, 119, 120)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\n\t- Implementation of Jordan Normal Form #2 (103)\n\n\nSamples:\n\n\t- Matrix Power Series #1 (7, 8, 9)\n\t- Matrix Power Series #2 (10, 11, 12)\n\t- Matrix Power Series #3 (13, 14, 15)\n\t- Matrix Power Series #4 (16, 17, 18)\n\t- Matrix Power Series #5 (19, 20, 21)\n\t- Matrix Power Series #6 (22, 23, 24)\n\t- Matrix Power Series #7 (25, 26, 27)\n\t- Matrix Power Series #8 (28, 29, 30)\n\t- Matrix Power Series #9 (31, 32, 33)\n\t- Matrix Power Series #10 (34, 35, 36)\n\n\nIdeaDRIP:","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"d57d278ae588aa03db475163667816bd961cde93","after":"f9a16a28ed8de29062fabac9c3a7fb714bd1b75e","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-31T03:05:49.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- Graph Core Network Vertex Value (6, 7, 8)\n\t- Steele Complete Uniform Random Tree (9, 10, 11)\n\t- Vector/Function Spaces involving Spaces (12, 13, 14)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix Representation of Graph (15, 16, 17)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix G2 Map #1 (18)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix G2 Map #2 (19, 20, 21)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix G2 Map #3 (22, 23, 24)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix G2 Map Network (25, 26)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix G2 Map Function (27, 28)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix G2 Map Constructor (29, 30, 31)\n\t- G2 Map L1 Vertex #1 (32, 33)\n\t- G2 Map L1 Vertex #2 (34, 35)\n\t- Eliminate G2 Map Network Graph (36, 37)\n\t- G2 Map Cross Vertex Evaluate (38, 39, 40)\n\t- G2 Map Cross Vertex L1 (41, 42)\n\t- G2 Map Cross Vertex L2 (43, 44, 45)\n\t- G2 Map Cross Vertex Lk (46, 47, 48)\n\t- G2 Map Cross Vertex Bounded (49, 50, 51)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix G2ToG2 Function Shell (52, 53, 54)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix G2ToG2 Function Evaluate (55, 56)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix Gk Map Norm #1 (60, 61)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix Gk Map Norm #2 (62, 63)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix Gk To R1 (64, 65, 66)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix G1 -> R1 #1 (67, 68, 69)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix G1 -> R1 #2 (70, 71)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix G2 -> R1 #1 (72, 73)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix G2 -> R1 #2 (74, 75)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix Gk Operator Shell (79, 80, 81)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix Gk Operator Constructor (82, 83, 84)\n\t- Gk Linear Operator Evaluate #1 (85, 86)\n\t- Gk Linear Operator Evaluate #2 (87, 88)\n\t- Gk Linear Operator Spectral Radius (91, 92, 93)\n\t- Guo Wang Li 2019 Bound #1 (94, 95, 96)\n\t- Guo Wang Li 2019 Bound #2 (97, 98, 99)\n\t- Guo Wang Li 2019 Bound #3 (100, 101, 102)\n\t- Guo Wang Li 2019 Bound #4 (103, 104, 105)\n\t- Guo Wang Li 2019 Bound #5 (106, 107, 108)\n\t- Guo Wang Li 2019 Bound #6 (109, 110, 111)\n\t- Guo Wang Li 2019 Bound Unset (112, 113, 114)\n\t- Guo Wang Li 2019 Spectral Radius Upper Bound #1 (115, 116, 117)\n\t- Guo Wang Li 2019 Spectral Radius Upper Bound #2 (118, 119, 120)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\n\t- Rework G2 to Gk Map (57, 58, 59)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix G2ToG2 Function Deletion (76, 77, 78)\n\t- Adjacency Matrix Gk Linear Operator (89, 90)\n\n\nSamples:\n\n\t- Graph Depth First Search 1 (1)\n\t- Graph Depth First Search 2 (2)\n\t- Graph Depth First Search 3 (3)\n\t- Graph Breadth First Search 1 (4)\n\t- Graph Breadth First Search 3 (5)\n\n\nIdeaDRIP:","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"1ee3559a610a61d0ebb0949519e1786fc3267f88","after":"d57d278ae588aa03db475163667816bd961cde93","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-26T04:31:37.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- Graph Tree Add Standalone Vertex (1)\n\t- Abbsord Graph Tree and Edge (2, 3)\n\t- Graph Tree Edge Priority Queue (4, 5, 6)\n\t- Graph Tree Templated Vertex (7, 8, 9)\n\t- Directed Graph Untemplated Vertex #1 (10, 11, 12)\n\t- Directed Graph Untemplated Vertex #2 (13, 14, 15)\n\t- Directed Graph Untemplated Vertex #3 (16, 17, 18)\n\t- Directed Graph Untemplated Vertex #4 (19, 20, 21)\n\t- Directed Graph Untemplated Vertex #5 (22, 23, 24)\n\t- Directed Graph Untemplated Vertex #6 (25, 26, 27)\n\t- Directed Graph Untemplated Vertex #7 (28, 29, 30)\n\t- Directed Graph Untemplated Vertex #8 (31, 32, 33)\n\t- Directed Graph Untemplated Vertex #9 (34)\n\t- Core Graph N Dimensional Hypercube (38, 39, 40)\n\t- Greedy MST Graph Boruvka Forest (42, 43, 44)\n\t- Boruvka Optimal Spanning Forest Generator (45, 46)\n\t- Greedy MST Graph Kruskal Generator (47, 48)\n\t- Greedy MST Graph Prime Generator (49, 50)\n\t- Greedy MST Graph Reverse Delete Generator (51)\n\t- Tree Builder Capacitated MST Generator (52)\n\t- Tree Builder Degree Constrained MST Generator (53)\n\t- Tree Builder Directed MST Generator (54)\n\t- Tree Builder Dynamic MST Generator (55)\n\t- Tree Builder Dynamic Euclidean Generator (56)\n\t- Tree Builder Dynamic KSMT Generator (57)\n\t- K Optimal Spanning Forests Generator (58)\n\t- Optimal Bottleneck Spanning Tree Generator (59)\n\t- Builder Optimal Labeling Spanning Tree Generator (60)\n\t- Tree Builder Rectilinear MST Generator (61)\n\t- Builder Steiner Tree Generator (62)\n\t- Complete MST Random Graph Ensemble (63, 64, 65)\n\t- Complete MST Random Graph (66)\n\t- Bellman Ford Bannister Eppstein Path Generator (67)\n\t- Bellman Ford Edge Partition Generator (68)\n\t- Graph Shortest Optimal Path Generator (69)\n\t- Graph Shortest Path Vertex Augmentor (70)\n\t- Bellman Ford Edge Relaxation Path Generator (71)\n\t- Bellman Ford Yen Edge Relaxation Path Generator (72)\n\t- Bellman Ford Yen Reduced Relaxation Path Generator (73)\n\t- Bellman Ford Johnson Path Generator (73)\n\t- Bellman Ford Edge Partition (74, 75)\n\t- Dijkstra Shortest Path Generator (76)\n\t- Shortest Path Floyd Warshall (77)\n\t- Shortest Path Floyd Warshall Distance Metric (78)\n\t- Graph Search Breadth First (79)\n\t- Graph Search Depth First (80)\n\t- A Star Vertex Function (81)\n\t- A Star Vertex Context (82, 83)\n\t- A Star F Heuristic (84)\n\t- A Star Static Weight F Heuristic (85)\n\t- A Star Dynamic Weight F Heuristic (86)\n\t- A Star Mark Allard F Heuristic (87)\n\t- Graph Connectivity Kosaraju (88)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\n\t- Graph Core Vertex R1 Remove (35, 36)\n\t- Graph Vertex R1 Function Remove (37)\n\t- Directed Graph R1 Remove (41)\n\n\nSamples:\n\n\t- MST Boruvka Maximum Forest Generator (89, 90)\n\t- MST Boruvka Minimum Forest Generator (91, 92)\n\t- MST Kruskal Maximum Forest Generator (93, 94)\n\t- MST Kruskal Minimum Forest Generator (95, 96)\n\t- MST Prim Maximum Forest Generator (97, 98)\n\t- MST Prim Minimum Forest Generator (99, 100)\n\t- MST Reverse Delete Maximum Forest Generator (101, 102)\n\t- MST Reverse Delete Minimum Forest Generator (103, 104)\n\t- Graph Properties (105)\n\t- Graph Complete Bipartite Properties (106, 107, 108)\n\t- Yen Reduced Relaxation Single Source (109)\n\t- Yen Reduced Relaxation Single Pair (110)\n\t- Yen Edge Partition Single Source (111)\n\t- Yen Edge Partition Single Pair (112)\n\t- Shortest Path Bannister Eppstein Single Source (113)\n\t- Shortest Path Bannister Eppstein Single Pair (114)\n\t- Shortest Path Bellman Ford Single Source (115)\n\t- Shortest Path Bellman Ford Single Pair (116)\n\t- Shortest Path Johnson Single Source (117)\n\t- Shortest Path Johnson Single Pair (118)\n\t- Shortest Path Johnson Single Source Negative Weight (119)\n\t- Connectivity Kosaraju Strongly Connected Components (120)\n\n\nIdeaDRIP:","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"4073557a25152c93ad82a1b57fc8aab0b909a39a","after":"1ee3559a610a61d0ebb0949519e1786fc3267f88","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-25T19:43:32.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- Component Eigen-output Spectral Radius (117, 118, 119)\n\t- R^1 Square Matrix Spectral Radius (120)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula - Proof #1 (1-9)\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula - Corollary #1 (10, 11)\n\t- Spectral Radius Introduction (12-15)\n\t- Spectral Radius Definition - Matrices (16-31)\n\t- Spectral Radius Definition - Bounded Linear Operators (32-41)\n\t- Spectral Radius Definition - Graphs (42-51)\n\t- Upper Bounds on the Spectral Radius of a Matrix (52-61)\n\t- Upper Bounds on the Spectral Radius of a Graph (62-65)\n\t- Spectral Radius Power Sequence (66-91)\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula (92-93)\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula - Theorem (94-97)\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula - Proof #2 (98-113)\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula - Corollary #2 (114-115)\n\t- Spectral Radius (116)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"2c3d59e4985dd90f620ba2f6356fc03d86685785","after":"4073557a25152c93ad82a1b57fc8aab0b909a39a","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-24T16:44:35.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula - Proof (1-24)\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula - Corollary (25-27)\n\t- Spectral Radius Introduction (28-31)\n\t- Spectral Radius Definition - Matrices (32-47)\n\t- Spectral Radius Definition - Bounded Linear Operators (48-57)\n\t- Spectral Radius Definition - Graph (58-67)\n\t- Upper Bounds on the Spectral Radius of a Matrix (68-77)\n\t- Upper Bounds on the Spectral Radius of a Graph (78-81)\n\t- Spectral Radius Power Sequence (82-107)\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula (108-109)\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula - Theorem (110-113)\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula - Proof (114-120)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"77e6fbbc95fc2603b0b95ef18cc863eba80cab0a","after":"2c3d59e4985dd90f620ba2f6356fc03d86685785","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-21T03:01:51.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Spectral Radius Definition - Matrices (1-15)\n\t- Spectral Radius Definition - Bounded Linear Operators (16-30)\n\t- Spectral Radius Definition - Graphs (31-45)\n\t- Spectral Radius Upper Bounds - On the of a Matrix (46-60)\n\t- Spectral Radius Upper Bounds - On the of a Graph (61-66)\n\t- Spectral Radius Power Sequence (67-111)\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula (112-114)\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula - Theorem (115-120)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"f926d58523344d3631fdf7390377cd9e7b9a0f7d","after":"77e6fbbc95fc2603b0b95ef18cc863eba80cab0a","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-20T22:50:11.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Matrix Norm Induced by Vector Norms – Square Matrices (1-7)\n\t- Consistent and Compatible Norms (8-13)\n\t- Entry-wise Matrix Norms (14-21)\n\t- Entry-wise L_(2,1) and L_(p,q) Matrix Norms (22-27)\n\t- Entry-wise Matrix Norms: Frobenius Norm (28-45)\n\t- Entry-wise Matrix Norms – Max Norm (46-51)\n\t- Schatten Norms (52-65)\n\t- Monotone Norms (66-69)\n\t- Cut Norms (70-85)\n\t- Equivalence of Norms (86-93)\n\t- Examples of Norm Equivalence (94-105)\n\t- Spectral Radius Introduction (106-111)\n\t- Spectral Radius Definition - Matrices (112-120)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"b71a962f47742d0466b50f5bd1ddeeb92ddfdb97","after":"f926d58523344d3631fdf7390377cd9e7b9a0f7d","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-17T14:42:20.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Matrix Norm Induced by Vector Norms (1-17)\n\t- Matrix Norm Induced by Vector - p-Norms (18-37)\n\t- Matrix Norm Induced by Vector - p-Norms; p = 1, Infinity (38-42)\n\t- Matrix Norm Induced by Vector - Spectral Norms; p = 2 (43-77)\n\t- Matrix Norm Induced by Vector - Alpha and Beta-Norms (78-102)\n\t- Matrix Norm Induced by Vector Norms - Properties (103-117)\n\t- Matrix Norm Induced by Vector Norms - Square Matrices (118-120)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"76d7efff4b8ad6f1226c5b2f5f1a7c1a77bdd744","after":"b71a962f47742d0466b50f5bd1ddeeb92ddfdb97","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-14T06:26:55.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Product #1 (1, 2, 3)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Product #2 (4, 5, 6)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Product #3 (7, 8, 9)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Product #4 (10, 11, 12)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Product #5 (13, 14, 15)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Product #6 (16, 17, 18)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Product #7 (19, 20, 21)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Product #8 (22, 23, 24)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Alpha Beta Theta Standard (25, 26, 27)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Psi Theta Delta Standard #1 (28, 29, 30)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Psi Theta Delta Standard #2 (31, 32, 33)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Psi Theta Delta Alpha (34, 35, 36)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Psi Theta Delta Beta (37, 38, 39)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Fuhr Rzeszotnik Shell (40, 41, 42)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Fuhr Rzeszotnik Rho (43, 44)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Fuhr Rzeszotnik Epsilon (45, 46)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Fuhr Rzeszotnik Eta (47, 48)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Fuhr Rzeszotnik Sigma (49, 50)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Fuhr Rzeszotnik Constructor #1 (51, 52)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Fuhr Rzeszotnik Constructor #2 (53, 54)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Fuhr Rzeszotnik Jordan Normal Left (55, 56)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Fuhr Rzeszotnik Jordan Normal Center (57, 58)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Fuhr Rzeszotnik Jordan Normal Right (58, 60)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Fuhr Rzeszotnik #1 (61, 62, 63)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Fuhr Rzeszotnik #2 (64, 65)\n\t- Numerical Common Unitary Matrix Shell (66, 67, 68)\n\t- Numerical Common Unitary Matrix Constructor (69, 70)\n\t- C1 Util Numerical Complex Unitary (71, 72)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Unsafe Determinant #1 (73, 74, 75)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Unsafe Determinant #2 (76, 77, 78)\n\t- Standard Instance of the Unitary Matrix (79, 80, 81)\n\t- Unitary Matrix Condition Number (82, 83, 84)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Matrix Norm (85-87)\n\t- Matrix Norm Preliminaries (88-106)\n\t- Matrix Norms Induced by Vector (107-117)\n\t- Matrix Norms Induced by Vector p-Norms (118-120)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"137ad62557e41eec6bacff59ed3a9c3b2814441e","after":"76d7efff4b8ad6f1226c5b2f5f1a7c1a77bdd744","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-11T20:21:33.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- C1 Square PhiAB A (1, 2)\n\t- C1 Square PhiAB B (3, 4)\n\t- C1 Square PhiAB Phi (5, 6)\n\t- C1 Square PhiAB Standard #1 (7, 8, 9)\n\t- C1 Square PhiAB Standard #2 (10, 11, 12)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Unit Real Standard (13, 14, 15)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Unit Imaginary Standard (16, 17, 18)\n\t- C1 Numerical Complex Cartesian Conjugate (19, 20, 21)\n\t- C1 Numerical Complex Cartesian Determinant (22, 23, 24)\n\t- Indicate if C1Square is Unitary (25, 26)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Alpha Beta Theta Shell (27, 28, 29)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Alpha Beta Theta #1 (30, 31)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Alpha Beta Theta #2 (32, 33)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Alpha Beta Theta #3 (34, 35)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Alpha Beta Theta #4 (36, 37)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Alpha Beta Theta Constructor (38, 39, 40)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Alpha Beta Theta Standard #1 (41, 42, 43)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Alpha Beta Theta Standard #2 (44, 45, 46)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Alpha Beta Theta A (47, 48, 49)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Alpha Beta Theta B (50, 51, 52)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Alpha Beta Theta #5 (53, 54)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Psi Theta Delta Shell (55, 56, 57)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Psi Theta Delta Jordan Normal Left (58, 59)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Psi Theta Delta Jordan Normal Right (60, 61)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Psi Theta Delta Jordan Normal Center (62, 63)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Psi Theta Delta #1 (64, 65)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Psi Theta Delta #2 (66, 67)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Psi Theta Delta #3 (68, 69)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Psi Theta Delta #4 (70, 71)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Psi Theta Delta Constructor #1 (72, 73)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Psi Theta Delta Constructor #2 (74, 75)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi Psi Theta Delta #5 (76, 77, 78)\n\t- R1 Rotation 2x2 Shell Annotation (79, 80, 81)\n\t- R1 Square Rotation 2x2 Theta (82, 83, 84)\n\t- R1 Square Rotation 2x2 Constructor (85, 86, 87)\n\t- R1 Square Rotation 2x2 Standard #1 (88, 89)\n\t- R1 Square Rotation 2x2 Standard #2 (90, 91)\n\t- R1 Square Rotation 2x2 Standard #3 (92, 93)\n\t- C1 Square Rotation 2x2 #1 (94, 95, 96)\n\t- C1 Square Rotation 2x2 #2 (97, 98)\n\t- C1 R1 Matrix Product #1 (99, 100, 101)\n\t- C1 R1 Matrix Product #2 (102, 103, 104)\n\t- C1 R1 Matrix Product #3 (105, 106, 107)\n\t- C1 Grid of Complex Numbers (108, 109)\n\t- C1 Util Is Grid Valid (110, 111, 112)\n\t- C1 Util Is Vector Valid (113, 114, 115)\n\t- C1 Util/Vector/Grid Validity (116, 117)\n\t- Number Util Is Grid Valid (118, 119, 120)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"9ab34b56bc6cf661f643906081410b0b7a885892","after":"137ad62557e41eec6bacff59ed3a9c3b2814441e","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-11T06:06:51.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Exponentiate #1 (1, 2, 3)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Exponentiate #2 (4, 5, 6)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Exponentiate #3 (7, 8, 9)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Exponentiate #4 (10, 11, 12)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Logarithm #1 (13, 14, 15)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Logarithm #2 (16, 17, 18)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Logarithm #3 (19, 20, 21)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Logarithm #4 (22, 23, 24)\n\t- Numerical Complex C1 Util Re-work (25, 26, 27)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Dot Product #1 (28, 29, 30)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Dot Product #2 (31, 32, 33)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Dot Product #3 (34, 35, 36)\n\t- Numerical Complex C1 Cartesian Re-work (37, 38, 39)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Unsafe Transpose (40, 41, 42)\n\t- Complex C1 Matrix Util Transpose (43, 44, 45)\n\t- Numerical Complex C1 Square Shell (46, 47, 48)\n\t- Numerical Complex C1 Square Grid (49, 50, 51)\n\t- Numerical Matrix R1 Square Grid #1 (52, 53, 54)\n\t- Numerical Matrix R1 Square Grid #2 (55, 56, 57)\n\t- Numerical Matrix R1 Square Grid #3 (58, 59, 60)\n\t- Numerical Matrix R1 Square Grid #4 (61, 62, 63)\n\t- Numerical Matrix R1 Square Grid #5 (64)\n\t- Numerical Complex C1 Square Constructor (65, 66, 67)\n\t- Numerical Complex C1 Square Zero (68, 69)\n\t- Numerical Matrix R1 Square Product #1 (70, 71, 72)\n\t- Numerical Matrix R1 Square Product #2 (73, 74, 75)\n\t- Numerical Matrix R1 Square Product #3 (76, 77, 78)\n\t- Numerical Matrix R1 Square Product #4 (79, 80, 81)\n\t- C1 Square Slim Contract Set (82, 83, 84)\n\t- L2 Norm C1 Complex Cartesian (85, 86, 87)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Unsafe Determinant #1 (88, 89, 90)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Unsafe Determinant #2 (91, 92, 93)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Unsafe Determinant #3 (94, 95, 96)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Unsafe Determinant #4 (97, 98, 99)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Unsafe Determinant #5 (100, 101, 102)\n\t- C1 Square Matrix Util Transpose (103, 104, 105)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Scale #1 (106, 107, 108)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Scale #2 (109, 110, 111)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Scale #3 (112, 113, 114)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi AB #1 (115, 116, 117)\n\t- C1 Cartesian Phi AB #2 (118, 119, 120)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"a805121b038cf02edb114a97f2b92fac03c36c71","after":"9ab34b56bc6cf661f643906081410b0b7a885892","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-11T02:24:26.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- Implementation of R1/C1 Matrices (8, 9)\n\t- Numerical R^1 Square Matrix Re-work (10, 11, 12)\n\t- Numerical R^1 Tridiagonal Matrix Re-work (13, 14)\n\t- Numerical R^1 Non-periodic Tridiagonal Matrix Re-work (15, 16)\n\t- Numerical R^1 Periodic Tridiagonal Matrix Re-work (17, 18)\n\t- Numerical R^1 Triangular Matrix Re-work (19, 20, 21)\n\t- Linear Algebra R^1 Matrix Util (22, 23, 24)\n\t- Implementation of Complex Number Suite (25)\n\t- Numerical Complex C1 Shell #1 (26, 27, 28)\n\t- Numerical Complex C1 Shell #2 (29, 30, 31)\n\t- Numerical Complex Cartesian C1 Re-work (32, 33, 34)\n\t- Numerical Complex C1 Cartesian Re-work (35, 36)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Add #1 (37, 38, 39)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Add #2 (40, 41, 42)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Add #3 (43, 44, 45)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Add #4 (46, 47, 48)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Scale #1 (49, 50, 51)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Scale #2 (52, 53, 54)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Scale #3 (55, 56, 57)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Scale #4 (58, 59, 60)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Subtract #1 (61, 62, 63)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Subtract #2 (64, 65, 66)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Subtract #3 (67, 68, 69)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Subtract #4 (70, 71, 72)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Multiply #1 (73, 74, 75)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Multiply #2 (76, 77, 78)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Multiply #3 (79, 80, 81)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Multiply #4 (82, 83, 84)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Divide #1 (85, 86, 87)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Divide #2 (88, 89, 90)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Divide #3 (91, 92, 93)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Divide #4 (94, 95, 96)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Square #1 (97, 98, 99)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Square #2 (100, 101, 102)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Square #3 (103, 104, 105)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Square #4 (106, 107, 108)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Square Root #1 (109, 110, 111)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Square Root #2 (112, 113, 114)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Square Root #3 (115, 116, 117)\n\t- C1 Matrix Util Square Root #4 (118, 119, 120)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Unitary Matrix Elementary Constructions - 2x2 (1-7)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"100f7f26fa572326ba34c6f0c81976f5f25a88b9","after":"a805121b038cf02edb114a97f2b92fac03c36c71","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-10T23:02:25.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula - Proof (1-8)\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula - Corollary (9-10)\n\t- Spectral Radius Gelfand's Formula - Numerical Example (11-75)\n\t- Unitary Matrix Introduction (76-83)\n\t- Unitary Matrix Properties (84-99)\n\t- Unitary Matrix Equivalent Conditions (100-113)\n\t- Unitary Matrix Elementary Constructions - 2x2 (114-120)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"bd3eaf1e4ef3928730849b0f73b23766d0ac5e48","after":"100f7f26fa572326ba34c6f0c81976f5f25a88b9","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-04T21:33:06.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- L Infinity Condition Number #1 (10, 11)\n\t- L Infinity Condition Number #2 (12, 13)\n\t- R^d -> R^1 L_Infinity Normed Jacobian (14, 15, 16)\n\t- R^d -> R^1 L_Infinity Normed Variate (17, 18, 19)\n\t- L Infinity Condition Number #3 (20, 21)\n\t- R^d -> R^1 L2 Normed Jacobian (22, 23, 24)\n\t- R^d -> R^1 L2 Normed Variate (25, 26, 27)\n\t- R^d -> R^1 L2 Condition Number (28, 29)\n\t- Euclidean Generalized Metric Vector Space (30, 31)\n\t- L2 Generalized Metric Vector Space (32, 33)\n\t- L_Infinity Generalized Metric Vector Space (34, 35)\n\t- R^d -> R^1 Lp Normed Variate (36, 37, 38)\n\t- R^d -> R^1 Lp Normed Jacobian (39, 40, 41)\n\t- R^d -> R^1 Lp Condition Number (42, 43, 44)\n\t- R^d -> R^1 Default Condition Number (45, 46, 47)\n\t- Eigen Output Condition Number #1 (64, 65, 66)\n\t- Eigen Output Condition Number #2 (67, 68)\n\t- Eigen Output Condition Number #3 (69, 70)\n\t- Square Matrix Condition Number Estimate (71, 72, 73)\n\t- Square Matrix Condition Number #1 (74, 75)\n\t- Square Matrix Condition Number #2 (76, 77, 78)\n\t- Square Matrix Singular Value Decomposition (94, 95, 96)\n\t- Triangular Matrix Condition Number #1 (97, 98, 99)\n\t- Triangular Matrix Condition Number #2 (100, 101, 102)\n\t- Square Matrix Default Condition Number (103, 104)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\n\t- Condition Number Operator Functions #1 (1, 2, 3)\n\t- Condition Number Operator Functions #2 (4, 5, 6)\n\t- Condition Number Operator Functions #3 (7, 8, 9)\n\t- Condition Number Affine R^2 -> R^1 #1 (48, 49, 50)\n\t- Condition Number Affine R^2 -> R^1 #2 (51, 52, 53)\n\t- Condition Number Affine R^2 -> R^1 #3 (54, 55, 56)\n\t- Condition Number Affine R^2 -> R^1 #4 (57, 58)\n\t- Condition Number Affine R^2 -> R^1 #5 (59, 60)\n\t- Condition Number Affine R^2 -> R^1 #6 (61, 62, 63)\n\t- Triangular Matrix Condition Number #1 (79, 80, 81)\n\t- Triangular Matrix Condition Number #2 (82, 83, 84)\n\t- Triangular Matrix Condition Number #3 (85, 86, 87)\n\t- Triangular Matrix Condition Number #4 (88, 89, 90)\n\t- Triangular Matrix Condition Number #5 (91, 92, 93)\n\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Unitary Matrix (105-112)\n\t- Unitary Matrix Properties (113-120)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"915c6a3604b85faf2606efc3c6b127e693f83b39","after":"bd3eaf1e4ef3928730849b0f73b23766d0ac5e48","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-04T07:14:53.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Inverse Sine Trigonometric Function Evaluate (1, 2)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Inverse Sine Trigonometric Function Condition Number (3, 4)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Inverse Cosine Trigonometric Function Shell (5, 6)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Inverse Cosine Trigonometric Function Constructor (7, 8)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Inverse Cosine Trigonometric Function Evaluate (9, 10)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Inverse Cosine Trigonometric Function Condition Number (11, 12)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Inverse Tangent Trigonometric Function Shell (13, 14)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Inverse Tangent Trigonometric Function Constructor (15, 16)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Inverse Tangent Trigonometric Function Evaluate (17, 18)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Inverse Tangent Trigonometric Function Condition Number (19, 20)\n\t- Natural Log Series Element Operator (21, 22)\n\t- Built-in R1 To R1 Custom Functions (25, 26)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Custom Almgren Enhanced Euler Update (27, 28)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Custom Andersen Piterbarg Mean Reverter (29, 30)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Custom SABR LIBOR Cap Volatility (31, 32)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Custom CIR PDF (33, 34)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Custom Quadratic Rational Shape Control (35, 36)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Custom Linear Rational Tension Exponential (37, 38)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Custom Linear Rational Shape Control (39, 40)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Custom ISDA Bucket Curvature Tenor Scaler (41, 42)\n\t- Condition Number Analysis of R1 To R1 Functions (43, 44)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Reciprocal Operator Function Shell (94, 95)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Reciprocal Operator Function Constructor (96, 97)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Reciprocal Operator Function Evaluate (98, 99)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Reciprocal Operator Function Condition Number (100, 101)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Trigonometric Function Migration (23, 24)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Function Univariate Reciprocal Migration (94, 95, 96)\n\n\nSamples:\n\n\t- Condition Number Trigonometric Functions #1 (45, 46)\n\t- Condition Number Trigonometric Functions #2 (47, 48)\n\t- Condition Number Trigonometric Functions #3 (49, 50, 51)\n\t- Condition Number Trigonometric Functions #4 (52, 53, 54)\n\t- Condition Number Trigonometric Functions #5 (55, 56, 57)\n\t- Condition Number Trigonometric Functions #6 (58, 59, 60)\n\t- Condition Number Trigonometric Functions #7 (61, 62, 63)\n\t- Condition Number Trigonometric Functions #8 (64, 65, 66)\n\t- Condition Number Trigonometric Functions #9 (67, 68, 69)\n\t- Condition Number Trigonometric Functions #10 (70, 71, 72)\n\t- Condition Number Trigonometric Functions #11 (73, 74, 75)\n\t- Condition Number Trigonometric Functions #12 (76, 77, 78)\n\t- Condition Number Trigonometric Functions #13 (79, 80, 81)\n\t- Condition Number Trigonometric Functions #14 (82, 83, 84)\n\t- Condition Number Operator Functions #1 (85, 86, 87)\n\t- Condition Number Operator Functions #2 (88, 89, 90)\n\t- Condition Number Operator Functions #3 (91, 92, 93)\n\t- Condition Number Operator Functions #4 (102, 103)\n\t- Condition Number Operator Functions #5 (104, 105)\n\t- Condition Number Operator Functions #6 (106, 107, 108)\n\t- Condition Number Operator Functions #7 (109, 110, 111)\n\t- Condition Number Operator Functions #8 (112, 113, 114)\n\t- Condition Number Operator Functions #9 (115, 116, 117)\n\t- Condition Number Operator Functions #10 (118, 119, 120)\n\n\nIdeaDRIP:","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"27096fccef73db4cb4c96b262a3ab306cf16f7ca","after":"915c6a3604b85faf2606efc3c6b127e693f83b39","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-04T05:13:44.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Function Definition Condition Number (26, 27, 28)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Addition Operator Function #1 (29, 30, 31)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Addition Operator Function #2 (32, 33, 34)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Addition Operator Function Evaluate (35, 36)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Addition Operator Function a (37, 38)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Addition Operator Function Constructor (39, 40, 41)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Addition Operator Function Condition Number (42, 43, 44)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Addition Operator Function Derivative (45, 46)\n\t- Built-in R^1 -> R^1 Operator Functions (47)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Scale Operator Function Shell (59, 60)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Scale Operator Function \"a\" (61, 62)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Scale Operator Function Constructor (63, 64)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Scale Operator Function Evaluate (65, 66)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Scale Operator Function Derivative (67, 68)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Scale Operator Function Condition Number (69, 70)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Reciprocal Operator Function Condition Number (71, 72)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Exponential Operator Function Shell (73, 74)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Exponential Operator Function Constructor (75, 76)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Exponential Operator Function Evaluate (77, 78)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Exponential Operator Function Derivative (79, 80)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Exponential Operator Function Condition Number (81, 82)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Natural Logarithm Operator Function Shell (83, 84)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Natural Logarithm Operator Function Constructor (85, 86)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Natural Logarithm Operator Function Evaluate (87, 88)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Natural Logarithm Operator Function Condition Number (89, 90)\n\t- Built-in R^1 -> R^1 Trigonometric Functions (91, 92)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Sine Trigonometric Function Shell (93, 94)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Sine Trigonometric Function Constructor (95, 96)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Sine Trigonometric Function Evaluate (97, 98)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Sine Trigonometric Function Condition Number (99, 100)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Cosine Trigonometric Function Shell (101, 102)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Cosine Trigonometric Function Constructor (103, 104)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Cosine Trigonometric Function Evaluate (105, 106)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Cosine Trigonometric Function Condition Number (107, 108)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Tangent Trigonometric Function Shell (109, 110)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Tangent Trigonometric Function Constructor (111, 112)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Tangent Trigonometric Function Evaluate (113, 114)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Tangent Trigonometric Function Condition Number (115, 116)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Inverse Sine Trigonometric Function Shell (117, 118)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Inverse Sine Trigonometric Function Constructor (119, 120)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Addition Operator Function Migration (48, 49)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Flat Operator Function Migration (50, 51)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Offset Idempotent Operator Migration (52)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Convolution Operator Function Migration (53, 54)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Reciprocal Operator Function Migration (55, 56)\n\t- R^1 -> R^1 Reflection Operator Function Migration (57, 58)\n\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Condition Number Matrices (1-5)\n\t- Condition Number Non-linear (6-7)\n\t- Condition Number Non-linear - One Variable (8-17)\n\t- Condition Number Non-linear - Several Variables (18-25)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"d0a091bc7e0f1c880bbbe73afaa8913da2f44166","after":"27096fccef73db4cb4c96b262a3ab306cf16f7ca","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-08-03T18:35:09.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- Array of Gershgorin Analyzer Disc (1, 2)\n\t- Linear Algebra Gershgorin Analyzer Constructor #1 (3, 4, 5)\n\t- Gershgorin Analyzer Diagonally Dominant #1 (6, 7)\n\t- Gershgorin Analyzer Diagonally Dominant #2 (8, 9, 10)\n\t- Gershgorin Analyzer From Square Matrix #1 (11, 12)\n\t- Gershgorin Analyzer From Square Matrix #2 (13, 14, 15)\n\t- Gershgorin Analyzer R^2 Array #1 (18, 19)\n\t- Gershgorin Analyzer R^2 Array #2 (20, 21)\n\t- Gershgorin Analyzer Square Matrix Instance (22, 23)\n\t- Linear Algebra Gershgorin Analyzer Constructor #2 (24, 25, 26)\n\t- Gershgorin Analyzer From Square Matrix #3 (27)\n\t- Gershgorin Analyzer Diagonal Strengthener #1 (29, 28, 30)\n\t- Gershgorin Analyzer Diagonal Strengthener #2 (31, 32)\n\t- Gershgorin Analyzer From Square Matrix #4 (33, 34)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc Left Edge Coordinate (51, 52)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc Right Edge Coordinate (53, 54)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\n\t- Square Matrix Gershgorin Clean up (16, 17)\n\n\nSamples:\n\n\t- Gershgorin Analyzer Square Matrix Test (35, 36, 37)\n\t- Gershgorin Analyzer Analysis Test #1 (38, 39)\n\t- Gershgorin Analyzer Analysis Test #2 (40, 41, 42)\n\t- Gershgorin Analyzer Analysis Test #3 (43, 44, 45)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc Row Array Analysis (46, 47, 48)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc Column Array Analysis (49, 50)\n\t- Gershgorin Square Matrix Analysis #1 (55, 56, 57)\n\t- Gershgorin Square Matrix Analysis #2 (58, 59, 60)\n\t- Gershgorin Square Matrix Analysis #3 (61, 62, 63)\n\t- Gershgorin Square Matrix Analysis #4 (64, 65, 66)\n\t- Gershgorin Square Matrix Analysis #5 (67, 68, 69)\n\t- Gershgorin Square Matrix Analysis #6 (70, 71, 72)\n\t- Gershgorin Square Matrix Analysis #7 (73, 74, 75)\n\t- Gershgorin Square Matrix Analysis #8 (76, 77, 78)\n\t- Gershgorin Square Matrix Analysis #9 (79, 80, 81)\n\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Condition Number Introduction (82-105)\n\t- Condition Number General Definition in the Context of Error Analysis (106-109)\n\t- Condition Number Matrices (110-120)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"b7fc15fdd5168fb1fcc477dfb8fce0e0971af782","after":"d0a091bc7e0f1c880bbbe73afaa8913da2f44166","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-07-28T19:52:58.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- Linear Algebra Gershgorin Disc #1 (33)\n\t- Linear Algebra Gershgorin Disc #2 (34, 35, 36)\n\t- Linear Algebra Gershgorin Disc #3 (37, 38, 39)\n\t- Matrix Gershgorin Disc Diagonal Entry (40, 41)\n\t- Linear Algebra Gershgorin Disc Radius (42, 43)\n\t- Linear Algebra Gershgorin Disc Constructor (44, 45, 46)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc From Row #1 (47, 48)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc From Row #2 (49, 50)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc Array Analysis #1 (51, 52, 53)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc Array Analysis #2 (54, 55, 56)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc Array Analysis #3 (57, 58)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc Array Analysis #4 (59, 60)\n\t- Matrix Util Transpose Revamp #1 (61, 62, 63)\n\t- Matrix Util Transpose Revamp #2 (64, 65, 66)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc Default Absolute Tolerance (79, 80)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc Default Relative Tolerance (81, 82)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc Diagonal Dominance #1 (83, 84)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc Diagonal Dominance #2 (85, 86, 87)\n\t- Linear Algebra Gershgorin Analyzer #1 (88, 89, 90)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc Diagonal Dominance #3 (91, 92)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc Diagonal Dominance #4 (93, 94)\n\t- Numerical Common R^1 Comparator Shell (95, 96)\n\t- R^1 Comparator Absolute Tolerance Determiner (97, 98)\n\t- R^1 Comparator Relative Tolerance Determiner (99, 100)\n\t- Numerical Common R^1 Comparator Constructor (101, 102, 103)\n\t- R^1 Comparator Default Absolute/Relative Tolerance (104, 105, 106)\n\t- Numerical Common R^1 Comparator Standard (107, 108)\n\t- Numerical Common R^1 Closeness Verifier (109, 110, 111)\n\t- R^1 Closeness Verifier Match #1 (112, 113, 114)\n\t- R^1 Closeness Verifier Match #2 (115, 116)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc From Row #1 (117, 118)\n\t- Gershgorin Disc From Row #2 (119, 120)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\n\t- Square Matrix Gershgorin Test #1 (67, 68)\n\t- Square Matrix Gershgorin Test #2 (69, 70)\n\t- Square Matrix Gershgorin Test #3 (71, 72)\n\t- Square Matrix Gershgorin Test #4 (73, 74, 75)\n\t- Square Matrix Gershgorin Test #5 (76, 77, 78)\n\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Condition Number - Non-linear One Variable (1-27)\n\t- Condition Number - Several Variables (28-32)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"169df7c92238fd5b0f3bbb49032ad9c4ab9b8b32","after":"b7fc15fdd5168fb1fcc477dfb8fce0e0971af782","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-07-21T16:55:54.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- Matrix Util QR Graham Schmidt Orthonormalization (1, 2, 3)\n\t- Matrix Util RQ Graham Schmidt Orthonormalization (6, 7, 8)\n\t- Matrix Util RQ Decomposition Composite (14, 15, 16)\n\t- Unsafe QR Graham Schmidt Orthogonalization (17, 18)\n\t- Square Matrix Annotated QR Decomposition (19, 20, 21)\n\t- Square Matrix Annotated RQ Decomposition (22, 23)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\n\t- Matrix Util QR Decomposition Revamp (10, 11, 12)\n\n\nSamples:\n\n\t- Gram-Schmidt Process Test #1 (4, 5)\n\t- Gram-Schmidt Process Test #2 (9)\n\t- Gram-Schmidt Process Test #3 (13)\n\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- QR Algorithm (24-26)\n\t- The Practical QR Algorithm (27-50)\n\t- QR Algorithm Visualization (51-66)\n\t- QR Algorithm Visualization - Finding Eigenvalues versus Eigenvectors (67-87)\n\t- QR Algorithm Visualization - Speeding Up: Shifting and Deflation (88-97)\n\t- The Implicit QR Algorithm (98-104)\n\t- The Implicit QR Algorithm - Renaming Proposal (105, 106)\n\t- QR Algorithm Interpretation and Convergence (107-113)\n\t- QR Algorithm History (114-120)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"40bd1d49911377b488f9bc091de17f7c0cede86b","after":"169df7c92238fd5b0f3bbb49032ad9c4ab9b8b32","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-07-20T05:24:00.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- RQ Graham Schmidt Orthogonalization (95, 96, 97)\n\t- QR Graham Schmidt Orthogonalization #1 (98, 99)\n\t- QR Graham Schmidt Orthogonalization #2 (100, 101)\n\t- QR Graham Schmidt Orthogonalization #3 (106, 107)\n\t- QR Graham Schmidt Orthogonalization #4 (109, 110, 111)\n\t- QR Graham Schmidt Orthogonalization #5 (113)\n\t- Unsafe RQ Graham Schmidt Orthogonalization (114, 115, 116)\n\t- RQ Graham Schmidt Orthogonalization Revamp (118)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\n\t- Gram-Schmidt Process Test #1 (102, 103)\n\t- Gram-Schmidt Process Test #2 (104, 105)\n\t- Gram-Schmidt Process Test #3 (108)\n\t- Gram-Schmidt Process Test #4 (112)\n\t- Gram-Schmidt Process Test #5 (117)\n\t- Gram-Schmidt Process Test #6 (119, 120)\n\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition (1-2)\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition using Gram-Schmidt Process (3-10)\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition using Gram-Schmidt Process – Relation to RQ (11-14)\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition using Gram-Schmidt Process – Advantages and Disadvantages (15-18)\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition using Householder Reflections (19-34)\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition using Householder Reflections – Advantages and Disadvantages (35-34)\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition using Givens' Rotations (39-46)\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition using Givens' Rotations – Advantages and Disadvantages (47-52)\n\t- QR Decomposition Connection to a Determinant or a Product of Eigenvalues (53-68)\n\t- QR Decomposition Column Pivoting (69-76)\n\t- QR Decomposition Use for Solution to Linear Inverse Problems (77-92)\n\t- QR Decomposition Generalization (93-94)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"bc9cee2bc79bc496546a630685d927b6b7c59c8a","after":"40bd1d49911377b488f9bc091de17f7c0cede86b","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-07-20T01:52:27.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition using Householder Reflections (1-34)\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition using Householder Reflections - Advantages and Disadvantages (35-38)\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition using Givens Rotations (39-46)\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition using Givens Rotations - Advantages and Disadvantages (47-52)\n\t- QR Decomposition Connection to a Determinant or Product of Eigenvalues (53-68)\n\t- QR Decomposition Column Pivoting (69-76)\n\t- QR Decomposition Using for Solution to Linear Inverse Problems (77-92)\n\t- QR Decomposition Generalizations (93-94)\n\t- QR Decomposition Introduction (95-98)\n\t- QR Decomposition Cases and Definitions – Square Matrix (99-110)\n\t- QR Decomposition Cases and Definitions – Rectangular Matrix (111-118)\n\t- QR Decomposition Cases and Definitions – – QL, RQ, and LQ Decompositions (119-120)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"90ab316a1945f253c0babc30442fc50537b4b09d","after":"bc9cee2bc79bc496546a630685d927b6b7c59c8a","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-07-16T01:26:25.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- Matrix Util Unsafe Dot Product (68, 69)\n\t- Unsafe Project V On U (70, 71, 72)\n\t- Matrix Util Unsafe Modulus Calculation (73, 74)\n\t- Matrix Util Unsafe Product Calculation (75, 76)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- QR Decomposition Using Givens Rotations - Example (1-15)\n\t- QR Decomposition Using Givens Rotations - Advantages and Disadvantages (16-18)\n\t- QR Decomposition Connection to a Determinant or Product of Eigenvalues (19-39)\n\t- QR Decomposition Column Pivoting (40-47)\n\t- QR Decomposition Using for Solution to Linear Inverse Problems (48-66)\n\t- QR Decomposition Generalization (67)\n\t- QR Decomposition Introduction (77-80)\n\t- QR Decomposition Cases and Definition - Square Matrix (81-90)\n\t- QR Decomposition Cases and Definition - Rectangular Matrix (91-98)\n\t- QR Decomposition Cases and Definition - QL, RQ, LQ (99-100)\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition (101-102)\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition using Gram–Schmidt Process (103-110)\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition using Gram–Schmidt Process - Relation to RQ (111-114)\n\t- Computing the QR Decomposition using Gram–Schmidt Process - Advantages and Disadvantages (115-120)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"2bab0b107e5d6382d426906fbaa7015c6284ed44","after":"90ab316a1945f253c0babc30442fc50537b4b09d","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-07-14T16:39:51.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- Matrix Util Graham Schmidt Orthogonalization (1, 2, 3)\n\t- Matrix Util Graham Schmidt Orthonormalization #1 (4, 5)\n\t- Matrix Util QR Decomposition Vectors in Columns (6, 7)\n\t- QR Eigen-component Extractor Vectors in Columns (9)\n\t- Linear Solver Bartels Stewart Scheme (10)\n\t- Matrix Util Graham Schmidt Orthonormalization #2 (21, 22)\n\t- Matrix Util Graham Schmidt Orthonormalization #3 (23, 24)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #1 (8)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #2 (11, 12)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #3 (13, 14, 15)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #4 (16, 17, 18)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #5 (19, 20)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #6 (25, 26, 27)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #7 (28, 29, 30)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #8 (31, 32, 33)\n\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- QR Decomposition Computing the - Using Householder Reflections (34-82)\n\t- QR Decomposition Computing the - Using Householder Reflections - Example (83-108)\n\t- QR Decomposition Computing the - Using Householder Reflections - Advantages and Disadvantages (109, 110)\n\t- QR Decomposition Computing the - Using Givens Rotations (111-116)\n\t- QR Decomposition Computing the - Using Givens Rotations - Example (117-120)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"b9418cccd0dfc1b71b45c9540c5c8c56aec61bed","after":"2bab0b107e5d6382d426906fbaa7015c6284ed44","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-07-14T12:58:46.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- Matrix Util Product Internal #1 (22, 23, 24)\n\t- Matrix Util Product Internal #2 (25, 26, 27)\n\t- Matrix Util Product Internal #3 (28, 29, 30)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\nSamples:\n\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #1 (1, 2, 3)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #2 (4, 5, 6)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #3 (7, 8, 9)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #4 (10, 11, 12)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #5 (13, 14, 15)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #6 (16, 17, 18)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #7 (19, 20, 21)\n\t- Graham-Schmidt Process Product Check (31, 32, 33)\n\t- Graham-Schmidt QR Decomposition #1 (34, 35, 36)\n\t- Graham-Schmidt QR Decomposition #2 (37, 38, 39)\n\t- Graham-Schmidt QR Decomposition #3 (40, 41, 42)\n\t- Graham-Schmidt Orthogonalization Matrix Util (110, 111)\n\t- Graham-Schmidt QR Decomposition #4 (112, 113, 114)\n\t- Graham-Schmidt QR Decomposition #5 (115, 116, 117)\n\t- Graham-Schmidt QR Decomposition #6 (118, 119, 120)\n\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- QR Decomposition (43-45)\n\t- QR Decomposition Cases and Definitions - Square Matrix (46-56)\n\t- QR Decomposition Cases and Definitions - Rectangular Matrix (57-65)\n\t- QR Decomposition Cases and Definitions - QL, RL, and LQ Decompositions (66)\n\t- QR Decomposition Computing the (67, 68)\n\t- QR Decomposition Computing the - Using (69-92)\n\t- QR Decomposition Computing the - Using Example (93-102)\n\t- QR Decomposition Computing the - Using Relation to RQ (103-106)\n\t- QR Decomposition Computing the - Using Advantages and Disadvantages (107-109)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"ad64618c75675c938fafbdb5748b720816f40bea","after":"b9418cccd0dfc1b71b45c9540c5c8c56aec61bed","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-07-13T17:39:53.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Diagnostics #1 (63, 64)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Diagnostics #2 (65, 66)\n\t- Sylvester Equation Solution Annotated Shell (67, 68, 69)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\n\t- Numerical Analyzer Bartels-Stewart Algorithm (62)\n\n\nSamples:\n\n\t- QR Decomposition Matrix Util (63, 64)\n\t- Graham Schmidt Matrix Orthonormalization Process (70, 71, 72)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #1 (73, 74, 75)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #2 (76, 77, 78)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #3 (79, 80)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #4 (81, 82)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #5 (83, 84)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #6 (85, 86, 87)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #7 (88, 89, 90)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #8 (91, 92, 93)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #9 (94, 95, 96)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #10 (97, 98, 99)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #11 (100, 101, 102)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #12 (103, 104, 105)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #13 (106, 107, 108)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #14 (109, 110, 111)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #15 (112, 113, 114)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #16 (115, 116, 117)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Run #17 (118, 119, 120)\n\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Alternating-direction Implicit Method Fundamental ADI (FADI) - Relations to other methods (1)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm #1 (2-7)\n\t- The Bartels-Stewart Algorithm #1 (8-27)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Hessenberg-Schur #1 (28-31)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm #2 (32-37)\n\t- The Bartels-Stewart Algorithm #2 (38-57)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm Hessenberg-Schur #2 (58-61)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}},{"before":"094488caa811de19a568e5e15e2e34b820b3312b","after":"ad64618c75675c938fafbdb5748b720816f40bea","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-07-09T17:59:55.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lakshmiDRIP","name":"Lakshmi Krishnamurthy","path":"/lakshmiDRIP","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22510101?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Features:\n\n\t- Matrix Util Graham Schmidt #1 (1, 2, 3)\n\t- Matrix Util Graham Schmidt #2 (4, 5, 6)\n\t- Matrix Util Graham Schmidt #3 (7, 8, 9)\n\t- Matrix Util Modulus Internal Unchecked (10, 11, 12)\n\t- Matrix Util Graham Schmidt #4 (13, 14, 15)\n\n\nBug Fixes/Re-organization:\n\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process Run (16, 17)\n\t- Matrix Util QR Decomposition Fix (37, 38, 39)\n\n\nSamples:\n\n\t- Bartels Stewart Sylvester Solver #1 (18, 19, 20)\n\t- Bartels Stewart Sylvester Solver #2 (21, 22)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #1 (23, 24)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #2 (25, 26)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #3 (27, 28)\n\t- Bartels Stewart Sylvester Solver #3 (29, 30)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #4 (31, 32)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #5 (33, 34)\n\t- Bartels Stewart Sylvester Solver #4 (35, 36)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #6 (40, 41, 42)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #7 (43, 44, 45)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #8 (46, 47, 48)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #9 (49, 50, 51)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #10 (52, 53, 54)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #11 (55, 56, 57)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #12 (58, 59, 60)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #13 (61, 62, 63)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #14 (64, 65, 66)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #15 (67, 68, 69)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #16 (70, 71, 72)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #17 (73, 74, 75)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #18 (76, 77, 78)\n\t- Matrix Graham Schmidt Process #19 (79, 80, 81)\n\t- Bartels Stewart Sylvester Solver #5 (85, 86, 87)\n\t- Bartels Stewart Sylvester Solver #6 (88, 89, 90)\n\n\nIdeaDRIP:\n\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm (91-97)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm The (98-117)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm The - Computational Cost (118)\n\t- Bartels-Stewart Algorithm The - Simplifications and Special Cases (119, 120)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Features:"}}],"hasNextPage":true,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"cursor":"Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK7MjAyNC0wOS0wOFQyMjozODoyMC4wMDAwMDBazwAAAASwUN1u","startCursor":"Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK7MjAyNC0wOS0wOFQyMjozODoyMC4wMDAwMDBazwAAAASwUN1u","endCursor":"Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK7MjAyNC0wNy0wOVQxNzo1OTo1NS4wMDAwMDBazwAAAAR69ob3"}},"title":"Activity · lakshmiDRIP/DROP"}