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A Short Guide to Running BLAST

The contents of this file are based on this excellent tutorial, the help and advice of labmates, and my own experience.


Helpful Links


On formatting blast output:

On word size and word size defaults:

Starting up a VM

Create a Google Cloud Virtual Machine (go to, click Console at top right, click the hamburger menu at top left, and then Compute Engine, VM instances, and CREATE INSTANCE):

  • location closest to you
  • n2-highmem-16
  • change boot disk to a 500GB Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

The first time after making the VM, run these commands:

# Run these commands to install Docker and add non-root users to run Docker
sudo snap install docker
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
# exit and SSH back in for changes to take effect
docker run hello-world
# should see "Hello from Docker!"

# make and populate directories
cd ; mkdir -p blastdb queries fasta results blastdb_custom

Any other time, get it warmed up and updated by running:

docker run --rm ncbi/blast --showall pretty --source gcp

Helpful Docker Commands

  • docker ps -a: Displays a list of containers
  • docker rm $(docker ps -q -f status=exited): Removes all exited containers, if you have at least 1 exited container
  • docker rm <CONTAINER_ID>: Removes a container
  • docker images: Displays a list of images
  • docker rmi <REPOSITORY (IMAGE_NAME)>: Removes an image

Preparing Query

# move query to its directory
mv *fasta $HOME/queries/.

# make sure queries are all there
ls -al $HOME/queries

Making Custom Databases

Replace any occurrence of [something] with your own content.

Make blastx database:

docker run --rm \
    -v $HOME/blastdb_custom:/blast/blastdb_custom:rw \
    -v $HOME/fasta:/blast/fasta:ro \
    -w /blast/blastdb_custom \
    ncbi/blast \
    makeblastdb -in /blast/fasta/[PROTEIN_SEQUENCES].fasta -dbtype prot \
    -parse_seqids -out [my-protein-database] -title "[my protein database]" \
    -taxid [NNNNNN] -blastdb_version 5

Make blastn database:

docker run --rm \
    -v $HOME/blastdb_custom:/blast/blastdb_custom:rw \
    -v $HOME/fasta:/blast/fasta:ro \
    -w /blast/blastdb_custom \
    ncbi/blast \
    makeblastdb -in /blast/fasta/[NUCLEOTIDE_SEQUENCES].fasta -dbtype nucl \
    -parse_seqids -out [my-nucleotide-database] -title "[my nucleotide database]" \
    -taxid [NNNNNN] -blastdb_version 5

Display the accessions, sequence length, and common name of the sequences in the databases:

docker run --rm \
    -v $HOME/blastdb:/blast/blastdb:ro \
    -v $HOME/blastdb_custom:/blast/blastdb_custom:ro \
    ncbi/blast \
    blastdbcmd -entry all -db [my-database-proteins] -outfmt "%a %l %T"

docker run --rm \
    -v $HOME/blastdb:/blast/blastdb:ro \
    -v $HOME/blastdb_custom:/blast/blastdb_custom:ro \
    ncbi/blast \
    blastdbcmd -entry all -db [my-database-nucleotides] -outfmt "%a %l %T"

Add names of sequences:

# download
# upload to cloud
tar -xf taxdb.tar.gz
mv taxdb.btd blastdb_custom
mv taxdb.bti blastdb_custom

Downloading Databases

Display BLAST databases available on the GCP:

docker run --rm ncbi/blast --showall pretty --source gcp

Download nt database (takes about 18 minutes):

docker run --rm \
  -v $HOME/blastdb:/blast/blastdb:rw \
  -w /blast/blastdb \
  ncbi/blast \ --source gcp nt &

Download nr database (takes about 1 hour).

docker run --rm \
  -v $HOME/blastdb:/blast/blastdb:rw \
  -w /blast/blastdb \
  ncbi/blast \ --source gcp nr &

Check database directory size (nt is about 95 GB, nr is about 237 GB):

du -sk $HOME/blastdb
du -sh $HOME/blastdb

Display database(s) that are now in $HOME/blastdb:

docker run --rm \
    -v $HOME/blastdb:/blast/blastdb:ro \
    ncbi/blast \
    blastdbcmd -list /blast/blastdb -remove_redundant_dbs

Running BLAST

megablast example:

docker run \
  -v $HOME/blastdb:/blast/blastdb:ro -v $HOME/blastdb_custom:/blast/blastdb_custom:ro \
  -v $HOME/queries:/blast/queries:ro \
  -v $HOME/results:/blast/results:rw \
  ncbi/blast \
  blastn -task megablast -query /blast/queries/[my_query_file].fasta -db "nt [my-nucleotide-database]" -num_threads 16 \
  -outfmt "6 qseqid sacc stitle staxids sscinames sskingdoms qlen slen length pident qcovs evalue" \
  -out /blast/results/megablast.[my_file_name].out

blastn example:

docker run \
  -v $HOME/blastdb:/blast/blastdb:ro -v $HOME/blastdb_custom:/blast/blastdb_custom:ro \
  -v $HOME/queries:/blast/queries:ro \
  -v $HOME/results:/blast/results:rw \
  ncbi/blast \
  blastn -task blastn -query /blast/queries/[my_query_file].fasta -db "nt [my-nucleotide-database]" -num_threads 16 \
  -outfmt "6 qseqid sacc stitle staxids sscinames sskingdoms qlen slen length pident qcovs evalue" \
  -out /blast/results/blastn.[my_file_name].out

blastx example:

docker run \
  -v $HOME/blastdb:/blast/blastdb:ro -v $HOME/blastdb_custom:/blast/blastdb_custom:ro \
  -v $HOME/queries:/blast/queries:ro \
  -v $HOME/results:/blast/results:rw \
  ncbi/blast \
  blastx -task blastx -query /blast/queries/[my_query_file].fasta -db "nr [my-protein-database]" -num_threads 16 \
  -outfmt "6 qseqid sacc stitle staxids sscinames sskingdoms qlen slen length pident qcovs evalue" \
  -out /blast/results/blastx.[my_file_name].out

blastx-fast example:

docker run \
  -v $HOME/blastdb:/blast/blastdb:ro -v $HOME/blastdb_custom:/blast/blastdb_custom:ro \
  -v $HOME/queries:/blast/queries:ro \
  -v $HOME/results:/blast/results:rw \
  ncbi/blast \
  blastx -task blastx-fast -query /blast/queries/[my_query_file].fa -db "nr [my-protein-database]" -num_threads 16 \
  -outfmt "6 qseqid sacc stitle staxids sscinames sskingdoms qlen slen length pident qcovs evalue" \
  -out /blast/results/blastx-fast.[my_file_name].out

stdout and stderr will be in script.out. BLAST output will be in $HOME/results.

It can be helpful to save your versions of the above commands into a script named with the extension .sh (for exampled, [my_script].sh). You can then upload the script to your VM's home directory and run the script:

nohup bash [my_script].sh > [my_script_stdout_and_stderr].out &

Downloading Large Output Files

Install zip:

sudo apt install zip

Run zip:


Download new zip file.