This is a deployment framework for Webgazer, aiming to allow quick deployment of Webgazer to any websites.
This framework strictly uses Amazon DynamoDB for backend for consistency. To set up the back end, do as follow:
- Go to and sign in. Sign up for a new account if you haven't already had one.
- Log into console. In the console, search for Amazon Cognito and go to Amazon Cognito page.
- Select Manage Federated Identities.
- Select Create New Identity Pool".
- Enter a name in the Identity pool name box. Anything will work here.
- VERY IMPORTANT. Check the Enable access to unauthenticated identities box.
- Select Create pool.
- Select Allow.
- In the Platform dropdown selection, choose Javascript. It will show example code for Javascript. In the first code box, under Get AWS Credentials, There is a line with IdentityPoolId. It will look something like 'us-east-2:6f89cc95-78a6-4d78-9ec1-4eb5fab8b86f'. Replace the value of var IdentityPoolId in settings.js with the id.
- Go to Or alternatively, you can go to AWS console and search for IAM, go to IAM page, then click on roles, which is located on the left dashboard.
- In the list of roles on the right, select Cognito_"yourappname"Unauth_Role. yourappname is what you entered in the identity pool name box above.
- Select Create role policy.
- The selection Policy Generator is already selected. Select Select.
- In the dropdown AWS Service, choose Amazon DynamoDB.
- In the dropdown Actions, Check the following boxes: BatchWriteItem, CreateTable, GetItems, PutItems, UpdateItems.
- In the box Amazon Resource Name, enter *.
- Select Add Statement.
- Select Next Step.
- Select Apply policy.
- It will go back to the policy page. Find the line Role ARN at the top of the page, and copy the information there, which looks something like arn:aws:iam::345518382834:role/Cognito_whateverUnauth_Role. Replace the value of the var RoleArn in settings.js with the id.
- You are all set!!!
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