a anchor
c code
C codeblock
# hash
L list (any)
ol orderedlist
ul unorderedlist
li listitem (any)
uli unorderedlistitem (any)
oli orderedlistitem (any)
r ref (aka "link")
s section
t text-content
; all top-level objects
; the second top-level section
; all objects at all levels
; all top-level sections
; all sections at all levels
; all sections at all levels with 'test' in the name
; all level 2 sections at all levels.
; all lists containing checklist items at any level
; all lists containing checklist items with the 'shopping' hashtag
; all hashtags
; all refs
/ -> all top level objects
-> all top level objects
// -> all objects at all levels
/s -> all top-level sections
s -> all top-level sections
//s -> all sections at all levels.
//s{test} -> all sections at all levels with 'test' in the name.
//s2 -> all level 2 sections at all levels.
//l<c> -> all lists containing checklist items.
//l<c/#shopping> -> all lists contianing checklist items with the 'shopping' hashtag.
//# -> all hashtags at all levels.
//ul<c> -> all unordered lists with checklist items.
//ul<*c><!*c{X}> -> all unordered lists who's direct children are all checklist items
and who's direct children are not all completed checklist items.
//c/^ -> select all direct parents of all checklist items.
//c/^/^ -> select all grandparents of all checklist items.
//uli1 -> select all level-1 unordered list items.