我写了首诗,把滑动窗口算法变成了默写题 :: labuladong的算法小抄 #1023
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第2和第3题的 |
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是的,但是作者代码也没问题,只能说改成:if(right - left == t.size()) 就可以了,估计作者为了更好的模板话代码才那样写的叭。 |
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第二题第三题可以固定滑动窗口的大小为子串的长度来进行滑动吗?感觉可能更方便一点,作者这么写是不是也是为了模板的通用性? |
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76题 : Java 版本 public String minWindow( String s, String t ) {
String res = "";
if ( t.length() > s.length() ) {
return res;
HashMap<Character, Integer> need = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<Character, Integer> window = new HashMap<>();
for ( int i = 0; i < t.length(); i++ ) {
char ch = t.charAt( i );
need.put( ch, need.getOrDefault( ch, 0 ) + 1 );
int l = 0;
int r = 0;
int valid = 0;
int len = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int start = 0;
while ( r < s.length() ) {
char ch = s.charAt( r );
if ( need.containsKey( ch ) ) {
window.put( ch, window.getOrDefault( ch, 0 ) + 1 );
if ( window.get( ch ).equals( need.get( ch ) ) ) {
// 判断左侧窗口是否要收缩
while ( valid == need.size() ) {
// 在这里更新最小覆盖子串
if ( r - l < len ) {
start = l;
len = r - l;
// d 是将移出窗口的字符
char d = s.charAt( l );
// 左移窗口
// 进行窗口内数据的一系列更新
if ( need.containsKey( d ) ) {
if ( window.get( d ).equals( need.get( d ) ) ) {
window.put( d, window.get( d ) - 1 );
return len == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? "" : s.substring( start, start+len );
} |
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@MessiahChen > 第二题第三题可以固定滑动窗口的大小为子串的长度来进行滑动吗?感觉可能更方便一点,作者这么写是不是也是为了模板的通用性? 我也发现了这一点,不过细想了一下,如果固定窗口大小,是不是窗口里的每个字符都得比较一次,这样的话时间复杂度就是O(s*t),而东哥的做法只需要比较窗口长度,不用遍历窗口,时间复杂度是O(s)(最差也是O(2s)),不知道是不是这样。 |
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3道题目的Java版本在这里! ================ 76. 最小覆盖子串 ================
class Solution {
public String minWindow(String s, String t) {
// 记录t 以及 滑动窗口window中 字符与个数的映射关系
HashMap<Character, Integer> window_map = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<Character, Integer> t_map = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < t.length(); i++) {
char c1 = t.charAt(i);
t_map.put(c1, t_map.getOrDefault(c1, 0) + 1);
// 双指针,
int left = 0;
int right = 0;
int count = 0;
// 用于更新满足的窗口window的长度,如果是len一直是MAX_VALUE,说明没有满足的串
int len = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// 用于记录window串的起始位置,则返回 s[start, len]
int start = 0;
while (right < s.length()) {
char c = s.charAt(right);
// 只要c是t中出现的字符就更新
if (t_map.containsKey(c)) {
window_map.put(c, window_map.getOrDefault(c, 0) + 1);
// 更新c字符出现的次数
if (window_map.get(c).equals(t_map.get(c))) {
// System.out.println(window_map);
// ----------------------------------
// 收缩window的长度
while (count == t_map.size()) {
// 更新并记录window的长度,以及window的起始位置start
if (right - left < len) {
start = left;
len = right - left;
char d = s.charAt(left);
if (t_map.containsKey(d)) {
if (window_map.get(d).equals(t_map.get(d))) {
window_map.put(d, window_map.get(d) - 1);
return len == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? "" : s.substring(start, start + len);
================ 438. 找到字符串中所有字母异位词 ================
class Solution {
public List<Integer> findAnagrams(String s, String p) {
// ========= 模板:定义相关数据结构,初始化工作============
HashMap<Character, Integer> window_map = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<Character, Integer> p_map = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < p.length(); i++){
char c1 = p.charAt(i);
p_map.put(c1, p_map.getOrDefault(c1, 0) + 1);
int left, right, count;
left = right = count = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>();
// ================== 模板:开始滑动窗口=====================
while (right < s.length()) {
// =========== 模板:向右滑动窗口,装填满足的字符到map中==========
char c = s.charAt(right);
if (p_map.containsKey(c)) {
window_map.put(c, window_map.getOrDefault(c, 0) + 1);
if (window_map.get(c).equals(p_map.get(c))) {
// =========== 根据题意:此时“有可能”出现满足条件的解 ==========
while (right - left == p.length()) {
// ============= 根据题意:获取“真正”满足条件的解 =============
if (count == p_map.size()){
// ========== 模板:左指针向右滑动,寻找下一个可行解/优化已知解======
char d = s.charAt(left);
if (p_map.containsKey(d)) {
if (window_map.get(d).equals(p_map.get(d))) {
window_map.put(d, window_map.getOrDefault(d, 0) - 1);
return res;
================ 567. 字符串的排列 ================
class Solution {
public boolean checkInclusion(String p, String s) {
// ========= 模板:定义相关数据结构,初始化工作============
HashMap<Character, Integer> window_map = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<Character, Integer> p_map = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < p.length(); i++){
char c1 = p.charAt(i);
p_map.put(c1, p_map.getOrDefault(c1, 0) + 1);
int left, right, count;
left = right = count = 0;
// ================== 模板:开始滑动窗口=====================
while (right < s.length()) {
// =========== 模板:向右滑动窗口,装填满足的字符到map中==========
char c = s.charAt(right);
if (p_map.containsKey(c)) {
window_map.put(c, window_map.getOrDefault(c, 0) + 1);
if (window_map.get(c).equals(p_map.get(c))) {
// =========== 根据题意:此时“有可能”出现满足条件的解 ==========
while (right - left == p.length()) {
// ============= 根据题意:获取“真正”满足条件的解 =============
if (count == p_map.size()){
return true;
// ========== 模板:左指针向右滑动,寻找下一个可行解/优化已知解======
char d = s.charAt(left);
if (p_map.containsKey(d)) {
if (window_map.get(d).equals(p_map.get(d))) {
window_map.put(d, window_map.getOrDefault(d, 0) - 1);
return false;
} |
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@Hailei-J @tinainusa @InnovationFlash 你们确定不是自己写错了?我提交了一下都没有问题。 |
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很神奇,用你的c++ code跑了下就没问题。 |
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虽然速度效果一般,但是通过这个框架能记得比较牢,对于我这种菜鸡简直是福音,感谢大佬!!! |
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哈哈哈,这里的确是个思维误区,也不用二楼说的加个条件,我想了一天,还专门把代码跑了一遍发现没错。 |
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js 版最小覆盖子串 function minWindow(s, t) {
const needs = {},
window = {};
for (const c of t) {
if (needs[c] === undefined) {
needs[c] = 0;
window[c] = 0;
const needsSize = Object.keys(needs).length;
let left = 0,
right = 0;
let valid = 0;
// 记录最小覆盖子串的起始索引及长度
let start = 0,
len = Infinity;
while (right < s.length) {
// c 是将移入窗口的字符
const c = s[right];
// 右移窗口
// 进行窗口内数据的一系列更新
if (needs[c] !== undefined) {
if (window[c] === needs[c]) {
// 判断左侧窗口是否要收缩
while (valid === needsSize) {
// 在这里更新最小覆盖子串
if (right - left < len) {
start = left;
len = right - left;
// d 是将移出窗口的字符
const d = s[left];
// 左移窗口
// 进行窗口内数据的一系列更新
if (needs[d] !== undefined) {
if (window[d] === needs[d]) valid--;
// 返回最小覆盖子串
return len === Infinity ? "" : s.substr(start, len);
console.log(minWindow("aa", "aa")); |
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js 版字符串排列 function checkInclusion(s1, s2) {
const needs = {},
window = {};
for (const c of s1) {
if (needs[c] === undefined) {
needs[c] = 0;
window[c] = 0;
const needsSize = Object.keys(needs).length;
let left = 0,
right = 0;
let valid = 0;
while (right < s2.length) {
// c 是将移入窗口的字符
const c = s2[right];
// 右移窗口
// 进行窗口内数据的一系列更新
if (needs[c] !== undefined) {
if (window[c] === needs[c]) valid++;
// 判断左侧窗口是否要收缩
while (right - left >= s1.length) {
// 在这里判断是否找到了合法的子串
if (valid === needsSize) return true;
// d 是将移出窗口的字符
const d = s2[left];
// 左移窗口
// 进行窗口内数据的一系列更新
if (needs[d] !== undefined) {
if (window[d] === needs[d]) valid--;
return false;
console.log(checkInclusion("aba", "eidbaaooo")); |
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js 最长无重复子串 function lengthOfLongestSubstring(s) {
const window = {};
for (const c of s) {
window[c] = 0;
let left = 0,
right = 0;
let result = 0; // 记录结果
while (right < s.length) {
// c 是将移入窗口的字符
const c = s[right];
// 右移窗口
// 进行窗口内数据的一系列更新
// 判断左侧窗口是否要收缩
while (window[c] > 1) {
// d 是将移出窗口的字符
const d = s[left];
// 左移窗口
// 进行窗口内数据的一系列更新
// 在这里更新答案
result = Math.max(result, right - left);
return result;
console.log(lengthOfLongestSubstring("abcabcbb")); |
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请教下,第二题和第三题,如果"ab"和"acb"为什么能够正确判断?我运行作者的代码运行正确,但是改成python就会出错。 |
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滑动窗口算法的代码框架的winodw.add(c),window写错了 |
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大佬有个问题,我的理解valid 是不是解释为满足条件的字符种类的个数更合理一点 |
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滑动窗口各个时刻window的状态 left++ right++ left++ |
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两轮面试都出了子串相关的题目,滑动窗口真好用。 |
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我有一个问题,像第二题如果s1= i d e, s2 = e i d b a o o o, 我感觉文中的解法也是会返回true,因为没考虑字符串的排列,求解答,谢谢! |
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}; |
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第二题用int array的做法,需要多写一个helper method来比较两个int array,但是时间空间复杂度都更低 class Solution {
public boolean checkInclusion(String s1, String s2) {
// Initialize 2 int arrays to store frequencies of characters in our target and our window
int[] need = new int[26], window = new int[26];
// Our target int array
for(char c:s1.toCharArray()) need[c-'a']++;
int left = 0, right = 0;
// Check our window until the end of the array
while(right < s2.length()) {
char d = s2.charAt(right);
// If the character exists in our target, increase the corresponding element in our window
if(need[d-'a']!=0) window[d-'a']++;
// When the length of window equals our target string
if(right - left == s1.length()) {
// Check if the frequencies of chars in target and our window are equal
if (areArraysEqual(need,window)) return true;
// Shrink our window and update the frequencies in our window array
char e = s2.charAt(left);
// If the char to be excluded is in our target, decrease the frequency
if(need[e-'a']!=0) window[e-'a']--;
return false;
// Helper method to judge if 2 int arrays are equal
public boolean areArraysEqual(int[] arr1, int[] arr2) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {
if (arr1[i] != arr2[i]) {
return false;
return true;
} |
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最小覆盖子串里,我没用Integer.MAX_VALUE,而是用了如下的方式,在leetcode中显示266 / 267 testcases passed, 总有一个特别长的test case过不了,请帮我看看是出了什么问题,谢谢!
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非常感谢,我来一个424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement问题的题解,套用模板: class Solution:
def characterReplacement(self, s: str, k: int) -> int:
if not s:
return 0
# 记录每个字符出现的次数
counter = collections.defaultdict(int)
left = 0
right = 0
maxlen = 0
res = 0
while left <= right and right < len(s):
c = s[right]
right += 1
counter[c] += 1
maxlen = max(maxlen, counter[c])
# 窗口长度减去最大字符出现次数小于 k,表示需要移动左指针
while right - left - maxlen > k:
d = s[left]
left += 1
counter[d] -= 1
# 更新最大长度
res = max(res, right - left)
return res 希望能有所帮助 |
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【76. 最小覆盖子串】代码分块,使代码与文中的算法思路对应更直接 【文中算法思路】 class Solution {
String source, target;
Map<Character, Integer> targetCharCount;
Map<Character, Integer> windowCharCount;
int left, right;
int windowValidChars;
int minWindowStart, minWindowLength;
public String minWindow(String s, String t) {
init(s, t); // 第 1 步,初始化
while (canExpand()) { // 第 4 步,重复第 2,3 步
while (canExpand() && !windowContainsSolution()) expandWindow(); // 第 2 步,扩大窗口
while (windowContainsSolution()) { // 第 3 步
updateSolution(); // 更新结果
shrinkWindow(); // 缩小窗口
return getSolution();
void init(String source, String target) {
this.source = source;
this.target = target;
targetCharCount = getCharCount(target);
windowCharCount = new HashMap<>(targetCharCount.size());
left = 0;
right = 0;
windowValidChars = 0;
minWindowStart = 0;
minWindowLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Map<Character, Integer> getCharCount(String s) {
int n = s.length();
Map<Character, Integer> charToCount = new HashMap<>(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
charToCount.put(c, charToCount.getOrDefault(c, 0) + 1);
return charToCount;
boolean canExpand() {
return right < source.length();
boolean windowContainsSolution() {
return windowValidChars == targetCharCount.size();
void expandWindow() {
char c = source.charAt(right);
int targetCount = targetCharCount.getOrDefault(c, 0);
if (targetCount > 0) {
int oldCount = windowCharCount.getOrDefault(c, 0);
int newCount = oldCount + 1;
windowCharCount.put(c, newCount);
if (newCount == targetCount) windowValidChars++;
void updateSolution() {
int thisWindowLength = right - left;
if (thisWindowLength < minWindowLength) {
minWindowStart = left;
minWindowLength = thisWindowLength;
void shrinkWindow() {
char c = source.charAt(left);
int targetCount = targetCharCount.getOrDefault(c, 0);
if (targetCount != 0) {
int oldCount = windowCharCount.get(c);
windowCharCount.put(c, oldCount - 1);
if (oldCount == targetCount) windowValidChars--;
String getSolution() {
return minWindowLength == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? "" : source.substring(minWindowStart, minWindowStart + minWindowLength);
} |
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没看懂时:写什么玩意 |
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一套打通,感谢。写的很丝滑,不用硬套,理解窗口的作用,直接根据题目加上自己对题目的限制条件的理解。 |
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评论礼仪 见这里,违者直接拉黑。
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