Base WebView API
Enhanced WebView API
Register a callback function that can be called from JavaScript.
webView:registerCallback("methodName", function(data)
-- data: JavaScript data automatically converted to Lua types
print("Received data:", json.prettify(data))
-- Return value will be converted to JavaScript types
return {
message = "Response from Lua",
timestamp = os.time(),
received = data
Listen for events sent from JavaScript.
webView:on("eventName", function(data)
-- data: Event data from JavaScript
print("Received event:", json.prettify(data))
-- Send response back
webView:send("responseEvent", {
message = "Event processed",
timestamp = os.time(),
originalData = data
Send events to JavaScript.
webView:send("eventName", {
message = "Event from Lua",
timestamp = os.time()
Inject JavaScript code into WebView.
// Injected code can access DOM
var target = document.getElementById("targetId");
if (target) {
target.innerHTML = "Updated by injection";
target.style.backgroundColor = "#" + Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16);
// Can use NativeBridge
NativeBridge.sendToLua("injectionComplete", {
success: true,
time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString()
Important Notes:
- Must inject after NativeBridge is ready (in onNativeBridgeReady)
- Check for DOM element existence
- Handle multiple executions
- Avoid global namespace pollution
Best Practice:
window.onNativeBridgeReady = function() {
// Safe to inject JavaScript here
// Your injection code
window.onNativeBridgeReady = function() {
// NativeBridge is ready
console.log("NativeBridge ready");
Call registered Lua callbacks.
// Call Lua function
NativeBridge.callNative("methodName", {
message: "Test message",
timestamp: Date.now()
}).then(result => {
console.log("Response from Lua:", result);
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Error:", error);
Send events to Lua.
// Send event to Lua
NativeBridge.sendToLua("eventName", {
message: "Event from JS",
timestamp: Date.now()
Listen for events from Lua.
// Listen for Lua events
NativeBridge.on("eventName", function(data) {
console.log("Received from Lua:", data);
Lua Type | JavaScript Type | Notes |
number | number | Both integers and floats preserved |
string | string | Including empty strings and Unicode |
boolean | boolean | Direct true/false mapping |
table (array) | Array | Sequential tables become arrays |
table (object) | Object | Hash tables become objects |
nil | undefined | nil becomes undefined |
JavaScript Type | Lua Type | Notes |
number | number | Both integers and floats preserved |
string | string | Including empty strings and Unicode |
boolean | boolean | Direct mapping |
Array | table | Becomes table with numeric keys |
Object | table | Becomes hash table |
null/undefined | nil | Both become nil |
Date | string | Becomes ISO date string |
Function | nil | Functions not preserved |
Edge Cases:
- Sparse arrays preserve gaps:
→{1, nil, 3}
- Deep nesting is supported for both objects and arrays
- Complex types (Function, Symbol) become nil
- Date objects are converted to strings
local json = require("json")
local webView = native.newWebView(
webView:registerCallback("getDeviceInfo", function()
return {
platform = system.getInfo("platform"),
version = system.getInfo("architectureInfo"),
language = system.getPreference("locale", "language"),
deviceModel = system.getInfo("model")
webView:registerCallback("consoleLog", function(data)
print("[JS]", data.message)
webView:on("buttonClicked", function(data)
webView:send("buttonResponse", {message = "Received click for button " .. data.buttonId})
local function injectJS()
function updateDeviceInfo() {
NativeBridge.callNative("getDeviceInfo").then(info => {
document.getElementById("deviceInfo").innerHTML =
`Platform: ${info.platform}<br>
Version: ${info.version}<br>
Language: ${info.language}<br>
Model: ${info.deviceModel}`;
["updateButton", "greetButton"].forEach(id => {
document.getElementById(id).addEventListener('click', () => {
if(id === "updateButton") updateDeviceInfo();
NativeBridge.sendToLua("buttonClicked", {buttonId: id.replace("Button", "")});
NativeBridge.on("buttonResponse", data => {
document.getElementById("response").textContent = data.message;
webView:request("index.html", system.ResourceDirectory)
webView:addEventListener("urlRequest", function(event)
if event.type == "loaded" then injectJS() end
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
window.onNativeBridgeReady = function() {
console.log("NativeBridge is ready!");
<div id="deviceInfo"></div>
<button id="updateButton">Update Info</button>
<button id="greetButton">Greet</button>
<div id="response"></div>
Immediately executes JavaScript code with automatic error handling and script queuing support.
// JavaScript code to execute
document.body.style.backgroundColor = 'lightblue';
console.log('Background color changed');
- Automatic error handling wrapper
- Scripts are queued if WebView is not loaded
- Uses IIFE to avoid global namespace pollution
Adds a script that will be executed on every page load.
// This script will run on every page load
console.log('Global script executed');
- Scripts are permanently stored and auto-executed after each page load
- Automatic error handling wrapper
- Uses IIFE to avoid global namespace pollution
- Executes immediately if WebView is already loaded
Use the WebViewEnhanced module to create a WebView with enhanced capabilities:
local WebViewEnhanced = require("webview_enhanced")
local webView = WebViewEnhanced.createWebView({
x = display.contentCenterX,
y = display.contentCenterY,
width = display.actualContentWidth,
height = display.actualContentHeight
local WebViewEnhanced = require("webview_enhanced")
-- Create enhanced WebView
local webView = WebViewEnhanced.createWebView()
-- Add global script
console.log('Page loaded at:', new Date().toLocaleTimeString());
-- Register callback for user interaction
webView:registerCallback("updateTheme", function(data)
document.body.style.backgroundColor = '%s';
document.body.style.color = '%s';
]], data.background, data.textColor))
return { success = true }
-- Load page
webView:request("index.html", system.ResourceDirectory)
- Script Execution Timing
-- Not recommended: Execute before page load
webView:evaluateJS("document.body.style.backgroundColor = 'red'")
-- Recommended: Execute after NativeBridge is ready
window.onNativeBridgeReady = function() {
document.body.style.backgroundColor = 'red';
- Error Handling
-- evaluateJS and addGlobalScript include automatic error handling
// Errors won't affect other code execution
console.log('This will still execute');
- Avoiding Global Pollution
-- Recommended: Use IIFE pattern
(function() {
var privateVar = 'hidden';
window.publicAPI = {
doSomething: function() {
- Script Queue Management
-- Scripts are executed in order
- evaluateJS and addGlobalScript handle errors automatically, no need for extra try-catch
- Global scripts execute on every page load, avoid redundant operations
- Use evaluateJS for conditional script execution
- Scripts added before page load are queued and executed in order
Enable and handle XMLHttpRequest operations in WebView. This feature is disabled by default.
-- Create WebView with XMLHttpRequest rewriting enabled
local webView = WebViewEnhanced.createWebView({
rewriteXHR = true
-- Set handler for XMLHttpRequest operations
-- request: {
-- id = "unique_request_id",
-- method = "GET/POST/...",
-- url = "request_url",
-- headers = { header_key = header_value },
-- body = "request_body",
-- async = true/false
-- }
-- Must return a response object:
return {
status = 200,
statusText = "OK",
headers = {
["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
body = "response_body"
Example with different response scenarios:
-- Handle GET request
if request.method == "GET" then
return {
status = 200,
statusText = "OK",
headers = {
["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
body = json.encode({
message = "GET request handled",
url = request.url
-- Handle POST request
if request.method == "POST" then
return {
status = 201,
statusText = "Created",
body = json.encode({
message = "Resource created",
data = json.decode(request.body)
-- Handle error case
return {
status = 400,
statusText = "Bad Request",
body = "Invalid request method"
The rewritten XMLHttpRequest maintains the standard XMLHttpRequest interface in JavaScript:
// JavaScript code remains unchanged
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", "https://api.example.com/data");
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
console.log(xhr.status, xhr.responseText);
Important Notes:
- XMLHttpRequest rewriting is disabled by default
- All XMLHttpRequest operations will be handled by the Lua handler when enabled
- The handler must return a response object with required fields
- Supports both synchronous and asynchronous requests
- Maintains standard XMLHttpRequest behavior in JavaScript