This is a Spring Cloud project for WebSocket cluster servers.
Using a consistent hashing algorithm, we construct a hash ring where the gateway listens to the up and down event of the WebSocket service instances and dynamically updates the hash ring according to the changes of the instances. Each time a new service comes online, the corresponding virtual node is added, and the WebSocket clients that need to change are reconnected to the new instance. Clients that need to be changed are reconnected to the new instance, which is the least expensive; of course, it also depends on the count of the virtual nodes and the fairness of the hashing algorithm. When the service goes offline, it is easier -- just disconnect all clients from the current instance, and the clients will always reconnect. At the same time, the core role of the hash ring is reflected in the load balancing. When the gateway does its request forwarding, it goes through our rewritten custom load balancing filter, which implements real node routing based on the fields that need to be hashed for business purposes.
- Docker (with API accessible)
- Redis
- RabbitMQ
- Nacos
Create a docker-compose network for docker-compose.yml:
docker network create compose-network
Local build and deploy by docker-compose:
mvn clean
mvn install -pl gateway -am -amd
mvn install -pl websocket -am -amd
docker build -t websocket:1.0.0 websocket/.
docker build -t gateway:1.0.0 gateway/.
docker-compose up -d
docker ps
Scale the websocket instance by: docker-compose scale websocket-server=3
. Actually, I wrote a front-end web page to
start a new instance for websocket service.
Don't forget to enable the docker remote api (e.g., check out docker -H tcp:// ps
The following steps may help:
Append -H tcp://
to the line started of ExecStart
in the file named docker.service
# cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
ExecStart=...... -H tcp://
# after saved, restart the docker process
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker
The best practice is using the image alpine/socat
to expose a tcp socket. (
see: usage of socat).
docker run -itd --name socat \
-p \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
alpine/socat \
tcp-listen:2375,fork,reuseaddr unix-connect:/var/run/docker.sock
For the record, the Docker-desktop client for macOS provides the
hostname for accessing
the host in the container of docker. I also add this domain to my /etc/hosts
and point it to the localhost address. So
I use this address in application.yml
to set up configuration for the redis, the rabbitmq and the nacos servers(they
are all deployed in the container). You can change this address if you deploy on your machine or other linux servers.
BTW, the Makefile is only for self usage, which makes me build and restart the service faster during the development
phase because I didn't prepare a CI/CD pipeline for this project. Please use it as needed.
Check out this react app. It looks like:
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