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Jan Mędrek edited this page Nov 23, 2023 · 13 revisions

Lifecycle Manager E2E Test Glossary

This glossary is intended to be a comprehensive, standardized list of Kyma Lifecycle Manager terminology. It includes technical terms specific to Kyma, Kyma LifeCycle Manager, and more general terms that provide useful context.


Term Description
"Error" State KCP Kyma CR special state
"Ready" State KCP Kyma CR special state
"Warning" State KCP Kyma CR special state
Certificate Secret Secret containing TLS certificate in the SKR cluster
Enqueue Event Event that enqueues SKR Cluster reconciliation in the Lifecycle Manager
KCP Cluster Kyma Control Plane cluster
KCP Kyma CR Kyma CR created in the KCP Cluster
Kubeconfig Secret Secret containing SKR Cluster kubeconfig in the KCP Cluster
Kubernetes Resource Manifest YAML representing Kubernetes resource
Kyma CR Status Sub-resource of the Kyma CR representing its overall health
Kyma Metrics Metrics related to the Kyma CR
Kyma Module Any Module available in Kyma
Mandatory Module Module that is enforced to be ran on the SKR Cluster
Manifest CR Custom Resource representing Module Manifest
Module CR Custom Resource used for configuring Kyma Module behaviour
Module Default CR Module CR with default values that is deployed along the Kyma Module
Module Distribution Channel Channel used for Kyma Module deployment
Module Manifest List of Kubernetes resources that Kyma Module consists of
Module Operator Kubernetes operator managing the Kyma Module
ModuleTemplate CR Custom Resource representing Kyma Module
Purge Controller Controller used for force-deleting contents of SKR Cluster after set time period
Purge Metrics Metrics related to the Purge Controller
Runtime Watcher Component used for monitoring changes in the SKR Cluster and triggering their reconciliation
Sample CR Example CR used by the Template Operator
SKR Cluster SAP Kyma Runtime cluster that User workload is ran in
SKR Kyma CR Kyma CR created in the SKR Cluster
Template Operator Example Module Operator
TLS Secret Kubernetes Secret containing certificate used by the Runtime Watcher
User Person using Kyma Modules and running their workload in the SKR Cluster
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