- Ansible 4.4.0
- tini 0.19.0
- Use Dojo image scripts 0.10.3
- Ansible 2.10.3
- Set Ansible default interpreter to python3
- Use Dojo image scripts 0.10.2
- Added rsync so that ansible can sync directories from control host to remotes
- add Make to specification (explicitly install it and add a test)
- install tools to lint test Ansible playbooks: ansible-lint, yamllint
- fix tests so that they are actually run
- fix tests so that they pass
- allow Ansible to support docker related modules - install python docker sdk and add user dojo to group docker
- use newer base image: debian:10.1-slim
- use dojo scripts from Dojo 0.6.0
- prepare for public usage, push to
- removed AIT references
- ported from IDE to Dojo
- upgraded docker client to
- upgraded ansible to 2.8
- updated ansible to 2.5
- added bats
- added IDE CLI
- added yasha
- Fix base registry port.
- added docker client
- added python openstack client
Initial release