- Setup a K8s cluster (following vagrant setup for KubeArmor is preferred)
- Install and setup KubeArmor in the cluster by using this guide
- Clone this repo and build it as mentioned in the README.md
- go and edit the grafana.yaml in the grafana-es/deploy directory by specifying the correct plugin path for the 3 path for example
(path: /home/hari/opensource/grafana_Kubearmor/accuknox-kubearmorplugin-datasource/dist) change this path to correct path to the dist
for example
similarly change others as well. - Clone the repo and run
kubectl apply -f grafana-es/deploy/
- Now open grafana by
kubectl port-forward deploy/grafana -n kubearmor 3000:3000
and open localhost:3000. - go to datasources and add
as url and select elasticsearch in the backend field and click test. - Now run
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubearmor/KubeArmor/main/examples/wordpress-mysql/wordpress-mysql-deployment.yaml
to create some deployments monitored by Kubermor - Do some kubectl exec into these pods and go to grafana create a new dashboard and select the KubeArmor Datasource you should be able to view the Nodegraph generated from ES logs by Kubermor.
- Make changes to plugin and make sure plugin working in the grafana and submit a PR with the changes