Rocker --volume -v mount a directory Rocker --home
ign gazebo -v4 maze.sdf to
[create-7] [INFO] [1712699982.337452032] [ros_gz_sim]: Requesting list of world names.
[create-8] [INFO] [1712699982.377983758] [ros_gz_sim]: Requesting list of world names.
- Clone into source, change to humble
- rm -rf ./build ./install
- replace all occurances of to
colcon build
- source /opt/ros/overlay_ws/install/setup.bash
- ros2 launch turtlebot4_ignition_bringup world:=maze
- Kill all docker containers: docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
ros2 action send_goal /undock overlay_ws/irobot_create_msgs/action/Undock '{}'
Pleasse change to
Mount a directory from docker to local directory
Name a container at runtime
--name your_name
e.g. rocker --x11 --devices=/dev/dri tb4 bash --name tb4sim
rocker run --name tb4sim -d -v ~/Code/overlay_ws/src:/opt/ros/overlay_ws/src
Mount directory?
rocker run --name tb4sim --volume /home/kscottz/Code/overlay_ws/src:/opt/ros/overlay_ws/src
What the hell, why are all of these ROS errors?
docker run --rm -ti --user root -v /home/kscottz/Code/shared_dir/:/opt/ros/overlay_ws/src/shared_dir tb4 bash
git clone
docker run --rm -ti --user root -v /home/kscottz/Code/gz_ros2_control/:/opt/ros/overlay_ws/src/gz_ros2_control -v /home/kscottz/Code/shared_dir/:/opt/ros/overlay_ws/src/shared_dir tb4 bash^C
Let's say you have a Docker container with the name tb4
and you would like to share your local directory /home/username/Code/fake_package
inside the tb4
container at the point /opt/ros/container_ws/src/fake_package
. To do this you will need to know the username used within the Docker container. You can find the correct username inside the container using the whoami
command, for this example let's say the user name is root
. The command to make this happen would be:
docker run --rm -ti --user root -v/home/username/Code/fake_package:/opt/ros/container_ws/src/fake_package tb4 bash
It is worth noting that you can use the -v flag multiple times during a single command.
docker run --rm -ti --user root -v /home/kscottz/Code/gz_ros2_control/:/opt/ros/overlay_ws/src/gz_ros2_control -v /home/kscottz/Code/tb4_toy/:/opt/ros/overlay_ws/src/tb4_toy tb4 bash
rocker --x11 --devices=/dev/dri --volume=/home/kscottz/Code/gz_ros2_control/:/opt/ros/overlay_ws/src/gz_ros2_control --volume=/home/kscottz/Code/shared_dir/:/opt/ros/overlay_ws/src/shared_dir tb4 bash
THIS IS THE WORKING COMMAND rocker --x11 --devices=/dev/dri --volume=/home/kscottz/Code/gz_ros2_control/:/opt/ros/overlay_ws/src/gz_ros2_control --volume=/home/kscottz/Code/tb4_toy/:/opt/ros/overlay_ws/src/tb4_toy tb4 bash
Running into errors installing a python package in the Docker container. Python and PIP are missing.
error specifically looks like this:
root@4c53ffc94ca1:/opt/ros/overlay_ws# colcon build --packages-select tb4_toy
Starting >>> tb4_toy
--- stderr: tb4_toy
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/ SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: install is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools.
Finished <<< tb4_toy [2.57s]
Summary: 1 package finished [4.80s]
We need an older version of setup tools:
pip install setuptools==58.2.0
ros2 topic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist "{linear: {x: 30.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}}"
Errors: onfigured and activated diffdrive_controller [INFO] [spawner-46]: process has finished cleanly [pid 23784] [turtlebot4_node-30] [INFO] [1714091558.299103918] [turtlebot4_node]: Undocking [turtlebot4_node-30] [INFO] [1714091558.299197100] [turtlebot4_node]: Waiting for undock action server [turtlebot4_node-30] [INFO] [1714091559.299860643] [turtlebot4_node]: undock action server available, sending goal [motion_control-35] [INFO] [1714091559.300244564] [motion_control]: Received new undock goal [turtlebot4_node-30] [INFO] [1714091559.301879738] [turtlebot4_node]: undock goal accepted by server, waiting for result [turtlebot4_node-30] [INFO] [1714091560.694811429] [turtlebot4_node]: OAKD started [turtlebot4_node-30] [INFO] [1714091560.694965087] [turtlebot4_node]: RPLIDAR started [turtlebot4_node-30] [ERROR] [1714091563.671720918] [turtlebot4_node]: Service oakd/stop_camera unavailable. [turtlebot4_node-30] [ERROR] [1714091563.682147231] [turtlebot4_node]: Service stop_motor unavailable. [turtlebot4_node-30] [ERROR] [1714091565.779272188] [turtlebot4_node]: undock goal was canceled [motion_control-35] [WARN] [1714091565.866936409] [motion_control]: Reached backup limit! Stop Driving robot backward or disable from safety_override parameter!
ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_python --license Apache-2.0 loopy --dependencies rclpy example_interfaces
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard ros2 run tb4_toy toy_node ros2 service call /do_loopy std_srvs/Trigger '{}'