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617 lines (335 loc) · 20.2 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Please follow the Keep a Changelog standard.




  • Background tasks not functioning in versioned endpoints



  • Added support for embed_body_fields in solve_dependencies and create_model_field in FastAPI. FastAPI has made a breaking change for these interfaces which is why we had to fix it
  • Fixed invalid imports in quickstart docs
  • Fixed default dependencies not including the CLI for FastAPI, thus causing the quickstart docs to be invalid



  • FastAPI Servers list did not include root path when mounted as a sub-app unless specified directly within the user defined server list (Contributed by @OD-tpeko)
  • OpenAPI spec did not include the summary field (Contributed by @OD-tpeko)



  • Previously the docs were showing wrong versioned doc paths when cadwyn was mounted as a sub-app (Contributed by @OD-tpeko)



  • Automatic changelog generation from version changes using Cadwyn.generate_changelog method and GET /changelog endpoint.
  • Automatic creation of versioned_routers based on the VersionBundle passed to Cadwyn which means that all versions mentioned in the version bundle will already be available for routing even without the use of generate_and_include_versioned_routers


  • Renamed Version.version_changes to Version.changes


  • regex, include, min_items, max_items, and unique_items arguments were removed from schema(...).field(...).had. Notice that it's not a breaking change for most cases because passing these arguments caused exceptions



  • Exposed cadwyn.generate_versioned_models that allow you to generate pydantic models and enums even without a FastAPI app


Versions 3.x.x are still supported in terms of bug and security fixes but all the new features will go into versions 4.x.x.


  • Runtime schema/enum generation
  • Support for versions as ISO date strings instead of dates in cadwyn.migrate_response_body and cadwyn.Version


  • Pydantic 1 support
  • Code generation from everywhere. It is now completely replaced by runtime generation (so schemas/enums are generated in the same manner as endpoints). This allows Cadwyn to version things outside of your project and allows you to pick any project structure unlike codegen that required a single "head" directory with all the versioned modules.
  • CLI commands for codegen
  • cadwyn.main because it is replaced by cadwyn.__init__
  • cadwyn.structure.module as it was only necessary in codegen
  • cadwyn.VersionBundle.latest_schemas_package and cadwyn.VersionBundle.head_schemas_package, cadwyn.VersionBundle.versioned_modules, cadwyn.VersionBundle.versioned_directories_with_head, cadwyn.VersionBundle.versioned_directories_without_head, because they were only necessary in code generation
  • cadwyn.Cadwyn.add_unversioned_routers as you can now simply use FastAPI's include_router
  • cadwyn.Cadwyn.add_unversioned_routes as you can now simply use any of FastAPI's methods for adding routes directly to the app
  • cadwyn.Cadwyn.enrich_swagger as its functionality has been automated
  • cadwyn.InternalRepresentationOf as it was deprecated previously and is now replaced with HeadVersion migrations


  • VersionBundle.migrate_response_body is no longer a method of VersionBundle and is now importable directly from cadwyn as a function
  • cadwyn.structure is no longer recommended to be used directly because everything from it is now available in cadwyn directly



  • Invalid unparseable JSON response without quotes when the response was a raw string JSONResponse
  • An exception raised during codegen if a pydantic model or its parent were created within some indent such as classes defined under if statements



  • Wrong globals being used for wrapped endpoints in older versions, sometimes causing FastAPI to fail to resolve forward references on endpoint generation (see #192 for more details)
  • dependency_overrides not working for old versions of the endpoints because they were wrapped and wraps did not have the same __hash__ and __eq__ as the original dependencies



  • HeadVersion and Version into cadwyn.__init__ so now they are directly importable from cadwyn


  • Fix dependencies from other libraries not resolving if they use fastapi.Request or fastapi.Response (added svcs-specific test)
  • Now a proper exception is used when no dated version was passed into VersionBundle



  • Fix dependency overrides not working for versioned routes



  • Cadwyn.enrich_swagger is now completely unnecessary: openapi is now generated at runtime. It also now does not do anything, is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version


  • fastapi-pagination now does not require an explicit call to Cadwyn.enrich_swagger



  • Cadwyn.router.routes now includes all existing routers within the application instead of just unversioned routes


  • Compatibility with fastapi-pagination
  • High cardinality of metrics for routers with path variables in starlette-exporter



  • Openapi not being generated when lifespan was used



  • Badge links in the readme



  • Optimized the calls to enrich_swagger which now happen on the startup event, once for the whole application


  • Oauth2 authentication parameters did not get passed to swagger



  • Current API version to per-version openapi.json



  • Validation for path converters to make sure that impossible HTTP methods cannot be used
  • Validation for both path and schema converters to make sure that they are used at some point. Otherwise, router generation will raise an error



  • fastapi.Response subclasses with non-null bodies and 500 response causing the response to not get returned
  • fastapi.Response subclasses had invalid content length if migration affected it



  • Rewritten header routing logic and structure to support the full feature set of FastAPI



  • Modules and enums from head versions not being detected and thus causing errors



  • Header router is no longer reliant on the API version header -- now it simply takes the API version from the VersionBundle.api_version_var, thus making it easy for someone to extend header routing and set their own rules for how the default version is chosen



  • Previous version introduced a minor breaking change: if any old users depended on the pure generate_versioned_routers interface, their work would receive a minor yet simple breaking change.


Yanked due to a minor breaking change that we fixed in 3.10.1.


  • The new approach to internal schemas: instead of having them duplicate certain fields from latest, we introduced a new HEAD version -- the only one the user maintains by hand. All requests get migrated to HEAD and latest schemas are generated from HEAD. cadwyn.structure.HeadVersion was added to give us the ability to have migrations between HEAD and latest, thus eliminating the need for InternalRepresentationOf because all the used schemas are now the internal representations


  • latest is now named head because it no longer represents the newest version. Instead, it is the the internally used version and the version that is used for generating all other versions.
  • the newest version is not aliased from latest anymore. Instead, it is generated like all the rest
  • deprecated InternalRepresentationOf and the concept of internal schemas in favor of HeadVersion migrations



  • A broken link to docs in



  • Support for getting openapi.json routes using API version headers instead of path query params



  • Discord status badge in README
  • Logos to existing status badges in README
  • An ability to specify multiple schemas when using convert_request_to_next_version_for and convert_response_to_next_version_for to be able to migrate multiple types of schemas using the same converter
  • Redoc support


  • Dependency from verselect. Now it is included as a part of Cadwyn


  • h11._util.LocalProtocolError when raising HTTPException(status_code=500)



  • Error message for changing path params of an endpoint in an incompatible manner which listed methods instead of path params


  • Deprecated cadwyn generate-code-for-versioned-packages and added cadwyn codegen instead. It doesn't require template_package argument anymore and does not have the ignore_coverage_for_latest_aliases argument as we plan to remove this feature in the future. So it only requires version_bundle.



  • Deprecated cadwyn generate-code-for-versioned-packages and added cadwyn codegen instead. It doesn't require template_package argument anymore and does not have the ignore_coverage_for_latest_aliases argument as we plan to remove this feature in the future. So it only requires version_bundle.



  • When a class-based dependency from fastapi was used (anything security related), FastAPI had hardcoded isinstance checks for it which it used to enrich swagger with functionality. But when the dependencies were wrapped into our function wrappers, these checks stopped passing, thus breaking this functionality in swagger. Now we ignore all dependencies that FastAPI creates. This also introduces a hard-to-solve bug: if fastapi's class-based security dependency was subclassed and then __call__ was overriden with new dependencies that are versioned -- we will not migrate them from version to version. I hope this is an extremely rare use case though. In fact, such use case breaks Liskov Substitution Principle and doesn't make much sense because security classes already include request parameter which means that no extra dependencies or parameters are necessary.



  • When a class-based dependency was used, its dependant was incorrectly generated, causing all affected endpoints to completely stop functioning




  • A rare pydantic 2 bug that caused BaseModel annotations to be corrupted when new fields were added to the schema



  • Removed exception when creating cadwyn.Cadwyn without latest_schemas_package as it was a minor breaking change



  • Add cadwyn.VersionBundle.migrate_response_body that allows us to migrate response bodies outside of routing and FastAPI
  • latest_schemas_package argument to cadwyn.VersionBundle to support the migration above



  • We now raise a 5xx error (cadwyn.exceptions.CadwynLatestRequestValidationError) whenever a request migration caused our payload to be incompatible with latest request schemas
  • Deprecated cadwyn.main and use cadwyn.applications instead
  • Deprecated latest_schemas_package argument in cadwyn.Cadwyn



  • Previously, Cadwyn did not set the default status code for ResponseInfo


  • HTTP status error handling in response converters using convert_response_to_previous_version_for(..., migrate_http_errors=True)



  • Request and response converters were not applied when path params were present



  • RouterPathParamsModifiedError is now raised if endpoint(...).had(path=...) has different path params than the original route



  • Fix import aliases in nested files generating incorrectly for latest version



  • If the endpoint specified a single non-pydantic (list/dict) body parameter, Cadwyn failed to serialize the body



  • schema(...).validator(...).existed and schema(...).validator(...).didnt_exist instructions for simplistic manipulation of validators
  • Automatic deletion of validators when the fields they validate get deleted
  • schema(...).field(...).didnt_have for unsetting field attributes
  • Improved support for typing.Annotated in schemas
  • Full preservation of original abstract syntax trees for all field values and annotations


  • If the user wrote a wrong signature in a transformer decorated by convert_request_to_next_version_for or convert_response_to_previous_version_for, the text of the error suggested the wrong argument count and names



  • Added backwards compatibility for FastAPI < 0.106.0



  • Guaranteed that it is impossible to release cadwyn with the wrong pydantic dependency



  • Downgrade required version of verselect for backwards compatibility



  • Removed lazy migrations as they were producing incorrect results when there were no migrations but when there were schema changes
  • Added compatibility with fastapi>=0.109.0



  • If a user used a FastAPI/Starlette StreamingResponse or FileResponse, we still tried to access its body attribute which caused an AttributeError



  • Sponsors section to README and docs, along with Monite as our main and only current sponsor ✨



  • Switched to better-ast-comments because ast-comments had no license listed on pypi (even though its actual license was MIT) which caused some dependency checking tools to report it as unlicensed



  • Migrate from black to ruff-format


  • A rare Pydantic 2 bug in internal body schema handling when it was applied too early, causing partially incomplete data to arrive to the handler



  • Previously we did not pass dependency_overrides_provider, response_model_exclude_unset response_model_exclude_defaults, and response_model_exclude_none to fastapi which could cause erroneous behaviour during serialization in rare cases.



  • module(...).had(import_=...) construct for adding imports in older versions
  • Codegen plugin system that allows easily customizing code generation for any purpose. It also significantly simplifies the core code of code generation



  • If a user returned a FastAPI/Starlette Response with an empty body, we still tried to serialize it which caused an invalid response body




  • Pydantic 2 support
  • Expanded reference section to docs
  • Contributor docs
  • Expanded makefile commands


  • internal request representation is now done using an annotation
  • latest_schemas_module was renamed to latest_schemas_package everywhere
  • api_version_var in VersionBundle is now an optional argument instead of a required one


  • cadwyn.internal_body_representation_of because it is now done using an annotation



  • schema(...).field(...).had(ge=...) for union fields previously raised an AttributeError on code generation



  • Field ASTs not preserving the original structure when constrained fields were changed


  • Support for synchronous endpoints



  • The bug where fields from parent schemas also appeared in child schemas



  • Migrate from external verselect to stable verselect



  • Previously whenever we generated routes, we wrapped all endpoints and callbacks in decorators for every version which caused stacktraces to be unnecessarily huge. Now there is only one wrapper for all versions


  • cadwyn.Cadwyn class similar to fastapi.FastAPI that provides header routing and encapsulates all information about versioned routes
  • Migrated from fastapi-header-routing to verselect
  • cadwyn.routing.VERSION_HEADER_FORMAT from verselect.routing


  • *versions argument in cadwyn.VersionBundle is now split into a required positional-only latest_version and *other_versions to make it possible to see an invalid versionless definition statically. Note that it is not a breaking change because the presence of at least one version was also implicitly required before and would produce a failure at runtime


  • cadwyn.get_cadwyn_dependency and cadwyn.header because it is fully replaced with verselect



  • Validation for the spelling of HTTP methods in cadwyn.structure.endpoint.



  • A prototype of AST-based code generation where we try to keep as much of the old field/annotation structure as possible



  • UploadFile and forms have previously caused exceptions on request migration



  • ContextVar[] being incompatible with VersionBundle



  • A note into reference docs about the paths specification in CLI


  • Custom body fields created by fastapi caused an exception. Now they are ignored



  • A link to openapi discussion on enum expansion into docs/recipes
  • A link to intercom's API versioning article into docs/theory



  • generate_versioned_routers did not alter, APIRoute.response_field, and APIRoute.secure_cloned_response_field before which caused these fields to represent latest version on all generated versions. However, this was only a bug if the routes were later added into the app/router by hand instead of using inherit_routes or add_api_route.



  • generate_versioned_routers now accepts only one router instead of a sequence of routers to give us the ability to guarantee that the type of generated routers is the same as the type of the passed router.



  • Theory section to docs



  • Recipes documentation section
  • schema(...).field(...).had(name=...) functionality to rename fields


  • Tutorial example structure in tests

[1.2.0] - 2023-10-16


  • cadwyn.main._Cadwyn experimental private class for automatically adding the header dependency and managing all objects related to versioning


  • cadwyn.header_routing which only had experimental private functions


  • Route callbacks didn't get migrated to versions with their parent routes

[1.1.0] - 2023-10-13


  • ignore_coverage_for_latest_aliases argument to generate_code_for_versioned_packages which controls whether we add "a pragma: no cover" comment to the star imports in the generated version of the latest module. It is True by default.

[1.0.3] - 2023-10-10


  • Add back the approach where the first version being an alias to latest in codegen

[1.0.2] - 2023-10-09


  • Add current working dir to sys.path when running code generation through CLI
  • Use exclude_unset when migrating the body of a request to make sure that users' exclude_unset logic gets preserved

[1.0.1] - 2023-10-09


  • Pass first argument in typer.Argument to prevent errors on older typer versions

[1.0.0] - 2023-10-09


  • Command-line interface capable of running code-generation and outputting version info
  • Internal request schema which gives us all the functionality we could ever need to migrate request bodies forward without any complexity of the prior solution
  • _get_versioned_router and experimental header routing with it (by @tikon93). Note that the interface for this feature will change in the future


  • Renamed cadwyn.regenerate_dir_to_all_versions to cadwyn.generate_code_for_versioned_packages
  • Renamed cadwyn.generate_all_router_versions to cadwyn.generate_versioned_routers


  • unions directory and all logic around it (replaced by internal request schema)
  • FillablePrivateAttr and all logic around it (replaced by internal request schema)
  • schema(...).property constructor and all logic around it (replaced by internal request schema)
  • Special-casing for code generation of package with latest version using star imports from latest (replaced by internal request schema)