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pinyin_build.exe Options [Input-TXT-File]
Build pinyin-to-HanZiWord DFA from Input-HanZiWord-File,
If Input-HanZiWord-File is omitted, use stdin.
-h : Show this help infomation
-q : Be quiet, don't print progress info
-O Large-DFA-File : large, but pretty fast
-o Small-DFA-File : small, but pretty slow, now deprecated
-S Super-DFA-File : small, a little (smaller and slower) than Quick-DFA
-U Louds-DFA-File : very small, very slow(~5x slower than Large-DFA)
-u Louds-DFA-File : same as -U, but use RankSelect_IL
-m [Save-As-MemMap]: Argment is optional, default is 1
* If not specified this option or omitted the argument, use default(1)
* If the argument is 0, it means "DO NOT Save-As-MemMap"
-z MaxZpathTrieNum:MinZpathLen : default is 5:2
-E u1:e1,u2:e2,u3:e3,...
Build edit-distance keys into the result DFA
u1:e1 indicate edit-distance 'e1' is tolerated for unicode char num 'u1'
Root of edit-distance is dfa.state_move(initial_state, '\1')
-H : With HanZiWord, the result DFA is not only searched by PinYin, but aslo
the HanZiWord self, a HanZiWord may have satellite data(such as word-freq),
this will enable searching the satellite data by HanZiWord
-j MinJianPinLen : default is 7
Build JianPin(just ShengMu) for HanZiWords which length is at least
-p BasePinYin-File
* BasePinYin should at least include all single HanZi's PinYin.
* BasePinYin could include extra HanZiWord to PinYin pairs, this feature
is for prevent auto-spell Multiple (Pinyin to HanZiWord) pairs.
-2 : Allow for Double-ShengMu JianPin
A JianPin of a HanZiWord should be All-Double-ShengMu or All-Single-ShengMu
-w WarningType
Only one WarningType(nohz) is supportted now. More warning types maybe
added later.
* nohz : Warning when unicode chars of word are not all HanZi