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A curated list of awesome Monorepo tools, software and architectures.

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Awesome Monorepo Awesome

A curated list of awesome Monorepo tools, software and architectures. Monorepos, short for mono-repositories, are repositories that contain multiple projects, usually related to each other.

Inspired by vinta/awesome-python.

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Build systems & dependency management tools

  • baur builds only changed applications in a monorepo branch and manages build artifacts
  • Bazel is Google's monorepo-oriented build system. More on Bazel: awesome-bazel
  • Bit is a tool for building and managing JavaScript projects with multiple components, and managing the dependency graph of components.
  • Bolt Pkg is a super-powered JavaScript project management.
  • Buck is Facebook's monorepo-oriented build system.
  • drkns is a simple and language agnostic monorepo build tool.
  • Garment is Farfetch's monorepo build system with centralized and customizable task management.
  • GitLab CI 11.4 supports running steps based on path changes.
  • Lerna is a tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages, built on Yarn.
  • MBT is a build tool with differential build support.
  • Nix is a package and distribution build tool with remote caching, predominately used by NixOS.
  • Nx is a build system for TypeScript monorepos and a set of monorepo management tools.
  • OAO is a Yarn-based, opinionated JavaScript monorepo management tool.
  • Pants is a monorepo-oriented build system, used by Twitter, Foursquare and multiple other companies.
  • Please a cross-language build system with an emphasis on high performance, extensibility and reproduceability.
  • pnpm is a JavaScript dependency management tool that supports monorepos through a set of dedicated commands called pnpm multi.
  • Rush Stack is a family of tools geared towards large scale TypeScript monorepos, and based around the Rush build orchestrator
  • Spago is a PureScript package manager and build tool powered by Dhall and package-sets.
  • Symplify/MonorepoBuilder is a PHP monorepo management tool.
  • Tainted is a tool to determine which Go packages need to be rebuilt in a monorepo.
  • Versio updates all version numbers in monorepo projects based on conventional commits, and can generate changelogs and tags.
  • Yarn is a JavaScript dependency management tool that supports monorepos through workspaces.
  • Layer-pack is a Webpack plugin allowing monorepo structures via inheritable npm packages/code layers & es6 glob imports.
  • Turborepo is a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases.

Repository management tools

  • Builder is a tool that makes it possible to ship the same scripts across projects in a Node.js monorepo. For example, share build and testing scripts across projects.
  • FBShipIt is a library written in Hack for copying commits from one repository to another.
  • adeira/shipit is a simplified JavaScript port of FBShipIt.
  • Lank is a tool that links packages together in a Node.js monorepo using automatic configuration of NODE_PATH instead of symlinks. Lank also allows you to run the same commands across all (or subsets of all) packages.
  • monorepo-run is a collection of helpers to run scripts in each package of a yarn monorepo with a separated pane per package.
  • oao
  • Syncpack ensures consistent dependency versions in large JavaScript Monorepos.
  • Ultra Runner is a smart script runner and build tool for Lerna, Pnpm, Rush and Yarn. Scripts run concurrently, using the dependency topology. Builds keep track of file changes and are skipped when possible.
  • wsrun allows running a command in each package of a Yarn workspaces monorepo.
  • meta is a tool for managing multi-project systems and libraries. It answers the conundrum of choosing between a mono repo or many repos by saying "both", with a meta repo.

Good reads

Version control systems & add-ons



Scaling info



  • Watchman, replaced by fsmonitor trigger partial, incremental builds when your files change

Scaling info

Development process tools

Code reviews

  • Pull Review Hubot plugin to automate pull reviews with lots of configuration options.
  • Rietveld is a code review tool by Google used by Chromium.
  • API Extractor is used to detect and review API signatures for TypeScript libraries, and also for publishing a multi-package API reference.

CI tools

Code ownership

Notable public monorepos

Migration tools

Development Workflows

  • Trunk Based Development, a source-control branching model, where developers collaborate on code in a single branch called ‘trunk’, resist any pressure to create other long-lived development branches by employing documented techniques. They therefore avoid merge hell, do not break the build, and live happily ever after.
  • Branch By Abstraction, is a set-piece technique to effect a ‘longer to complete’ change in the trunk.



To the extent possible under law, Uriel Corfa has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.


A curated list of awesome Monorepo tools, software and architectures.







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