This repository is managed with Nix and Nix-darwin. All design is mainly considered with macOS. It's based on repositories from niklasravnsborg and drdruh.
There is always a lot of ways how to do stuff and what someone is prefering. All software and configuration is thought in a way of OpSec, CLI, keyboard-interactive and Versioning first. It's nerdy, fast, customizable as hell and aesthetic.
- kitty OR ghostty with tmux for CLI
- neovim as IDE (with nerdtree, coc, copilot and themes)
- lazygit for Git
- NeoMutt with lbdb for Mail
- GPG, Smartcards and age for Encryption
- GitHub for Versioning
This repository requires that you already have created a PKI pair of keys and stored them in the most secure place (like a SmartCard). If not, consider following the YubiKey Guide.1
Admin account is not used for day-to-day work, as recommend by Apple23 itself.
- Create and login to admin account
- Create standard account, logout from admin account, login in standard account
- Install Nix
- Install Homebrew
- Clone this repo to
- Run
nix --extra-experimental-features "nix-command flakes" run nix-darwin -- switch --flake ~/Git/dotfiles
- Run
softwareupdate -ia
for softare updates - Do a system cleanup
softwareupdate -ia
It's strongly recommended to use a password manager of any sort. To use them there are some limits to consider. Therefore I decided to use a second password manager for configuration and encrypt these with my Yubikey.4
Regarding to Apple's Best Practices hide admin & home dir
sudo dscl . create /Users/hiddenuser IsHidden 1
sudo chflags hidden /Users/hiddenuser
sudo dscl
delete Local/Defaults/SharePoints/Hidden\ User’s\ Public\ Folder/
gpg --import /Users/knaggit/Git/dotfiles/gpg/0x7426E2F78A84EB06_knaggit.asc
export KEYID=0x7426E2F78A84EB06
launchctl load $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/gnupg.gpg-agent-symlink.plist
nano $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/gnupg.gpg-agent-symlink.plist
launchctl load $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/gnupg.gpg-agent.plist
nano $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/gnupg.gpg-agent.plist
gpg-connect-agent /bye
git config --global user.signingkey $KEYID
age, pass (with PGP), sops (age)
- Deactivate NextDNS:
nextdns deactivate
- Connect to network
- Clear DNS cache:
sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
- Reactivate NextDNS:
nextdns activate