A basic project based on using integrated circuits to build a modulating speaker with sound frequency reactive LEDS. Using KA386 a low-voltage audio power amplifier IC, PT2399 a CMOS echo/delay processor IC which includes an ADC circuit and LM3915 which is a LED driver In today's digital age, where audio consumption is ubiquitous across various platforms and settings, the fusion of audio and visual elements have become increasingly prevalent in enhancing the overall entertainment experience. Traditional audio equalizers provide users with control over sound parameters, allowing for customization of audio output to suit personal preferences. However, the incorporation of dynamic visual feedback synchronized with audio playback adds a new dimension to this experience, captivating audiences and immersing them in a multisensory journey. This project introduces an innovative solution: an audio-responsive LED equalizer system designed to synchronize LED lighting patterns with the input audio signal in real-time. By seamlessly blending advanced audio processing algorithms with smart LED technology, this system aims to create captivating visual displays that react dynamically to the nuances of the audio, enriching the overall audio-visual experience across various contexts, from home entertainment setups to live performances and beyond In this project, we propose the development of an innovative audio-responsive LED equalizer system aimed at enhancing the audio-visual experience in various settings such as entertainment venues, home theatre's, and music studios. The system integrates advanced audio processing algorithms with smart LED technology to create a dynamic lighting display that reacts in real-time to the input audio signal