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536 lines (381 loc) · 23.2 KB

File metadata and controls

536 lines (381 loc) · 23.2 KB

6.3.3 (11-07-2019)

  • CORE
    • Hotfix on false positive bindings (#216)

6.3.2 (27-06-2019)

  • JVM
    • As we build Kodein with JDK12, the JVM librairies no longer throw exception when used with Gradle > 5.2, by bringing target compatibility on JDK8.

6.3.1 (25-06-2019)

    • the function closestKodein aliases kodein for import conflicts, in modules kodein-di-framework-android-support and kodein-di-framework-android-x.

6.3.0 (20-06-2019)


    • New framework module for TornadoFx integration thanks to the huge work of Romain Boisselle! See documentation.
  • CORE

    • importAll allows to import multiple modules at once
    • Kotlin 1.3.40
    • Named retrieval allows val name: String by named.instance() and val name: String by constant()
    • If fullDescriptionOnError is true, all Kodein errors will include full type names.
    • The externalSource var is now deprecated in favour of the externalSources mutable list.

    • Updated to Gradle Module schema 1.0. Gradle 5.3.0 minimum is required!

    • the function closestKodein aliases kodein for import conflicts.
  • KTOR

    • the function closestKodein aliases kodein for import conflicts.

6.2.1 (24-05-2019)

    • Fixed a regression to ActivityRetainedScope

6.2.0 (18-04-2019)

  • CORE

    • Kotlin 1.3.30
    • Fixed a bug in the JVM specific code that prevented a generic interface from being retrieved when a concrete class was bound.
    • bind() from Binding<Unit> is now forbidden. Binding specifically the Unit type with bind<Unit>() with Binding<Unit> is allowed (although I cannot see why someone would use it!).
  • KTOR

    • New framework module for Ktor integration thanks to the huge work of Romain Boisselle! See documentation.

6.1.0 (06-02-2019)

  • CORE

    • Kotlin 1.3.20
    • Fixed a bug that made a cached "hit" in the container loose its translator for future access (Thanks to Charles Julian Knight).
    • Kodein.Lazy supports both by and =, which makes it easier to use (most *Lazy classes in Kotlin are supposed to be used with by).
    • Support for lazy contexts via on { context }.instance() or via override val kodeinContext = kcontext { context }.

    • Gradle 4.10 & Gradle Metadata 0.4 by default.
    • LGM versions are dropped since they are not needed anymore.

    • Fixed a bug that may duplicate the underlying fragment when using retainedKodein (Thanks to Charles Julian Knight).
    • closestKodein is renamed kodein, which is easier to read & understand, and do not require users to understand multi-layering.
    • Introducing subKodein and retainedSubKodein that makes multi-layering easier.
    • Official support for Android's ViewModel classe with it's own kodein accessor & documentation tips.
    • androidModule is renamed to androidCoreModule to emphasize the fact that one should rather use androidXModule or androidSupportModule.
    • Android specific context translators can be accessed outside of the android modules.

    • KodeinContext is now an interface.

6.0.1 (30-11-2018)

  • CORE

    • Fixed context translator & finder "collision".
    • Improved multi-theading.

    • Version bump.

    • Fixed POM dependencies & module file uploads.

6.0.0 (09-11-2018)

  • CORE

    • Kotlin 1.3.0
    • Simplified Scope interface
    • Introducing context translators & context finders
    • Introducing sub scopes

    • New multiplatform gradle plugin

5.3.0 (03-10-2018)

  • CORE

    • Introducing non-synced singletons & multitons (can be used with the sync = false parameter).

    • New kotlin-platform-native plugin

    • Fixed a memory leak in AndroidLifecycleScope (Thanks to Eliezer Graber).
    • Fixed a crash when binding arrays.

    • Builders are interfaces

5.2.0 (20-04-2018)

  • CORE

    • Named Modules cannot be imported more than once.
    • Introducing importOnce that allows to import a named module if it has not already been imported: see documentation.
    • Introducing newScopeRegistry that creates either a single or a multime item registry.

    • Android support has been split between kodein-di-framework-android-core, kodein-di-framework-android-support (for the Android Support library) and kodein-di-framework-android-x (for the AndroidX library): see documentation.

5.1.1 (20-04-2018)

    • Fixed ActivityRetainedScope NullPointerException regression.

5.1.0 (16-04-2018)

  • CORE

    • BREAKING CHANGE: updated the ScopeRegistry and Scope interfaces to get an A generic argument that allows to create scopes specialized for a type of factory argument.
    • Introduced the ScopeCloseable interface that allows singletons / multitons objetcs to be closed when they are removed from the scope: see documentation.
    • The SingleItemScopeRegistry class now allows for key change, which closes the previous value and keeps the new. This allows for scoped(SingleItemScopeRegistry<Any?>()).multiton: see documentation.
    • Unnamed module creation deprecated (in favour of named modules).

    • activityRetainedScope deprecated in favour of ActivityRetainedScope.
    • ActivityRetainedScope is compatible with ScopeCloseable.
    • androidScope deprecated in favour of AndroidComponentsWeakScope.
    • Introducing AndroidLifecycleScope: a scope that uses LifecycleOwner components to close properly close instances.

5.0.1 (16-04-2018)


    • The Kodein-DI library is officially part of the in-progress Kodein Framework!

    • Project is entirely configured with Gradle Kotlin DSL
    • Project relies configuration relies heavily on kodein-internal-gradle-plugin which abstracts the configuration of all Kodein Framework components.
  • CORE

    • Added factoryX functions to enable to directly retrieve a multi-argument function (A1, A2) -> T when using multi-argument bindings.
  • ANDROID * Corrected a stack overflow error when using generic types on SDK 19 and lower


    • Using new native distribution model to allow gradle dependency retrieval

5.0.0 (10-04-2018)


  • CORE

    • Package change: org.kodein.di, org.kodein.di.generic, org.kodein.di.erased.
    • Everything is lazy by default.
    • Distribution via Bintray's JCenter.
    • Compatible with Kotlin/Native (Huge thanks to Nikolay Igotti and his amazing Kotlin/Native team!).
    • Support for subtype bindings: see documentation.
    • Ability to retrieve allInstances, allProviders or allFactories that match subtypes of a given type.
    • Support for multi-argument factories & multiton.
    • Changed the extend semantic to manage copy of state-holding bindings. see documentation.
    • Complete rewrite of custom scopes.
    • Better recursion error messages.
    • Better currying syntax: kodein.instance(arg = whatever).
    • Injector has been replaced with KodeinTrigger and LateInitKodein, each taking a part of the responsibility.
    • Introducing LateInitKodein.
    • scopeSingleton and refSingleton are now options of singleton. Same goes for multiton.
    • Support for non state-holding bindings to access the receiver.
    • Support for an external source that will be queried when Kodein has no answer.

    • Full rewrite of the android components, effectively removing them, replacing them with a much lighter system. See documentation

    • Full rewrite of the retrieval engine, introducing KodeinTree to select the matching binding according to a query.

4.1.0 (28-07-2017)

  • CORE

    • Kotlin 1.1.3
    • Introducing CompositeTypeToken, erasedComp1, erasedComp2 and erasedComp3 to describe generic types in an erased-only environment.
    • Introducing the SetBinding binding for Set multi-binding.

    • KodeinSharedPreferencesInfo is now outside of autoAndroidModule.
    • Added KodeinPreferenceFragment.

    • JxInjector now delegates to the internal JxInjectorContainer.
    • Refactored TypeToken

4.0.0 (08-06-2017)


    • Kotlin 1.1.2-4.
    • The generic function is now 40% faster.

    • Kodein JS now intercept type reflection failure (which happens when reflecting on primitive types on older versions of Kotlin).

    • Removed the sequence coroutine binder (too experimental).

4.0.0-beta2 (24-04-2017)


    • Kotlin 1.1.0.
    • Javascript modules (kodein-js & kodein-js-conf). Uses the erased methods as JS does not support generic type reflection.
    • The Kodein binding DSL is now protected with @DslMarker to prevent weird things from happenning.
    • New binding factory: sequence which uses coroutines to bind a sequence.

    • Removed all erased* and generic* methods. Each core method now takes type parameters that are obtained with either generic() or erased().
    • Functions and classes that were part of the internal system, but declared public (because inline function references) are now truly internal.
    • Removed all deprecated API: new major version means clean slate.

    • Every type is now represented with a TypeToken<T> instead of a Type.

    • issue #61: FullTypeStringer failed on a type with no package.

3.4.1 (24-04-2017)

    • issue #61: FullTypeStringer failed on a type with no package.

3.4.0 (18-04-2017)

    • New module: kodein-jxinject which allows to gradually move from a javax.inject.* java injector.
    • New sugar syntax kodein.newInstance {}.

3.3.0 (24-03-2017)


    • Initialize the injector before super.onCreate in components (Thanks to Eliezer Graber). This may be a breaking change.
    • In a fragment, you can now retreive a Layout Inflater either via a service or using the tag ACTIVITY_LAYOUT_INFLATER (Thanks to Eliezer Graber).
    • FragmentInjector injects from parent fragment when present (Thanks to Corey Downing).
    • Enforce that an KodeinFragment must be used inside a KodeinActivity (Thanks to Eliezer Graber & Corey Downing).

    • Detect recursive initialization in configurable module (Thanks to Francesco Vasco).
    • Added refSingleton which enables a singleton managed by a reference object (suggested by Francesco Vasco)..
    • Added multiton which is like a singleton but whose uniqueness is defined by a parameter (suggested by Francesco Vasco).

    • threadSingleton {} is deprecated in favour of refSingleton(threadLocal) {}.

    • Better synchronization.
    • Removed CFactory and CProvider.
    • In Factory, factoryName is now a function, which forces computation only when needed.

3.2.0 (26-01-2017)

No changes from 3.2.0-beta3

3.2.0-beta3 (29-12-2016)


    • You can use overriddenInstance in an overriding binding to access the instance retrieved by the overridden binding.
    • For Android, added the autoAndroidModule: a module that allows for automatic retrieval of Android services, without providing a Context (Thanks to Eliezer Graber).
    • For Android, added Android component classes that makes it easier to bootstrap Kodein with Android (Thanks to Eliezer Graber).
    • For Android, all services accessible via Context.*_SERVICE are now available in the Android modules (up to Android N_MR2).

    • Curried* extension methods (introduced in beta2) don't need the A (argument type) generic parameter.

3.2.0-beta2 (28-10-2016)


    • Every function that do generic type reflection is renamed generic* and has an erased* counterpart.
    • All functions are now inside the kodein-core module. The kodein module defines extension functions that alias to the  "generic*" functions by default.
    • The kodein-erased module is the same as the kodein module, but with functions that alias to the erased* functions.

    • Removed methods that were deprecated in 3.1.0
    • For Android, [scope]ScopedSingleton methods are deprecated (for example, contextScopedSingleton {} is deprecated in favour of scopedSingleton(androidContextScope) {})
    • typeToken has been renamed to generic. The typeToken function still exists but is deprecated.

    • The bind methods and their with associates are now extension functions and need to be imported.
    • Curried retrieval methods such as the instance in with(whatever).instance() are now extension functions and need to be imported.

3.1.0 (22-09-2016)


    • Android: Added more scopes for Fragment, Service and BoradcastReceiver (Thanks to Eliezer Graber).
    • ConfigurableKodein objects that are declared mutable can now be mutated with addConfig, addImport and addExtend.
    • Factories that take a class as parameter now work with their child classes without upcast (eg: you can retrieve with with(obj).instance() instead of with(obj as Type).instance())
  • FIX

    • Android module: The KeyguardManager and WallpaperService are now properly injected. (Thanks to Eliezer Graber).

    • In ConfigurableKodein, all mutate* methods are deprecated (in favour of their regular counterparts).

    • Better type display (Thanks to Alexander Udalov).
    • The Android demo project is now a module (Thanks to Eliezer Graber).

3.0.0 (21-07-2016)


    • Introducing ConfigurableKodein in the kodein-conf module that can be configured then used for retrieval.
    • A ConfigurableKodein object can be mutable (if its mutable property is true). Please be careful with this!
    • The Android module contains a factory for default SharedPreferences.

    • is now in the kodein-conf module.

3.0.0-beta6 (19-07-2016)


    • Lazy retrieval with kodein.lazy.*.
    • Currying with lazy properties: with().lazy.*.
    • You can add config other then imports or extend on global Kodein with
    • Kodein.Lazy accepts a allowSilentOverride parameter.

    • lazyKodein is renamed Kodein.Lazy.

3.0.0-beta5 (12-07-2016)


    • Kodein's source code & API is now fully documented!
    • You can now bind a Kodein.Bind directly with container.bind(bind).
    • lazyKodein {...} now returns a LazyKodein object, which can be used either as a lazy property or to inject lazy properties.
    • You can use with(() -> A) instead of with(A) for currying if you don't have access yet to the argument.

    • instanceForFactory and friends, which were not documented, are removed.
    • .toProvider(A) is replaced by .toProvider(() -> A). You can easily call it .toProvider { arg }. This is because, sometimes, you don't have access to the parameter when you are declaring the injection (for example, in Android, a Fragment don't have access to a context Activity before being attached).
    • Every factory currying should only use with.
    • Constant bindings are now resolved using compile time type. To use the real type of the object (not really recommended), use typed.constant("tag").with(value, value.javaClass).

    • instanceForClass and friends are replaced by withClass and friends.
    • T.withClass(Kodein) is replaced by Kodein.withClassOf(T).
    • Scopes do not get the key to retrieve the registry.
    • Android's T.withContext is replaced by withContext(T). This is because of a Kotlin's bug.

    • KodeinParameterizedType is renamed KodeinWrappedType.
    • GenericArrayTypes are now also protected by KodeinWrappedType.
    • Better hashCode and equals in KodeinWrappedType.
    • TKodein is now a class (not an interface), which allows the use of @JvmOverloads.

3.0.0-beta4 (03-07-2016)


    • *OrNull functions everywhere

    • Android's KodeinApplication is removed in favor of KodeinAware.

    • In Kodein.Builder, separation of typed & container API Inside Kodein.Builder. bind(type) with ... is move to typed.bind(type) with ....

3.0.0-beta3 (03-07-2016)


    • kodein.container.bindings.description now uses simple type names, which makes it easier to read. You can use kodein.container.bindings.fullDescription to show full type names.
    • Both descriptions now print type names in a "kotlin-esque" way. Because Kodein does not depends on kotlin-reflect, it uses java Type objects that do not contains nullability informations. As such, the type display does not include nullability. Still, it's easier to read.
    • Kotlin 1.0.3

    • Scopes are no more (weird) functions but object implementing the Scope or AutoScope interfaces.
    • Android's ActivityScopeLifecycleManager is now activityScope.lifecycleManager.

    • typeToken won't throw an exception when used with a TypeVariable type argument, however, the same exception will still be thrown at binding, whether or not using the inline function, typeToken or a simple type. In other words, if you try to bind any type that contains a TypeVariable type argument, Kodein will throw an exception.

    • Android's activityScope is now an object.

3.0.0-beta2 (30-06-2016)


    • KodeinInjected can use kodein() instead of injector.kodein().
    • Android instanceForContext that works exactly like instanceForClass, but for a Context.
    • Android module, wisely named androidModule that provides a lot of factories with a Context arguments (see AndroidModule.kt).

    • typeToken (and therefore TypeReference) will throw an exception when build with a TypeVariable type argument. This is to prevent "accidental" binding of a type with TypeVariable which will be later impossible to retrieve.

    • instanceForClass uses Java Class<*> and instanceForKClass uses Kotlin KClass<*>.

3.0.0-beta1 (29-06-2016)


    • JKodein is replaced by TKodein which is meant to use by both Kotlin & Java. TKodein allows you to access a type consistent API without inline methods. Each method can be used with Type, TypeToken, or Class. To access a TKodein, simply use kodein.typed.
    • The typeToken function now returns a TypeToken interface. This allows to keep type consistency & checking while Type objects. If you were using val t = typeToken<T>() in Kodein 2, the replacement is simply val t = typeToken<T>().type.
    • kodein.bindingsDescription becomes kodein.container.bindings.description.
    • kodein.registeredBindings becomes kodein.container.bindings.
    • All inline functions that use reified to get the type are now extension functions, which means that they need to be imported! Your code will be all red until you resolve those import. Don't panic! The API itself has not changed, just its imports.

    • Introducing kodein.container which enables you to query the Kodein container directly with Kodein.Key or Kodein.Bind objects.
    • kodein.container.bindings now gives a Map<Kodein.Key, Factory<*, *>>. Which means that you can do all sorts of introspection and debug (like know which types are bounds to which factories, etc.). To help you with those tasks, several extension functions are proposed to this Map (in the file bindings.kt).
    • Better bindings description: now displays the bound type and the created (real) type.
    • Introducing the KodeinAware and KodeinInjected interfaces. If a class implements one of those interfaces, the injection feels "native": instance() instead of kodein.instance().
    • Introducing instanceForClass() and providerForClass(): those methods can be passed a Kodein or KodeinInjector object to inject an instance by using a factory that takes a KClass<*> as parameter. Those functions can be used without parameter on a KodeinAware or KodeinInjected class (which is where they reach their full potential!).
    • Introducing which is a global Kodein instance for all. It is on its module and is not proposed by default. To use it, you must declare the dependency org.kodein:kodein-global:3.0.+. You can add modules to it with After that, you can use as a regular Kodein object. Be aware that once you have injected / retrieved the first value with, then adding modules to it will throw an exception.
    • When using, you can use the KodeinGlobalAware interface, which enables you all the goodness of KodeinAware, but using, and without any config.
    • Kotlin 1.0.2-1

    • All providers & factories are represented by their classes.
    • Kodein, TKodein and KodeinContainer are now very simple interfaces, which enables easy wrapping.

2.8.0 (14-06-2016)

  • Eager singletons: ask kodein to instanciate the singleton object as soon as kodein is ready.
  • KodeinInjector is now thread safe.
  • The KodeinInjector.onInjected callback is directly called if the injector has already been injected.
  • Gradle 2.13

2.7.1 (02-06-2016)

  • Overriding exceptions now print the affected key
  • New syntax for binding without specifying the type: bind() from scope

2.7.0 (23-05-2016)

  • Kotlin 1.0.2.
  • Overriding restrictions and policies (overrides must now be explicit).
  • Scoped singleton system.
  • Android Activity scope binding syntax. *kodein.with that makes it easier to deal with factory bindings (better than toProvider and toInstance).
  • Factories arguments can be nullable.

2.6.0 (19-02-2016)

  • Kotlin 1.0.0.

2.5.0 (04-02-2016)

  • Kotlin 1.0.0-rc-1036.

2.4.1 (11-01-2016)

  • Kotlin 1.0.0-beta-4584
  • KodeinInjector can inject the Kodein object.
  • KodeinInjector has a onInjected callback.
  • Android: lazyKodeinFromApp and appKodein support for View, AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter and Loader.

2.3.1 (06-11-2015)

  • Container extension: allows to import a kodein object's binding into another kodein object.

2.3.0 (02-11-2015)

  • Kotlin 1.0.0-beta-1038