All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Grid with periodic boundary conditions
- VTK Writer for distributed vector, now is the default writer
- Installation of linear algebra packages
- More user friendly installation (No environment variables to add in your bashrc, installation report less verbose)
- GPU compilation
- PARMetis automated installation
- Molacular Dynamic example
- addUpdateCell list for more optimal update of the cell list instead of recreate the CellList
- Nothing to report
- Eliminated global_v_cluster, init_global_v_cluster, delete_global_v_cluster, substituted by create_vcluster, openfpm_init, openfpm_finalize
- CartDecomposition parameter for the distributed structures is now optional
- template getPos<0>(), substituted by getPos()
- GoogleChart name function changed: AddPointGraph to AddLinesGraph and AddColumsGraph to AddHistGraph
- Added Load Balancing and Dynamic Load Balancing on Beta
- PSE 1D example with multiple precision
- Plot example for GoogleChart plotting
- Distributed data structure now support 128bit floating point precision (on Beta)
- Detection 32 bit system and report as an error
- Bug in rounding off for periodic boundary condition
- Nothing to report
- PSE 1D example
- Cell list example
- Verlet list example
- Kickstart for OpenFPM_numeric
- Automated dependency installation for SUITESPRASE EIGEN OPENBLAS(LAPACK)
- CRITICAL BUG in periodic bondary condition
- BOOST auto updated to 1.60
- Compilation with multiple .cpp files
- Nothing to report