- Updated GWT to version 2.10.0 (#11505)
- Updated Electron to version 28.0.0 (#14055)
- RStudio Desktop on Windows and Linux supports auto-hiding the menu bar. (#8932)
- The GWT code can now be built with JDKs > 11 (#11242)
- R projects can be given a custom display name in Project Options (#1909)
- Fixed shortcut for inserting an assignment operator to work on non-US English keyboards (#12457)
- Fixed an issue where the menubar would show on secondary windows if Alt key was pressed (#13973)
- Fixed Windows installer to delete Start Menu shortcut during uninstall (#13936)
- Fixed current Git branch not always showing correctly in external editor windows (#14029)
- Fixed tooltip to show correct keyboard shortcut when hovering over URLs in the editor (#12504)
- Fixed Save As dialog on Windows not showing Save As Type field when extensions are hidden (#12965)