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Releases: karrioapi/karrio-dashboard

Karrio dashboard edition 2022.3

04 Apr 21:30
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What's New

  • Rebrand Purplship -> Karrio
  • Update logos for new branding with Karrio
  • Fix issues with invalid cached authentication session causing blank screen.
  • Enhance create_shipment (create shipment for order(s) fulfillments) form UX and stability
  • Enhance create_label (create shipping label from live rates) form UX and stability
  • Introduce document template management (template for custom documents. i.e: packing slip...)
  • Introduce label template editor for custom carrier
  • Introduce Sentry support for Karrio server error tracking and APM

Purplship dashboard edition 2022.2

10 Mar 20:03
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What's new

  • Order fulfilment with lightweight pick pack ship flow
  • Reorganize sidebar menu items
  • Display dashboard and API versions
  • Update sensitive information update to support password verification and confirmation emails.
  • Refactor create label form to defer shipment creation only when ready to purchase.
Screen Shot 2022-03-10 at 2 45 26 PM Screen Shot 2022-03-10 at 2 48 56 PM

Docker builds

Current release 2022.2 -

Purplship dashboard edition 2022.1

10 Feb 16:24
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  • Add support for Custom carrier configuration
  • Add support for adding and editing metadata on shipments and orders
  • Integrate support for adding multiple packages to shipment and define package items
  • Integrate support for linking shipments to orders
  • Add order management panel
  • Add events and logs to shipment view
  • Fix token refresh issue causing authentication errors
  • Update dependencies (major: Nextjs to 12)
  • Simplify branding using text instead of logos for easy multi-tenant branding
  • Introduce Axios for server-side requests instead of node-fetch (migration is WIP)
  • Fix bugs with login redirection failures

Release stable version 2022.1.4

purplship dashboard edition 2021.11

08 Dec 22:19
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What's new

  • Use the new Purplship Metada info for links to OpenAPI, GraphQL Playground and Admin Console
  • Improve login flow (prevent login page reloads and display login errors)
  • Introduce events panel under developers section
  • Add support for DHL Poland configuration with service level negotiated price customization

Screen Shot 2021-11-22 at 9 44 40 PM

  • Add estimated_date to tracker preview and tracking page.
  • Add message notification to tracker preview when trackers fail to retrieve any record
  • Add support for BASE_PATH configuration using environment variable
  • Add filters for list panels (shipments, trackers, API logs and Events)

Screen Shot 2021-12-08 at 8 19 11 AM


  • Fix redirection on signup to access the last attempted page visit.
  • Fix GraphQL list pagination to the previous pages
  • Fix toggle to list test mode carriers when viewing live data
  • Fix issues causing the components tree to reload

purplship server edition 2021.7

05 Aug 10:03
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  • change /v1/shipments/{id}/rates from GET to POST
    • This will allow the endpoint to receive changes to the shipment such as (carrier_ids, services, reference)
  • add a regex filter by reference to GET /v1/shipments
  • services have friendly names returned under (meta.service_name)
  • the fetch_rates proxy (/v1/proxy/rates) request has the test mode flag
  • email notification option has been improved.
    • enabled by default if a recipient email is provided
    • turn the notification off { ..., email_notification: false, ..}
    • set specific email for notification { ..., email_notification_to: [email protected], ..}
  • Added a field for reference in the UI
  • Address autocomplete powered by CanadaPost AddressComplete.
    • it provides, autocompletes in the frontend, but also address can be validated when submitted to the API using { ..., validate_location: true, ..}
  • Dashboard improvements
    • Add status filters for shipment and tracker list pages
    • Add more fine-grained details to the shipment page
  • Integrate carrier gateway capabilities customization for system connections
    • It is possible to expose system carrier accounts to users and control the feature available (shipping, tracking,...)
  • Add account_country_code to carrier settings so that they get ignored when getting rates from an unsupported origin
  • carrier_id unique constraint has been lifted
    • The benefit is that it can be used as a tag/alias so multiple carrier accounts can share a tag
    • It is safe because carriers are used in a context (test/live) and can be filtered out for specific use cases
    • In a multi-org deployment, carrier accounts are returned by user/org ownership so filtering by carrier id will never return carriers from another org/user

Bug fixes

  • References for all carriers fix (meaning they appear in the label)
  • fix customs serializer update bugs related to commodities update propagation.
  • fix automatically shipment trackers not being linked to org in a multi-org deployment

Purplship server edition 2021.6

03 Jul 03:45
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What's new

  • Use ASGI with uvicorn to run the site
  • enhance /v1/addresses API
  • introduce advanced filters for /v1/shipments list endpoint
  • enrich and rates and shipment meta to always provide standardized rate_provider and service_names
  • Introduce pending state for tracking status
  • Improve docker image
    • Add back superuser provisioning (using ADMIN_EMAIL and ADMIN_PASSWORD)
    • Use non-root user for docker runtime
    • Allow separate worker runtime container
  • Add official carrier logos and icons for branded tracking pages
  • Add tracker_id to shipment data
  • Add TNT carrier connection
  • Add address discard API endpoint
  • Make persisted data reusability using ids for proxy and manager endpoints
  • Improve broker quote markup
    • merge markup with base_charge
    • Add the possibilities to filter by carrier accounts
    • Integrate org specific quote markup
  • Replace purolator_courier -> purolator
  • Make Purolator user_token settings optional
  • Add Webhook test API endpoint
  • Introduce webhook dashboard panel in the web app to manage webhooks from there

Bug fixes

  • Fix unintended currency set to required=True
  • fix shipment status update when the tracker is in pending state
  • Fix deployment with multi-tenant + multi-org -> organization model access causing exception during authentication
  • Fix org filter to only return one entity when loading web app with ids

Purplship server edition 2021.5

30 May 11:25
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What's New

  • Introducing test_mode for the web app
  • Introducing test_mode flag to filter collections
  • Introducing automatic tracker creation when a label is purchased
  • Introduced multi-organization support (For Insider and Enterprise only)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix shipment messages update when rates are refreshed
  • Fix dead reference to tracker.carrier
  • Fix openapi specification download extension
  • Reduced purplship-server docker image to a quarter of the old size.

Purplship server edition 2021.4

04 May 12:40
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What's new

  • Improve customs declaration data
  • Handle customs commodities management API
  • Improve Graphql JSONField typing

Purplship server edition 2021.3

20 Apr 12:52
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What's new

  • Introducing purplship-server.graph (Purplship Server Graph API)
  • Introducing (Purplship Server Webhook module)
  • address validation with google geocode API
  • address autocomplete on the dashboard when google place API is setup
  • Shipment trackers background crawler integration

Purplship server edition 2021.2 [tracking API spree]

18 Feb 12:34
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What's New

  • Integrate new carriers supported by the Purplship SDK 2021.2 (see

    • integrate aramex Tracking API
    • update canpar Full API integration
    • integrate australiapost Tracking API
    • integrate dhl_universal Tracking API
    • integrate dicom Tracking API
    • integrate usps Tracking API
    • integrate dicom Tracking API
    • integrate sendle Tracking API
    • integrate sf_express Tracking API
    • integrate yanwen Tracking API
    • integrate yunexpress Tracking API
  • Reintroduce the concept of system-wide carrier connection (available to all users)

  • Separate the user carrier connections from the system ones

  • Filter out carriers without support to Rate requests from the selection before the multi-carrier fetch calls

  • Introduce a Trackers page in the dashboard to visualize shipment trackers

  • Update list APIs to return paginated results instead of directly entities lists

  • Add explicit shipment payment method for label purchase in the dashboard

  • Replace PricingCharge with Surcharge and improve documentation on Broker's surcharge configuration


  • Improve query params flags definition
  • Fix API Logs for relevant requests methods (POST, PUT, DELETE)