1.3.1 (2021-01-21)
- package: update dependencies (ee47ba1)
1.3.0 (2020-09-24)
- package: update @webex/sdk-component-adapter to 1.24.1 (13dbb1e)
- package: update components and add momentum (1fa7bb7)
- package: update webex to 1.96.1 (acec0f2)
- WebexMeeting: use momentum css directly (b1877c8)
1.2.0 (2020-03-05)
- rollup: add postCss plugin to rollup configs (01b6207)
- WebexMeeting: initial implementaion (0f8a137)
- App: render the meeting widget with props (2fb85dc)
1.1.0 (2020-03-01)
- webpack: add initial configuration (28bc898)
- package: add start script (e07d92f)
- rollup: declare js and jsx extentions to resolve only (92d202a)
- release: exclude umd and cjs bundles to publish (f3096e1)
- rollup: exclude webex from the bundle (0c8534c)
- demo: initial implementation (f58ca53)
- widgets: initial implementation (0793a0f)
- package: install react dependencies (47d163b)
- package: install webpack dependencies (130a3c4)
- package: webex is a dev and peer dependency now (0aa3bb7)