ACCT 201A Financial Accounting ACCT 201B Managerial Accounting ACCT 301A Intermediate Accounting ACCT 301B Intermediate Accounting ACCT 302 Cost Accounting ACCT 307 Accounting Information Systems ACCT 308 Concepts of Federal Income Tax Accounting ACCT 358 Principles Of Taxation ACCT 364 Entertainment Accounting ACCT 401 Advanced Accounting ACCT 402 Auditing ACCT 403 Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities ACCT 405 Forensic Accounting ACCT 408 Problems in Taxation ACCT 420 Advanced Cost Accounting ACCT 422 Internal Audit and Control ACCT 445 Valuation Concepts and Topics for Accountants ACCT 460 Seminar in Financial Statement Analysis ACCT 463 Financial Controls for Entrepreneurs ACCT 470 Tax Research, Practice and Procedures ACCT 495 Internship ACCT 499 Independent Study ACCT 502 Seminar in Accounting Theory ACCT 503 Seminar in Contemporary Accounting Problems ACCT 505 Seminar in Auditing ACCT 506 Seminar in Professional Accounting Communications ACCT 507 Seminar in Accounting Information Systems ACCT 508 Seminar in Tax Planning ACCT 509 Accounting For It (web) ACCT 510 Financial Accounting ACCT 511 Seminar in Managerial Accounting ACCT 518 Seminar in International Accounting ACCT 521 Seminar in Management Control System ACCT 572 Seminar in Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders ACCT 573 Seminar in Taxation of Property Transactions ACCT 574 Seminar in Taxation of International Business Operations ACCT 575 Seminar in Estate, Gift, Inheritance Taxes and Estate Planning ACCT 576 Seminar in State and Local Taxation ACCT 577 Seminar in Taxation of Employee Compensation ACCT 578 Seminar in Taxation of Partnerships ACCT 580 Seminar in Taxation of S Corporations, LLCs and LLPs ACCT 583 Seminar in Government Accounting and Public Finance Management ACCT 597 Project ACCT 599 Independent Graduate Research AFRO 101 Introduction to Ethnic Studies AFRO 107 Introduction to Afro-American Studies AFRO 108 Linguistics and Minority Dialects AFRO 190 Survey of American History with Emphasis on Ethnic Minorities AFRO 210 Introduction To Hip Hop AFRO 301 Afro-American Culture AFRO 304 The Black Family AFRO 306 American Indian Women AFRO 307 Research and Writing in Ethnic Studies AFRO 308 African American Males in American Social Systems AFRO 310 Black Women in America AFRO 311 Intracultural Socialization Patterns AFRO 314 Pan-African Dance and Movement AFRO 317 Black Politics AFRO 320 Black Political Thought AFRO 321 Grassroots Planning and Community Development in Minority Communities AFRO 322 Psychology of African Americans AFRO 324 Introduction to Afro-American Literature AFRO 325 African-American Religions and Spirituality AFRO 335 History of Racism AFRO 337 American Indian Religions and Philosophy AFRO 346 The African Experience AFRO 356 Afro-American Music Appreciation AFRO 357 Blacks in the Performing Arts AFRO 380 African American History from Reconstruction to Present AFRO 381 African Literature AFRO 385 Schools And Minority Grps AFRO 400 Res Writing In Ethnic Stu AFRO 405 Hollywood V. History: An Intrpretive History of Blacks Through Film AFRO 410 Black Athlete: Past, Present, Future AFRO 430 A Social Psychological Study in Ethnic Minority Behavior AFRO 457 West Africa And Diaspora AFRO 458A West Africa and the African Diaspora AFRO 458B Southern Africa in the 20th Century AFRO 458C African History Since 1935 AFRO 485 Educatn & Ethnic Minorities AFRO 490 Senior Research Seminar AFRO 496 Tutorial AFRO 499 Independent Study AMST 101 Introduction to American Culture Studies AMST 201 Introduction to American Studies AMST 300 Introduction to American Popular Culture AMST 301 American Character AMST 312 Multicultural Identities and Women's Experience AMST 318 Hollywood and America: Using Film as a Cultural Document AMST 320 Women In American Society (formerly 450) AMST 345 The American Dream AMST 350 Seminar in Theory & Method of American Studies AMST 377 Prejudice And American Culture AMST 395 California Cultures AMST 401T Proseminar in American Studies AMST 402 Religion And Amer Culture AMST 403 Telling American Studies: Creative Representations of Cultural Study AMST 404 Americans and Nature AMST 405 Images of Crime & Violence in American Culture AMST 407 American Humor AMST 409 Consumer Culture AMST 410 The Office: White-Collar Work and American Culture AMST 411 Doing Fieldwork In Amst AMST 413 The Shifting Role & Image of the American Male AMST 416 Southern California Culture: A Study of American Regionalism AMST 418 American Foodways AMST 419 Love in America AMST 420 Childhood and Family in American Culture AMST 423 The Search for Community AMST 430 Documentary Expression AMST 433 Visual Arts in Contemporary America AMST 438 American Minds: Images of Sickness and Health AMST 439 American Photographs as Cultural Evidence AMST 440 American Folk Culture AMST 442 Television and American Culture AMST 444 The Built Environment AMST 445 Cold War and American Culture AMST 447 Race and American Popular Culture AMST 448 American Popular Culture and the World AMST 449 The American West In Symbol And Myth AMST 450 Women In American Society AMST 460 Bohemians and Beats: Cultural Radicalism in America AMST 465 Culture American South AMST 468 Culture In Turmoil: 1960s America AMST 473 Sexual Orientations and American Culture AMST 476 Cultures of Early America AMST 499 Independent Study AMST 501 Theory and Methods AMST 502T Seminar: Selected Topics AMST 596 American Studies Teaching Tutorial AMST 598 Thesis AMST 599 Independent Graduate Research CPSC 103 Intro Personal Computing CPSC 120 Introduction to Programming CPSC 121 Programming Concepts CPSC 131 Data Structures Concepts CPSC 223H Visual Basic Programming CPSC 223J Java Programming CPSC 223N Visual C# Programming CPSC 223P Python Programming CPSC 231 File System Concepts CPSC 240 Computer Organization and Assembly Language CPSC 241 Low CPSC 253U Workshop In Unix CPSC 254 Software Development with Open Source Systems CPSC 301 Programming Lab Practicum CPSC 303 Multimedia Concepts CPSC 311 Technical Writing for Computer Science CPSC 313 The Computer Impact CPSC 315 Social and Ethical Issues in Computing CPSC 321 Hilv Language Concepts CPSC 322L Introduction To Computer-aided Design CPSC 323 Programming Languages And Translation (formerly 423) CPSC 332 File Structures and Database Systems CPSC 333 Introduction to Computer Security CPSC 335 Algorithm Engineering CPSC 341 Client Server Systems CPSC 351 Operating Systems Concepts CPSC 361 Software Design Concepts CPSC 362 Foundations Of Software Engineering (formerly 461) CPSC 375 Problem Solv Strategies CPSC 376 Client Server Syst Java CPSC 386 Introduction to Game Design and Production CPSC 411 Mobile Device Application Programming CPSC 423 Language Processor Tech CPSC 431 Database Systems CPSC 433 Data Security and Encryption Techniques CPSC 440 Computer System Architecture CPSC 451 Adv Operating Systems CPSC 457 Computer Communications CPSC 459 Microcomputer Software CPSC 461 Software Engineering Tech CPSC 462 Software Design (formerly 361) CPSC 463 Software Testing CPSC 464 Software Architecture CPSC 465 Computer Graphics CPSC 466 Software Process CPSC 471 Computer Communications (formerly 457) CPSC 473 Web Programming And Data Management (formerly 437) CPSC 474 Distributed Computing Using Web Service And .net Remoting CPSC 476 Java Enterprise Application Development CPSC 477 Introduction To Grid Computing CPSC 481 Artificial Intelligence CPSC 483 Data Mining and Pattern Recognition CPSC 484 Principles of Computer Graphics CPSC 485 Computational Bioinformatics CPSC 486 Game Programming CPSC 487 Advanced Game Programming CPSC 489 Game Development Project CPSC 491T Variable Topics in Computer Science CPSC 495 Internship In Computer Science CPSC 499 Independent Study CPSC 531 Advanced Database Management CPSC 541 Systems and Software Standards and Requirements CPSC 542 Software Verification and Validation CPSC 543 Software Maintenance CPSC 544 Advanced Software Process CPSC 545 Software Design and Architecture CPSC 546 Modern Software Management CPSC 547 Software Measurement CPSC 548 Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues for Software Engineers CPSC 551 Operating Systems Design CPSC 558 Advanced Computer Networking CPSC 566 Advanced Computer Graphics CPSC 583 Expert Systems Design Theory CPSC 585 Artificial Neural Networks CPSC 589 Seminar in Computer Science CPSC 597 Project CPSC 598 Thesis CPSC 599 Independent Graduate Research CPSC 904 Data Structure Algorithm CPSC 905 Pl And Compilers