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192 lines (192 loc) · 8.06 KB

File metadata and controls

192 lines (192 loc) · 8.06 KB
Feature Description Ind. RW EW
ts Time Stamp +
Ether_dst Destination Media Access Control (MAC) Address +
Ether_src Source MAC Address +
IP_src Source Internet Protocol (IP) Address +
IP_dst Destination IP Address +
WS_src WireShark Source Address +
WS_dst WireShark Destination Address +
pck_size Packet (Frame) Size +
Ether_type Ethernet Type +
LLC_dsap Logical Link Control - Destination Service Access Point +
LLC_ssap Logical Link Control - Source Service Access Point +
LLC_ctrl Logical Link Control - Control +
EAPOL_version Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAPOL) version +
EAPOL_type Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAPOL) type +
EAPOL_len Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAPOL) Length +
IP_version IP version +
IP_ihl IP Internet Header Length +
IP_tos IP type of service +
IP_len IP Length +
IP_flags IP Flags +
IP_Z IP Zero +
IP_MF IP More Fragments +
IP_id IP identifier +
IP_chksum IP Checksum +
IP_DF IP Don’t Fragment +
IP_frag IP fragmentation +
IP_ttl IP Time To Live +
IP_proto IP Protocols +
IP_options IP Options +
ICMP_type Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Type +
ICMP_code ICMP Code +
ICMP_chksum ICMP Checksum +
ICMP_id ICMP identifier +
ICMP_seq ICMP Sequence Number +
ICMP_ts_ori ICMP ConditionalField +
ICMP_ts_rx ICMP ConditionalField +
ICMP_ts_tx ICMP ConditionalField +
ICMP_ptr ICMP ConditionalField +
ICMP_reserved ICMP ConditionalField +
ICMP_length ICMP length +
ICMP_nexthopmtu ICMP Next Hop Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) +
ICMP_unused ICMP ConditionalField +
TCP_seq TCP Sequence Number +
TCP_ack TCP Acknowledgment Number +
TCP_dataofs TCP data ofset +
TCP_reserved TCP Reserved +
TCP_flags TCP Flags +
TCP_FIN FINished Flag +
TCP_SYN Sync Flag +
TCP_RST Reset Flag +
TCP_PSH Push Flag +
TCP_ACK Acknowledgment Flag +
TCP_URG Urgent Flag +
TCP_window TCP Window Size +
TCP_chksum TCP Checksum +
TCP_urgptr TCP Urgent Pointer +
TCP_options TCP Options +
UDP_len User datagram protocol (UDP) Length +
UDP_chksum UDP Checksum +
DHCP_options Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Options +
BOOTP_op Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) Options +
BOOTP_htype BOOTP Hardware Len +
BOOTP_hlen BOOTP Hardware Length +
BOOTP_hops BOOTP Hardware Options +
BOOTP_xid BOOTP Transaction Identifier +
BOOTP_secs BOOTP Seconds +
BOOTP_flags BOOTP Flags +
BOOTP_sname BOOTP Server Name +
BOOTP_file BOOTP Boot Filename +
BOOTP_options BOOTP Options +
DNS_length Domain Name System (DNS) Length +
DNS_id DNS Identifier +
DNS_qr DNS Query-Response +
DNS_opcode DNS Operation Code +
DNS_aa DNS Authoritative Answer +
DNS_tc DNS TrunCation +
DNS_rd DNS Recursion Desired +
DNS_ra DNS Recursion Available +
DNS_z DNS Reserved for future use +
DNS_ad DNS Authentic Data +
DNS_cd DNS Checking Disabled +
DNS_rcode DNS Response Code +
DNS_qdcount DNS The unsigned fields query count +
DNS_ancount DNS Answer Count +
DNS_nscount DNS Authority Count +
DNS_arcount DNS Additional Information Count +
sport_class Source Port Class (IoTDevID classing) +
dport_class Destination Port Class (IoTDevID classing) +
sport23 Source Port Class ( keep wellknown ports between 0-1023) +
dport23 Destination Port Class ( keep wellknown ports between 0-1023) +
sport_bare Source Port Number +
dport_bare Destination Port Number +
payload_bytes Payload size in Bytes +
entropy Payload Entropy +
Protocol WireShark Protocol +
sport Source Port Number +
dport Destination Port Number +
ID WS_src=>WS_dst +
pck_size_mean_6 RW (Rolling windows) packet size mean - Window size =6 +
pck_size_std_6 RW packet size Std. - Window size =6 +
ts_mean_6 RW packet time mean - Window size =6 +
ts_std_6 RW packet time Std.- Window size =6 +
TCP_window_mean_6 RW TCP Windows size mean - Window size =6 +
TCP_window_std_6 RW TCP Windows size Std. - Window size =6 +
payload_bytes_mean_6 RW Payload bytes mean - Window size =6 +
payload_bytes_std_6 RW Payload bytes Std. - Window size =6 +
entropy_mean_6 RW Entropy mean - Window size =6 +
entropy_std_6 RW Entropy Std. - Window size =6 +
pck_size_mean_9 RW (Rolling windows) packet size mean - Window size =9 +
pck_size_std_9 RW packet size Std. - Window size =9 +
ts_mean_9 RW packet time mean - Window size =9 +
ts_std_9 RW packet time Std.- Window size =9 +
TCP_window_mean_9 RW TCP Windows size mean - Window size =9 +
TCP_window_std_9 RW TCP Windows size Std. - Window size =9 +
payload_bytes_mean_9 RW Payload bytes mean - Window size =9 +
payload_bytes_std_9 RW Payload bytes Std. - Window size =9 +
entropy_mean_9 RW Entropy mean - Window size =9 +
entropy_std_9 RW Entropy Std. - Window size =9 +
pck_size_mean_2 RW (Rolling windows) packet size mean - Window size =2 +
pck_size_std_2 RW packet size Std. - Window size =2 +
ts_mean_2 RW packet time mean - Window size =2 +
ts_std_2 RW packet time Std.- Window size =2 +
TCP_window_mean_2 RW TCP Windows size mean - Window size =2 +
TCP_window_std_2 RW TCP Windows size Std. - Window size =2 +
payload_bytes_mean_2 RW Payload bytes mean - Window size =2 +
payload_bytes_std_2 RW Payload bytes Std. - Window size =2 +
entropy_mean_2 RW Entropy mean - Window size =2 +
entropy_std_2 RW Entropy Std. - Window size =2 +
dst_IP_diversity Number of Destination IP (by Source IP) +
dst_port_diversity Number of Destination Port (by Source IP) +
src_IP_diversity Number of Source IP (by destination IP) +
IP_add_count Number of Source IP (by destination MAC) +
pck_size_diff the size difference of consecutive packets +
pck_size_mean_WE EW (expanding windows) packet size mean +
pck_size_std_WE EW packet size Std. +
pck_size_sum_of_EW EW packet size total. +
ts_diff the time difference of consecutive packets +
ts_mean_WE EW packet time mean +
ts_std_WE EW packet time Std. +
ts_sum_of_EW EW packet time total. +
TCP_window_diff TCP Windows size difference of consecutive packets +
TCP_window_mean_WE EW TCP Windows size mean +
TCP_window_std_WE EW TCP Windows size Std. +
TCP_window_sum_of_EW EW TCP Windows size total. +
payload_bytes_diff Payload bytes difference of consecutive packets +
payload_bytes_mean_WE EW Payload bytes mean +
payload_bytes_std_WE EW Payload bytes Std. +
payload_bytes_sum_of_EW EW Payload bytes total. +
entropy_diff Entropy difference of consecutive packets +
entropy_mean_WE EW Entropy mean +
entropy_std_WE EW Entropy Std. +
entropy_sum_of_EW EW Entropy total. +
dport_sum EW Unique destination port number +
sport_sum EW Unique source port number +
TCP_FIN_sum EW FINished Flag +
TCP_SYN_sum EW Sync Flag +
TCP_RST_sum EW Reset Flag +
TCP_PSH_sum EW Push Flag +
TCP_ACK_sum EW Acknowledgment Flag +
TCP_URG_sum EW Urgent Flag +
TCP_ECE_sum EW ECE Flag +
TCP_CWR_sum EW CWR Flag +
sum EW all TCP Flags +
TCP_FIN_R TCP_FIN_sum/sum +
TCP_SYN_R TCP_SYN_sum/sum +
TCP_RST_R TCP_RST_sum/sum +
TCP_PSH_R TCP_PSH_sum/sum +
TCP_ACK_R TCP_ACK_sum/sum +
TCP_URG_R TCP_URG_sum/sum +
TCP_ECE_R TCP_ECE_sum/sum +
TCP_CWR_R TCP_CWR_sum/sum +
Label Packet Level Label +