The documentation by Sonatype is at
To create a new release, run the following in a terminal:
- mvn -P ossrh release:prepare
- mvn -P ossrh release:perform
Step 1 creates a git tag after committing a change to the POMs with a release version number. The user is prompted for the release version number and the next snapshot number. Numbering follows semantic versioning.
Two commits will be added similar to:
- [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dynamic-proxies-samples-1.0.0
- [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development
(To do a dry run without these commits, add -DdryRun=true
and to clean up after a dry run, use mvn -P ossrh release:clean
Step 2 sends the release to Maven Central.
Finally, update the parent POM version in the benchmark module to match the new snapshot release number. This module is excluded from the release so its version is not updated by the release plugin.
You must be registered with Sonatype in order to do a release.
Your user token can be found in your profile at
Signing of jars is done using a PGP private key, set up as described at
The bare minimum from this document is to run
gpg --gen-key
gpg2 --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys <keyid>
The following is required in ~/.m2/settings.xml. The gpg profile will prompt for a password for the PGP private key. The server element holds credentials for Sonatype.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
To ensure that the password prompting is done by the GPG agent, add
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
to ~/.zprofile or equivalent.
The release jar, sources jar and javadoc jar can also be found in the target
directory and can be rebuilt at any time by checking out the tag and running
mvn package
The release is done by the Maven Release Plugin.